What is the Worst Feel Bad Moment in Dead by Daylight?
What is the Worst Feel Bad Moment in Dead by Daylight? 182 votes
Getting face camped and tunneled ten times in a row.
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As survivor carrying your team (gens & saves) then getting one hooked
... god, reading that is depressing.
Why do we play this game?
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Looping the killer for what should’ve been five gens but no gens get done
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Killer - 3 people making an escape with a Key
Survivor - Having a teammate DC/force a one hook out of saltiness shortly after the match starts
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We are masochistic fools. Nah, the fun times outweigh the feel bads, nothing like the adrenaline rush DBD gives you.
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As killer watching the BM player get hatch
The damn BM hatch really triggers me more than anything.
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As survivor carrying your team (gens & saves) then getting one hooked
Good ol’ Hex: Ruin will always make that the case when playing with potatoes.
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As survivor carrying your team (gens & saves) then getting one hooked
Why are we still here just to suffer?
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Essentially the “other”option
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As survivor getting farmed/camped/tunneled
Getting farmed camped and tunneled definitely makes me wanna quit some times
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All of them.
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As survivor carrying your team (gens & saves) then getting one hooked
lol I think the masochistic fools bit might be on the money.
But no, you're right, this game has its moments. Every once in a while I pull off something glorious and it's like, "Woohoo! Everyone gimme a high five!"
I think one of the most feel bad moments in the game is being an amazing teammate, cleansing four totems, and then dying to NOED. Bonus points if it's my first hook and/or I'm the only one to die that round.
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As killer watching the BM player get hatch
It sucks when a bm survivor manages to escape with tgeir poor manners.
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As killer watching the BM player get hatch
It's this, or 2-3 gens going off after one bloody chase.
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For me, as a killer main, it's when you start a game, and at least 2 gens are repaired at the same time before you even find the first survivor to go after, and you realize you're dealing with a strong group who knows how to get stuff done quickly, who then proceed to all escape, and teabag you at the gate just to rub it in.
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Been there. This scenario is why I run NOED. Call me whatever name you want, I don't care. Sometimes you just have a bad game and NOED can turn it around. Survivors will inevitably try to make you feel bad when you use it. But it and Blood Warden are the Killer's second chance perks. The survivors who are most likely to try and judge you use Decisive Strike, Self Care, Adrenaline, Flashlights, Insta Heals... ect.
Point is that both sides have "oopsie" perks to rectify mistakes. But for some reason Killer's are "bad" for using theirs. Lol.
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Getting 1 or more disconnects as a killer when playing fair and really well. Then receiving a black pip or loss of a pip due to not meeting the point requirements.
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Having to hit the space bar for DS BEFORE it gets to the skillcheck.
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When they spawns on ruin.
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Where's the watching a recently downed survivor get insta-healed option?
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The “other” option
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As survivor watching that STUPID Claudette Self Care while you are going into struggle
The Self-Care one most definitely. That is the best killer perk in the game.
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As killer watching all 4 survivors escape
I'm a practical fellow; even if the BM player got the hatch, I call it a win if I got a 3K.
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As survivor watching that STUPID Claudette hide around the outskirts of the map
Just generally being screwed over by teammates who have no business playing so moronically at their rank. It's why I try to avoid playing solo.
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When I loop the killer for five gens and then getting downed with NOED
When I see a black ward or blank killer offering.
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As killer watching the BM player get hatch
Now i hear the whole speech!
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As a console killer:
missing a hit because of the low aim sensitivity or bad FPS.
Playing nice and clean against toxic SWFs that will BM you at the exit gate eventually.
when I see a “Strode Key” offering
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As survivor watching that STUPID Claudette Self Care while you are going into struggle
I hate my team mates more often than killer and their playstyle.
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As killer getting looped for multiple gens
But it turns in to feel GOOOOOD when they end up close 3 gening themselves!
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Getting 4k without earning adept achievement, cause you was genrushed as if there is no tomorrow.
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As killer watching all 4 survivors escape
Only happens when I play Demogorgon for some reason
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Getting your Devour Hope cleansed after 1-hitting someone, but before you start killing them. 😭
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As killer watching the BM player get hatch
they dont deserve it, they just got lucky and in end chat they act like they totally outskilled you with that hatch spawning right next to them and taunt you.
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As survivor carrying your team (gens & saves) then getting one hooked
Been there, done that plenty of times before. Still sucks really bad when it happens. Hurts more if NOED isn’t even being used.
If I were to give my take from the killer side of things I’d definitely say seeing any hex totem spawn literally opposite or beside a generator. Bonus points if it was where the survivors spawned... at the other end of the map...
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As a survivor watching a face camp in the early game. The killer won't get better and it just makes it a bad time for everyone.
As a killer I'm in awe/impressed with people that outloop me. I actually enjoy it and give kudos. For me as killer the bad feels are instaheals (undoing the last minute of work sometimes) and tbag.
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Memeing with the only other survivor only to watch her run towards the killer and die.
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How can you be impressed by running in circles using your smaller hitbox for tighter loops than the killer can with their larger hitbox?
If anything you should be impressed by killers who win the loop because the geometry and math were working against them.
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All of the above.
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As killer losing a hook due to a blind/pallet/sabo/block
This only because it happens when with a toxic SWF group. Nobody else is able to time these right.
The worst experience I've ever had in game was when everyone left via hatch and I couldn't find it, denying everyone the hatch achievement against a baby nurse. I felt so bad for my teammates...
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As killer watching all 4 survivors escape
Nea and claudette p3 They have destroyed my soul more than once with tbag and flashlights :(🎃
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As killer watching the BM player get hatch
I'm not going to lie, I don't get mad at this game often. But this ^ particular thing that happens from time to time usually makes me think that I probably shouldn't play the game at that moment in time.
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As survivor carrying your team (gens & saves) then getting one hooked
Every god damn game....
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When the killer hooks absolutely no one (all solo queuing) and the whole team escapes. But you see in the Endgame that you just escaped a Rank 20 killer probably playing his 5th game and never had the map before :(
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As survivor watching that STUPID Claudette Self Care while you are going into struggle
In general watching anyone self care or do nothing while you go into struggle on first hook. This combines with option 3 usually. I swear, the more you carry a team the more likely you are to die on first hook.
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As killer watching all 4 survivors escape
Watching all of them escape and subsequently getting told for being a bad player (GG ez pussykiller l2p you're trash etc.) .
In situations like these I wish post-game chat never existed in the first place.
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Does it though lol
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As killer watching the BM player get hatch
Wait to play a game for more than 5 minutes
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Honestly I feel that all of these are the worst moments....Also I’m a Claudette main XD
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As survivor watching that STUPID Claudette Self Care while you are going into struggle
Self-care is the real killer