Archives Lvl3 challenges.

My god did they even test these perhaps? Maybe i just suck maybe its a bug or something but these challenges are prolonglingly annoying.
Forget the difficulty i can see past all that but right now im currently on the "get 15 iridescents " and I've played up to 6 or 7 matches getting 2 or 3 iridescents emblems and its only marking one down. Its bad enough how unbelievably tedius it is just to reach iridescent but who tested these challenges.
Yes im salty
I’m literally halfway through it. Finished the entire killer track and it’s barely been a couple of days. I don’t like this campaign yall seem to be on. Some of them took a few tries but I got through it. You can too.
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Youre really going out on a stretch. "Campaign" do you even read? I said the difficulty isnt anything and I am making my way through it, its not a campaign when a something is broken and needs fixing. I've got 8/15 iridescents, but i couldve finished this challenge yesterday but guess what I didnt plenty of others didnt because its bugged and needs fixing. You beat it? Great glad you have plenty of time to sink into this game like the many others who keep saying "I already beat level 3 😂😂😂" doesnt make a difference and you can too is not a good argument.
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Iridescent challenge is bugged. It will be fixed when they launch the reworked challenges this week.
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Someone already brought that up but deleted their thread
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Here’s the announcement from the devs in case you missed it.
Edit: The link feature never works right on mobile. Sorry. Here you go:
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yeah these challenges suck, though the killer ones arent too bad imo.
the survivor ones though.... yeah have fun getting 2 saves in egc lol
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ive been trying to do this for days now no luck survivors keep DCing and throws the whole EGC out the window. Plus it doesn't help when survivors all rush the hook when a survivor is hooked and they get slugged and killed leaving me to do gens then they die and im stuck wasting my time and cant do the egc 😒
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Someone didn't read the thread 🙄