Dab Emote plz

I wanna dab on the killer.
just imagine: 4 survivors dabbing in the trapper as they run around in the exit gates
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No plz just no
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Yes plz just yes. Haha
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Actually there's already one specific character that can dab in exactly one specific map.
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i know you are talking about nurse but i dont know the map
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Only if killers can do it too
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Haha you're close as I'm talking about a killer but no, I'm not referring to the Nurse. I'll take a screenshot next time and upload it in this thread if I don't forget about it.
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No, this is supposed to be a horror game, adding a dab emote just kills the mood
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Dabbing is soo 2k18 what do you mean?
Also there isn’t any emote system in the game “yet” but it’s most likely gonna be a thing since it’d boost the profit.
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Little kids that are too young to be playing this game desperately want it to be like fortnite unfortunately.
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To be fair, this game is as much a horror game as COD is a military simulator.
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I hope people aren’t taking this seriously. I don’t ACTUALLY want a dab emote. I just thought the idea would be funny
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Or they can just add gestures that could be useful in a normal gameplay instead
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2k16* it’s just one of those cringy memes that lasted for too long.
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More emotes? Definitely. Dabbing? NO!
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I wish we could tell people to get back over here and fix the damage you did to the gen but then I think I'm better off.
I'd support dabbing if it left you exposed and moriable for a week.
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Oh please no!
if they go down that route, they might as well let killers have a “pffffstt” emote so survivors will know how ridiculous they look.
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Meanwhile, 2 women are screaming at a cat