Teleport the killer

No, that's dumb, that's such a nerf to killers that the game becomes unplayable for killers, and encourage players to follow the killer and encourage killers to never hook thus making it more difficult than it has to be, no, shame on you, I hope this is bait
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This is bait.
Move along folks, nothing to see here.
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I would ratter have chuck norris as a survivor with a perk that can be used once per match were you would kick the killer to the farthest corner. HEHE (i'm joking obviously... but it would have to be something like that if we had chuck norris as survivor.
That's just bad. Would be preferable to prevent bubba or hillbilly to use chainsaw near a hooked survivor. Because other than the chainsaw, a camping killer only requires good team work. And no, it's not a swf thing, I've done it some times with people I wasn't in comunication with. It's easier in swf but it's very doable with random people if their up for it. But against a chainsaw... impossible.
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Alternative idea, whenever the killer hooks someone, all survivors become exhausted, auras are revealed for the duration of the exhausted effect and you can't unhook while exhausted. Your idea is way to survivor friendly when we should be striving for balance my man.
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I agree wholeheartedly. What you said about a save from a chainsaw did remind me of a swf save a friend of mine did.
It was the end of the game with all but one of the gens done. I was being chainsaw camped by a Bubba and everyone else was still alive. My friend, who was working on the last gen with a random, decided to time the gen's completion to just after I was unhooked. He ran over, unhooked me, and we both went down. Then we proceeded to run like the mad lads we were when our Adrenalines popped. That Bubba DC'd. Good times.
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You said its too survivor friendly???
The Killers are op,, especially Freddy, it's unfair when a killer camps, Just because they are toxic and have no skill and they need to tunnel to get a kill
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It's important to not desire this change.
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What in the hell.
So if i want to check behind a tree/wall near the hook if i am convinced there's someone there, i can't ?
That's obviously a troll.
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We must join together in solidarity to protest this disgusting injustice.
(Seriously though, this is a joke, right?)
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Pretty dumb idea especially if you obviously see another survivor about to go in for the rescue.
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The devs have said over and over that camping is not punishable.
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Locking this, reasons being pretty obvious!