
Ghost face is to op he can run,sneak,and one hit a survivor also, it only takes a couple seconds to be able too one hit .With the Shape at least he takes more time to be able too one hit. Its unfair every game with a Ghost face we lose with almost four gens and I've been playing for three and a half years. So please Nerf him he's the most powerful killer.
THIS IS SO TRUE! I loved playing dead by daylight I would recommend it to anyone who asked! Now I hate it they are making killers overpowered and easy to get four kills without even trying! Anytime someone asked about the game I tell them not to get it after they buy it anyways they even agree with me
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Em...kind sir, ever heard of a perk called "Spine Chill"?
It may seems very futuristic for you, but with that perk you'll be able to spot GF BEFORE HE'S EVEN IN LoS. Boom!
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Look at survivors coming for another killer 😂
Learn to play and be aware of you're surroundings and use perks like spine chill to help you, before you call a well designed killer op
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Here is an advice
And get out of rank 20 plz
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Let them, some people love to live in their bubble and loves to complain.
How dare you to suggest them to adapt and alter their favorite playstyle? You are a true monster! ;)
Every killer has clear weaknesses and you would know them, if you just play them a bit or inform yourself. But for many? Loud minority? this is too much to ask.
With game knowledge, halfway decent loop capabilities and map awareness you can face every killer. Some easier some provide a challenge, but none are uncountable.
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Ghostface is fine to me (surv. Main)
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#########, more people from steam dbd discussions are discovering these forums!
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I use spine chill instead of Adrenaline in my meta loadout, because of the undetectable change recently. It's such a good perk against nearly any killer except very loud ones like Billy or LF.
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Ghostface is nowhere OP, Ghostface is even easily beaten at red ranks.
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If you consider ghost face overpowered...I'd recommend practicing more
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And the best one !
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Gr8 b8
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you clearly have never played as him. he is not very strong. can easily get broken out of stalk..etc etc
this must be fake LOL
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3.5 years and you can't deal with Ghostface? Trust me when I say it's not him it's you. Ghostface is 100% more fair and fun then Myers ever could be. Use Spine Chill or Listen for him in stealth.
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I really hope this is a joke or something...
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It is a game created for killers, if they weren't stronger nobody would use them 😀
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First fix the reveal mechanics. Then we can start discussing what changes he needs.
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I agree with this. However, if they fix the mechanics, then I would argue he doesn't need changes for the time being, especially with the new iteration of Kindred being introduced. I say this because I ran into an awful lot of GFs who just hide near the hook while in shroud.
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OP created account to create this post and another account to agree with himself :D
That's impressive...and pathetic.
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GhostFace is countered by literally looking at him while hidden behind cover
Break LoS and it makes his day way harder than it is
He is not op
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"Ghost face is to op"
Spine chill and 360 camera: Imma bout to end this man's whole career
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Better, it's purely new whining account.
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Tldr, let's not start this ######### again.
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######### making killers overpowered ffs smh lmao.
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Don't worry it's clearly true killers shouldn't have any powers and should let survivors know where they are at all times
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The camera mechanic that alerts him to where a survivor is that just happens to be looking in his direction (whether they know he's there or not) is freaking ridiculous. Other than that, he's fine.