Dc-s should have never been a vote button for nerfing a certain killer.

Seriously, if you keep DC-ing to Freddy or any killer you don’t like now, all you shall recive is a ######### ban. And that’s exactly what you gonna get from the next patch.
well if i dont like the match im in, i will kill myself on first hook
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IKR I’ve been busting out my forever Freddy build lately and survivors always dc as soon as they realize I have swinging chains and a red paint brush :(
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Also not sure about you but as one of your teammates I would Hate you if you “ukelele” yourself hook 1 I’m sure the devs will make it reportable past rank 15.
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When were DCs a vote button for a nerf? I don’t get it.
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yeah becouse im force to stay in match where my team do nothing and only hide in corners or trolling
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But due to survivor main's DCs they are basically forced to address some issues (like the old legion). Their lacking DC ban policy is also responsible to this practice.
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Well trolling and other activities that are game stalling should be reportable; however, if you have team mates like that I’m sorry for you.
I see that is an exception but the devs will have to crack down on it.
And the reality of this is once everyone starts suiciding on hook the devs will change something to counteract that( same thing with dcing).
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only time will tell, but in my opinion they wouldn't change it becouse killer get his kills
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Here's a rule (inspired idea by fromsoft brutal games) if one side DC more then punish/nerf them, so they don't, that way Devs can truly see what's going on better, they want to nerf killers that overperform but then you have farming games where results end up being messed up, then you have just bad gamers and poor match making which also alters the stats a bunch of us killers could easily stop killing and let you all escape, take the toxic backlash of us being "trash" then when all killers (especially the unfairly nerfed ones) has a poor rate hopefully we get a boost and then use that to destroy you all, killers has alot of sorrow to the consistent unfair nerfs that killers will enjoy giving you all a reason to cry I play both and survivor games are too easy cause of BS nerfs
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They were happy to see DC rates go down after nerfing Legion
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Legion, for one. Spirit started seeing it.
I'm pretty sure original Freddy also had massive amounts of DCs against him before he was gutted. I wasn;t around back then though.
Currently, Freddy is seeing it again.
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"Report - Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Killing Yourself on Purpose"
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it is the same sa if killer would camp survivor on hook till death so goping in your logic we should ban killer for camping aswell
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Camping is not a reportable offense. What I described is actually listed in the reporting form.
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Now you want to force people to stay on match they dont want to? Ok calm down... Thats not reportable and it wont be
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Check the report choices yourself. "Killing yourself on purpose" is listed as a reason.
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its a killer main can't you tell
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A Killer can't actually leave the match they don't want to play without DCing and being punished, so this idea of "people shouldn't be forced to stay in a match they don't like" is a load. :P
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@Peanits This is going to be the norm once the DC solution goes live.
How will you be able to account for this within your system and how will it impact the kill ratios that the devs focus on for balance?
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"They are stating facts about the rules! Its a KiLlEr MaIn! Reee!"
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Killing yourself on 1st hook is not aggainst any rule so...
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"Killing yourself on purpose" is straight-up listed under Unsportsmanlike Conduct when you bring up the reporting menu.
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It is though, technically.
And I quote:
Report this player for purposefully losing the game, not participating in or disconnecting from the game early to avoid defeat. Examples: AFKing, rage quitting, idiling and refusing to participate in normal gameplay.
Its not bannable but its definitely reportable.
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When ppl talk about OG Freddy nerfs, they typically bring up the load of negative steam reviews following his release about how hes OP and all you can do is loop him.
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To be fair, the issue (in my eyes, at least) is much less to do with people dying on hook after no one bothered to save them for the whole first stage and much more to do with people who get downed super quick and just saltily decide to repeatedly attempt kobes to get to the second phase where they can deliberately let themself die immediately.
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'refusing to participate in normal gameplay'
This one is quite... open for interpretations. If killer is chasing me and only me (one survivor in general), ignoring others, ignoring gens, just catching one surv, camping somewhere close to the hook and tunneling that poor bastard until he's dead, without caring about objectives being done... I think that should also count as 'refusing to participate in normal gameplay'.
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I just dc against a camper. Straight camper, too, just standing at the hook waiting for someone to rescue me and when they did, hit me, twice. So screw him, that's the only way I can express disrespect on the switch and I don't care what anyone thinks. It's lame, so yeah, I'll be lame right back
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Great. Just had same guy, same outfit, running exact same perks, comes right after me again. I just teabagged him and dc again. Don't care – ######### that guy
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Wait, can you block a player? That would be so much easier
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Is there an option allowing you try unhooking yourself? - Yes
Is there an option for not struggling? -Yes
So by design, I've been given choice. And why we demand punishment for that?
You put your ultra rare add-ons, offerings. Maybe planned your perks to capturing someone and basement camping, or mori someone off the hook. So you are mad people robbed you off that? Maybe they are mad, too. They didn't plan spending entire game looking at your face, or watching teammates doing absolutely nothing. So they use their right to unhook themselves and if they can't they choose not to struggle. There might be many counters for these situations, but you can't expect everyone to play the same way. Some chooses to quit a challenge, some enjoys that challenge.
I am all in bans for excessive DC'ers like they do now. But other than that, you can't force people to play in a game where they don't want to. It maybe sucks, but so is dealing with people.
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you are part of the problem and should face punishment its that simple! you dont even care about the team you left hanging did you?
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That's sounds so fun to play against.
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No but what you are doing is destroying the rest of the survivors chances to escape and possibly enjoy the match, enless its a spirit. Then I don't blame you
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and if you would read what i sad after my first post you would see i only do it when my team hiding in a corner and do nothing or if they are trolling. im not enjoy this type of matches so i just go to next one
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Watch Survivors get around this by just giving up on first hook. You thought the amount of bullshit nerf threads we have now is bad, they could easily multiply by a lot after the DC punishments are implemented. If the devs release stats after the next patch and they show Freddy with a 90% kill rate because of everyone giving up, the Survivors will lose their #########.
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No, that was ######### of me for not sticking it out for them. You're correct on that. Still, if the guy's targeting me I don't want to play future games with him. I never dc and I hate it when others do it too, but I do see certain scenarios when its just better than playing the remaining match