What's the mentality behind survivor's struggling on hook when the match is over?

Like I had the last two guys on their final hook just smashing struggle button despite the match already over. What's the point behind it? It just waste time for everyone left in the match and pretty sure the act of smashing space bar is a tedious for you. Are they letting me farm? Like if I was a Trapper I would just reset my trap over and over again?
bloodpoints, bish
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I want my points lol, it's nothing personal, you get more time to get some points yourself, it's not done in spite.
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Yeah BP.
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~1000 bloodpoints in a category that's guaranteed not to be filled, why not?
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Survivors get BP for struggling on the hook. If I'm a killer who can farm Deviousness points by myself, I appreciate when survivors do that so I can also get a few more BP.
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Interesting trivia.
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As the killer tho it's quite nice. They struggle mashing the button while you can just go break pallets, hit gens, close the hatch etc or just watch them struggle
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I want my struggle points lol
Also give the killer the chance to break pallets, close hatch, and other stuff :P
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I needs my bloodpoints, Every. Last. Drop.
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I love this picture too much... -steals-
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More points if I struggle...also if you find the hatch I’ll get an additional 250 bp. Also, time does play a factor when you’re in a match, so if I last just a few seconds longer, I’ll get even more bp. ALL THE BP!!!!
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Blood points and to waste your time
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Noo! Don't you, you...meme stealer!
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As others have said, many people do it for the struggle bloodpoints (although considering the amount of bloodpoints you get and the time it takes, it's not really worth it in that respect). Some will struggle on hook at the end just to spite you, because they're mad about being killed and want to waste your time.
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I will take what few Bloodpoints it gives me, thank you very much.
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Besides just blood points, the amount of time you are in the match also affects your devotion experience, which in turn affects leveling your rift. That ~60 seconds can add up if you use it.
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You may say it is not worth it, but my mentality says...
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The points you get for struggling are in the Survival category which you barely get any points in should you not escape the trial.
Its not to drag the game out or anything like that, I would just go and look for gens/pallets to kick; or use the killer power for some last minute points etc.
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You get more points by just queuing up for a new match lol.
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Bloodpoints for me too. Just under 1,000 BPs in the Survival category is enough to make it worth the effort.
It never occurred to me that it might be perceived as a spiteful action and I've certainly never meant it as one -- makes me wonder now if that's why some people beat me on the hook during struggle.
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Bloodpoints obvi.
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Not so fast! You activated my trap card!
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With queue times being 10-15 minutes sometimes? I’d rather secure some points by doing nothing but space bar.
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how do u find these lmao
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I mean if your don't see a high value in your free time and don't care wasting time brainless hitting spacebar instead of actually enjoying the gameplay so do you, go ahead :)
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Some do it for bloodpoints, others do it to spite the killer and some do it for both. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.
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The internet :) For that one i looked up Trap Card memes. Some i make up too though, but a good portion is all on the internet.
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More points.
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Not so fast, friend!
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Very well...
They are all over twitter
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I came to see the discussion, and I leave after witnessing a meme battle... god I love the internet
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As many have said, bloodpoints. It's not a lot but it adds up if you do it every game. If the killer was particularly annoying, then the extra time is just a bonus.
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This thread descended into meme degeneracy and its glorious
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Gettin dem blood points.
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Why I do it? To waste the killers time and bloodpoints
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It's supposed to be for acheivements, extra bloodpoints or to communicate to your team that the killer is camping the hook please don't come and unhook me
Lately, it's just an alternative DC. There's far too many people DCing, there's far too man people quest farming inappropriately (purpoesful unsafe hooking, purposeful noises, purposeful pallet drops in front of your team mates repairing a generator with no killer nearby, etc etc). Usually, after repairing a couple generators and watching the rest of my team dropping dead left right and center and running around like bafoons I will try and play the match as normal..but, you can bet your butt that I am struggling and not pressing A repeatedly so you can come grab me off hook during a chase and have us both die anyway, or so I can miraculously escape and repair the rest of the generators while you all chase crows, disarm traps that aren't in our way, drop pallets while not even being chased and continue to unhook the team unsafely.. no thanks. i'd rather just die and move onto the next match.Usually after 10 matches, the 11th one is good.
So sad :( 10 of 11 matches dc, troll, toxic, quest farming nonsense. mhmm.
not sure I will be buying the new expansion. After what happened with this developer's other game, deathgarden (which basically from what I can tell fell apart due to a lot of these issues) I am not sure I feel comfortable dumping money into a game that will be dead in a year. I'll be holding off on this purchase until after I get a feel of whether or not the patch updates fix a lot of these issues.
this constantly being stuck in rank 16 survivor nonsense due to garbage randoms and broken mechanics (body blocking hook does not work, locker stun the killer , just get grabbed, locker stun the killer while he is carrying team mate, can see the door go right through him and nothing happens, pig traps flying off head and exploding constantly, missing costumes/prestige items (fixed, but still), broken ranking system for survivor, broken quests that don't function.
It's all becoming too much. and what's even worse is the devs are catering to the people who cause these issues whining about killers , when said killers are not easy to play (spirit, nurse) and then they get nerfed and basically are garbage now.
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