Stop asking for killer changes
Because BHVR will just nerf them.
DBD Players: Can you rework/Buff legion?
DBD Players: Please?
DBD Players: Yay!
BHVR: *Nerfs Legion* now dont you dare bother us with that again idiot. And if you do ask us again, we will nerf them again
Nurse Mains: *cowers in fear*
No. It's a multiplayer game. There will be and should always be updates to character balance. This includes going through and nerfing overpowered killers like Freddy and the spirit nerfs going live soon. They should also go through and nerf overpowered survivor perks like they did with balanced landing. They should also go through and rework most of the maps over time to make them feel more unique and fun to play on. The game will always go through changes or it will die.
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Balance landing isn't overpowered, if you think that you must strictly play haddonfield or something.
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I'm not even going to argue with you lmao. It's overpowered and everyone who's good at the game agreed that it was. That's why it's getting nerfed
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If you have an opinion then own it. Don't act like you speak for everyone.
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This game is survivor sided because that is the bigger playerbase
They don't care
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My statement was the way for me to say what I wanted to without insulting people and getting a ban. I fully stand by my previous statement
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It was kinda overpowered, I will miss old BL though.
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Most of the pros I watch were suprised by the balance landing rework. Most people didn't understand how that was nerfed before way more other overpowered perks but eh, I'm just a Unicorn what do I know?
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I mean you basically said anyone that doesnt agree with you is bad at the game. Thats is both insulting and uninformative. If you have a point to make by all means make it - dont insult everyone that disagrees with you because you cant articulate what youre trying to say
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I'm saying that anyone who is good at the game understands that Balanced landing was overpowered and needed a nerf. It's barely an opinion at this point. There are strong objective facts to argue that it was an overpowered perk. It's like the people who say that nurse wasn't overpowered or spirit wasn't overpowered. If they think that, are they really the kind of people you think are good at the game and have an understanding of the game? I definitely know that they are not. I'm not insulting anyone. I'm just pointing out that all the best players agree that it was overpowered and in need of a nerf. If you are in disagreement with the best players in the game, what would that make you? Good at the game? Obviously not
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Who are these "best players in the game" you keep referencing?
@Unicorn has said that most of the streamers they watch thought it was unnecessary. I'd imagine streamers (or at least the ones that play the game professionally) would surely fall under what you reference as "the best players in the game".
I'm not saying it was perfect before. It was, however, very situational. In fact it was almost useless on some maps. With the new changes its the worst of the exhaustion perks. Its too situational without any real benefit. Lithe and sprint burst have much more viability and arent tied down with specific situational usage. I feel that if the new BL had unlimited silent falls that would help hugely but as it looks like it stands its pretty garbage after the changes.
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Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't actually work like that. The developers don't nerf or buff things just because they're requested a lot. Player complaints may point towards a problem, but there's a lot more that goes into balancing decisions than just "the players said this so now we have to".
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Overpowered just implies that it's above the standard for balance. Balanced landing and Dead Hard were far superior exhaustion perks than the remaining ones. With dedicated servers Dead Hard is super sketch a lot of the time so you can't just use it to dodge hits reliably like you used to. It's for distance now. It's still great, but balanced was typically better if you wanted to try hard. If the perk were balanced, you would see more people running sprint burst or lithe or head in the try hard meta. You either have to make the argument that every one of those perks is underbalanced or you have to admit that balanced landing was overpowered. I definitely agree that other things could have been made a priority over balanced landing, but having more overpowered/problematic things doesn't make it not overpowered. The perk was clearly overpowered.
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You're pretty delusional. Not only is dead hard used more then balanced landing, it's also way more powerful and has a use in EVERY single map. Balanced landing is situational, and only god tier on haddonfield (maybe labratory if you get a good center setup)
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I never once said Dead hard wasn't overpowered. It's overpowered too. Balanced landing was also overpowered. They decided to nerf balanced landing because it was an easy nerf. Dead Hard nerf will not be easy to do. Sure balanced had some bad maps, but it was overpowered on it's good maps. They nerfed the overpowered aspect of it and it retains it's same functionality on the maps where it wasn't that great.
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They did nerf it. Its called dedicated servers lol.
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Stop cry abaut killer changes thx
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I don't understand why people really hate the BL nerf? The only thing you can't do anymore is abuse main buildings of any sort with the perk, and hills/harvesters don't make a difference cause they don't offer much with Balanced Landing besides the sprint boost. Just run off somewhere else.
I'm saying this as a survivor who mains BL and has for over a year, and I am fine with the changes.
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Removing the abusing of the stagger reduction isnt the issue. The issue is that the stagger reduction was the only thing that made it a mediocre exhaustion perk (its too situational to be good without it). If they added the noise reduction without exhaustion it would be moderately better but as it stands its going to be the absolute worst exhaustion perk (dedicated dead hard not withstanding). Balanced landing was only an issue on Haddonfield.
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Only on Haddonfield? I'm able to abuse Ironworks, Coal Tower, the boat, the pantry, ect.
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I had mentioned that in a previous comment of mine when talking about balanced landing. Other person decided to either ignore that or make their attack against me anyway. All good tho lmao
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Haddonfield, Grim Pantry, Crotus Pren, Red Forest, Ironworks, Coal Tower... there's probably more that I can't think of.
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The devs need feedback to change the game.
If people want changes, they’ll do it. Because that’s what /we/ want.
It is no longer the devs games. It’s OUR game. And they need feedback from us so that they can change our game.