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Wraith backlash

Does anyone else have this problem when playing wraith where youll get comments for cheating for using the "all seeing" add-on as well as getting called a camper and tunneller because you go visable at the hook to someone unhooking after you just looped the intire map and saw them run to the hook yet when you use any other killer and do the exact same thing no one batters an eyelid. Personally after having a whole week of this i really cant bring myself to play wraith because hes simply no longer fun anymore because of this


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    I DID have someone complain a LOT about 10 matches ago about me having practically no Terror Radius.

    All i said was: "Add-ons".

    I had "The Ghost" - Soot on.

    They were suddenly very quiet. 🤣

    Other than that: No actually, i'm receiving very little complaints about my trials.

    Then again, i usually leave the Hook anyway cause Make Your Choice or Hex: Devour Hope.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Yep i dont use any hook perks and most of the perks im using atm have been absolutely terrible for wraith as of my luck in the bloodweb when i prestiged up

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Yeh i sometimes beat them very easily i had a game around 4 games back and a person was complaining that i tunnelled because they completed 2 gens by the time i had killed them all in which i replied with if i tunnelled then why arent these gens done, the guy still didnt give up saying that i tunnelled so i just ignored him after a while

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Well from my experience people just don't like going against Wraith because a lot of them are campers and hardcore tunnelers so they probably aren't complaining about the add-on but that you're playing a Killer a lot of ######### people play.

  • JHarsch
    JHarsch Member Posts: 41

    Playing my wife's game, with Legion, no experience with him whatsoever, got a 4K. Her rank is at 20, so they assume I'm a rank 20 player.

    "Typical Legion player"

    People are gonna cry no matter what. Whether you win or lose.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Yep my typical 'tunnel' as survivors call it normally lasts between 10 to 20 seconds from hitting them and they mainly get annoyed because ill rather go after them instead of go look for someone after i just hit them but with camping i never camp unless there as scratchmarks all over the place in which ofcourse im not gonna go anywhere if i can see someone else but i always leave the hook to go after said person

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    That's the problem, you're using a valid strategy and you're playing smart. They automatically see you as an ######### so anything you do will set them off, Leatherface gets this same treatment.

    You're not actually tunneling or camping, it's their fault for being stupid and making it obvious they're going for the save or are hiding there and won't leave. If they crowd around the hook then you have no reason to go anywhere, that's not camping because they're the ones forcing you to stay behind.

    I got the same kind of match with Clown and it was an ok match, they made it very easy to kill them as they were crowding around each other and I figured out real fast there would always be someone next to whoever got downed. Survivors will ALWAYS find something to complain about.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,156

    Funny you say that. I just had a Wraith who camped the basement and tunneled the hell out of anyone that got saved.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I have never gotten a message about any of Wraith's add-ons. Most players know Wraith has unique add-ons.

    That said, I understand why survivors don't like Wraith as it pertains to camping. From my experience, Wraiths tend to camp quite heavily, so I understand why there would be some frustration there.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Yea I was very surprised because these messages are usually from red rank survivors. The last time I was told I was cheating I just sent him messages of me laughing

  • I_Face_Camp
    I_Face_Camp Member Posts: 244

    You're really sick of playing a certain killer because of survivors mean comments? Oml

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    I actually have my own post exactly like this! Survivors are funny

  • HWP_BrEaK36
    HWP_BrEaK36 Member Posts: 15

    I have used these add ons and have not been called a camper or been reported I just leave the hook and patrol gens

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Xbox literally has the forced option of opening messages not from friends. It's a filtered message. If you're finding yourself at the hook you're not tunneling until you hit the person off hook 👍 so you're probably a tunneling camper, it's not often tunneler is called unless you're chasing everyone off the hook, that doesent constantly happen every game unless you're camping the hook. Don't like it, don't open the message or don't do it 😂

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    I had to go look because the name looked familiar 😂 you camp so hard. Walking around the hook is not leaving the hook around the map and you only go for the one off hook. I've had you as killer a few times. Imagine that, people upset at the way you play and you swear you don't but you do. I'm not sure why you're here looking for sympathy for things that are fully within your control. Xbox filters the messages so they aren't in your messages automatically except for the fact that you message and say GGEZ which it's very easy when you're standing on the hook. Try not being a toxic player first and second try to be honest when on the forum looking for support 😂

  • SafetyOff
    SafetyOff Member Posts: 68

    Because Kilĺer addons are broken.

    Survivors addons are a joke. "Your flash light is brighter and blinds longer" "reveals obsessions Aura to you" like actual jokes. Neigh useless addons that at not gaming changing. Meanwhile.

    Vs ######### like Mori, Ghostface Outdoor Security Camera- auras of all survivors outside terror radius revealed when you put marked survivor into dying state, Trappers Bloody Coil- traps auto injuring survivors, Freddys Black Box - obsession stuck in permanent dream world, Myers Judith's Tombstone- kill healthy or injured survivors in EW3, Huntress Iridescent Head- "inflict dying upon victim." The list goes on.

    The whole addon system is broken and they need to rework it into a non consumable system where you can choose your addon load out based on a 10point strength system.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    You shouldn’t let it bother you. Play the game how ever you want. Survivors will take advantage of every single obstacle that they could, which is why they SWF. Even if you do camp, it’s not your fault that they fall for it.

    i intentionally camp when I have the add on that makes my bell silent. I love it when they walk into me and take a second to realize I’m right there. It may not be fun for the survivor, but so the survivors care about the killers happiness when they loop a killer for 4 gens? Do they care when they coordinate with their friends over discord and repeatedly stun the killer after leading him to a locker? Do they care how the killer feels when they blind him with 3 flashlights? Do they care how the killer feels when they realize they can’t hook because a survivor sabotaged a hook?

    No, they don’t. Have fun and don’t care about what they feel as long as you’re not hacking or abusing the game.

    Also, show mercy to shirtless David’s and Blendettes. They’re precious and need to be loved and petted.

  • DeadByGayDwight
    DeadByGayDwight Member Posts: 58

    As an Xbox player and a Plague, Nurse and Hag main, I completely see where you're coming from. But please don't give up on a fun killer like Wraith just because some Survivors are legitimate crybabies over add-ons. Play the game however you want. Don't care about how they feel. Facecamp and tunnel till your heart's content, if that's what you want to do. It's not your responsibility to internalize their constant whining.

  • PrissyCoyote
    PrissyCoyote Member Posts: 10

    Ok first off, yeah people have problems with the add-ons and wraith in general because they can't see where you go or are, so they automatically think you are camping. Second I play both sides but when I'm survivor the entire time I'm looping the killer for several gens I want him to stop because I feel bad there are times I intentionally mess up to just end the chase and get hooked. When I play killer I don't camp or tunnel I refuse to, but i still get messages about doing so, I let the hooked person run and if I do hit them by accident I leave them on the ground to look for others. Yeah I gen proxy but not hook proxy and that's what they complain about.

  • Diligentgore
    Diligentgore Member Posts: 1

    It happens with all killer's not just wraith, well for me that is. Later on survivor mains will be crying for a nerf

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Any killer that doesn’t have a terror radius rustles the survivors jimmies. They like being prepared and having time to get to loops.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    Never happens to me, did you went for the person on the hook? I see no reason for a complain otherwise, i only went for the person on the hook if survivors do instant saves within my terror radius, not gonna give them safe hook if they being disrespectful

  • slippin9668
    slippin9668 Member Posts: 17

    You know it’s just when survivors get killed they get salty. I play Xbox an get accused of cheating all the time. It’s just they need to play better not get mad at people actually playing by the rules. Don’t let them get to you. I don’t. 😂😂. An I main survivor lol.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    But i dont say GGEZ i wont message someone until they message me but even so ive only been playing wraith for a week and a bit straight im mainly a survivor main as well as i play legion and hag of the only time im mainly around the hook is when im hitting the gen then leaving and when i hit a guy that has been saved i always look around the area because ill rather go for the person that saved you because ik ds is a thing that everyone uses at my rank the only time i went to go for the person that had just been saved because i probably had one of those stupid weekly challenges which im really starting to hate atm

  • In response to the OP, it seems that many more people become agitated when I play wraith than other killers. I believe the issue is that the Wraith is a killer that you always need to be on the lookout for while other stealth killers have easier counters to their stealth element (Myers - break LOS, Pig - run away while she's crouched, etc.). I think many people get upset when they feel like the killer gets a "free" hit on them while they weren't paying attention.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Um a totally you can avoid those messages on xbox. Now with messages on xbox if they aren't on your friends list it goes into a separate folder and there is a little option to not get a notification from non friend messages. Easy

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Yeh but im at the point that i get medsages from my friends daily so everytime i get one its instict to hold the xbox button to open it

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Yep yet survivors dont realise thats wraiths whole thing hes one of those killers you have be looking around for like my favourite tactic is hitting someone chase them for 5 seconds go invisible and head back to a gen and because people think im in a chase they dont realise until spine chill lights up or see him faintly or hear his bell which is why people assume your camping as him because they cant see so obviously if they cant see you you're instantly camping

  • Not much you can really do about a person's initial judgement of a killer. I've had times where I've played against P3 Claudettes and expected them to do the normal routine of flashlight clicking, tbagging, etc. Turns out they played very well and were good sports win or lose.

    A thing you can do is be the shining example of a good Wraith killer. Sure, not everyone will be happy regardless of how you play ("You camped" even while you were halfway across the map). Also, people are naturally feisty when it comes to competitive games (Us VS. Them mentality), so don't take it too seriously.

    I personally like to try to make the game fun and challenging for everyone, even if it means losing a pip or having someone toxic in the endgame chat say "GG ez". Just brush it off and have fun playing the game how you like it.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited December 2019

    It always does give me a good laugh after coming back from a long break and then being ranked with inexperienced players that accuse me of wallhacks.

    When I point out I have BBQAC and Whispers they don't listen. I get reported anyway. Oh well. It's funny anyway and easy games for me.

    Just ignore them.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    No im mainly just bored of playing him because its simply not worth the hassle tbh especially with the disconnects everytime i use the silent bell ill get atleast 1 disconnect per 2 games and with the all seeing i had a game where 2 people disconnected and the other one just straight killed themselves on the hook whilst the last guy got the hatch i dont want to be wasting add-ons just for people to disconnect and call me a cheat

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Haha i use both these perks on my wraith mainly bbq atm as havent been able to acquire whispers yet as i recently prestiged up im in purple rank its normally purple and green rank that try give me hassle acting like they're our god and we must do what they say

  • Orchid
    Orchid Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2019

    I got completely destroyed by a wraith that was just too good but meh, what can i do about it, it means i am bad, not the wraith. Even if he was using the all seeing.

  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147
    edited December 2019

    You can turn the notifications OFF if they go into the other folder, like someone else said - or go into your settings and only have it so friends message you... You could even just delete them without reading 🤷‍♀️

  • deadbodyman62
    deadbodyman62 Member Posts: 43

    People cry about anything. It's a game you paid for, play it how you wanna play it. Ans If messages cant be avoided just ignore them.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Yeah those challenges are bringing out the worst in everyone and I feel you, on Xbox I check messages because I have killers link up to do tomes and dailies and want a survivor friend to go in with. We definitely won't please everyone no matter what. Let them escape you get messages about being trash, kill them also trash, hit them tea bagging at the exit with NOED and noob trash too, list goes on. Just remember their name, you'll play them again, then face camp them lol. I play both killer and survivor and I get tons of hate mail both ways. Mines usually because of noed end game and nothing pleases me more than someone tea bagging thinking my hit will send them running out the exit only to down them and watch the other 3 leave them behind fast 😂.

    If you ever wanna link up on a swf and die with me ign is the same tag as here for Xbox.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Wraith is easily my favorite killer to play and one of only 3 killers that I can get consistent kills at red ranks with.

    That being said, He's also the only one out of those 3 that I don't get a bunch of messages about. People just play and move on when I pick Wraith. This is the first I've heard about any sort of "Wraith Backlash".

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404
    edited December 2019

    First off. Mori's are offerings, not addons. Two, every single killer addon you mentioned is rare or better. And do you HONESTLY think killer addons should be equal to survivor addons? Like seriously? The SINGULAR KILLER should have addons on the same level of individual strength as the FOUR SURVIVORS. That makes perfect sense. And you left out the fact survivor addons uses to be way stronger. Instant blind flashlights, old BNP, instant heals. Survivor addons were nerfed for a reason. They were bad for the health of the game. I'm sure mori offerings are next, so you can chill out. Oh and you also left out the fact that killer addons are always consumed (unless you use a black ward) but I've been using the same toolbox for the last few trials. Keep acting like survivor addons are useless. Maybe one day I'll believe you.

    And of they do a "pick ten" system for addons and remove their consumable nature, ######### are you going to spend blood points on? Youre only going to be left with pretty much offerings and perks. I am so glad you aren't a developer.

  • SafetyOff
    SafetyOff Member Posts: 68

    Yes singular killer who has the ability to kill people. Vs 4 survivors who can only run. Doesnt mean the killer is justified in having overpowered addons. Just because it is 4 v 1 does not mean the dynamic is fair.

    Just because survivor tools and addons can be refused, does not mean Killers should just get free 4ks cause they can equip overpowered addons.

    Killers are busted, only reason theyre not nerfed is because SWF is more busted than the killers.

    So solo survivors just get stomped by a competent killer.

    The point of the 10 point system is so that addons can be balanced competitvely instead of being RNG and no one knowing what survs and killers bring.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited December 2019

    Never been called a cheater unless I guess a spot where a survivor might be, but didn't have Aura reading.

    But have been called a camper plenty, I think they assume you are camping soon as you go invisible. It's funny, but don't listen to them.

    Regardless of if you camp or not, it's not up to them what you do, if you gotta stick around the hook, then do so. If you feel like you want to hunt for someone else, then do so.

    Your the boss :D

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    People are sore losers, just if it's them. Hell today I was called try hard trash after slugging for a 4K, whereas all the Survivors it's were running SC, DH, Adrenaline, and Spine Chill.

    I was also playing Spirit, so add in that hatred filled source lol

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I don't have this problem because I typically have messages blocked so only friends can send me messages. I'm just over the salty players. They can scream themselves hoarse. I won't hear or care.