Updaaaatttee!! Tooodaaayyyy!!

Nemesis and BoP nerf incoming hype! /s
Or a Legion nerf lol
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^^^^ YYYEEESS!!! even more HYYPPPEE!!
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Was right about the last bit. Deep Wounds/Legion got a huge nerf no longer goes down while sprinting.
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Anything about Legion? Or will they get a fix in a hotfix, at least regarding BoP and Nemesis?
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Nemesis has counterplay and bop takes 40 seconds to down someone so i dont think they need a fix when theres killers that can down faster in that time.
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Its already in there. If you're running the timer stops forever.
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Bill gets a free ugly sweater? And no massive nerf to Oni, his perks, or Yui's perks? Thank the Entity!
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Ouch...... Should we just bury The Legion at this ponit?
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Band-aid fix, but this one works, finally. Fixes interactions with even Freddy!
Deep Wound: Deep Wound timer will no longer go down when Sprinting or Mending. Deep Wound is no longer connected with the Killers terror radius.
interestingly looks like none of the legion changes went through...which im 50/50 on because legion needed the buff side of the changes, and would have been fine without the compensation nerfs if speed was buffed. Unless I'm missing this section on the patch notes.
Edit: nevermind, it's still there. legion will be even worse.
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Deep Wounds now pause while sprinting or mending rather than while you're in the terror radius. That way we can keep the perks the same while also dealing with the Oblivious/Undetectable issues with other killers (i.e. Freddy, Pig, Wraith, etc.)
Short version is, the vast majority of the time, nothing changes. They still can't sit on a generator instead of mending. But you won't be able to hide your terror radius to get a free down with no counterplay.
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So legion gets more nerfs because he cant use the basic attack perks anymore and didnt even get nemesis which all you had to do was not stun him with the pallet *clap*
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- Fixed an issue that caused medkit healing not to count towards the Wounded Healer trophy.
- Fixed an issue that caused trophies measured in percentages to reset when the user rebooted the application.
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With the change to deepwounds, those perks are no longer an issue. The speed a legion could down someone is irrelevant, the problem people had with it is that it just put every chase on a time limit. The idea of no matter how good you were as a survivor or how much you outplay the killer, you're gonna go down after X amount of seconds is never gonna work.
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Ok, thanks for the info. Also, why does Bill in particular get a free ugly sweater? Was it something Valve wanted?
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Sadly the other changes to legion still gut them, and all feedback was that this was the case. :/
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Yeah but they also removed his synergy with all his other perks so you cant even really play him anymore. He lost sloppy stbfl nemesis bop dark devotion legion is even dead which was niche at best. So why play legion right now?
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so yep legion is utterly garbage now the worst killer in the game.
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Lol anyone who complains about them finally changing deep wounds so BT isn't countered by freddy and stealth killers for existing just wants to get downs for zero effort.
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Anyone who thinks this already thought it before so nothing has changed for you.
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Wasnt the counterplay to nemesis though to just not stun the legion which you dont wanna do anyway since legion stuns themselves for longer when the power runs out or they mess up? Also you guys killed his other synergies so what you expect us to do with him?
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Thank god the dev team figured out a way to change this without touching the perks.
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whats the counter play to survivor spawning on top of Ruin with no way of stopping it??
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Sure, once you know they have it, which would likely mean going down with nothing you can do to prevent it the first time it happens. That wouldn't prevent Beast of Prey, though. Rather than messing around with specific perks and making sure they work with Deep Wounds on a case by case basis, we opted for a solution that covered all instances where it could be abused.
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Not relying on Ruin.
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thats funny
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what are you even talking about? as long as the unhooker is asleep BT don't work in Freddy's world because Freddy doesn't have TR, he has a lullaby.
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woot woot! Leatherface finally on the switch so Im assuming everything that comes along with it? Map etc?
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Them reducing Mend time still makes no sense, as well as nerfing Legion's Blade more.
But whatever, the rest seems good.
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If the unhooker gives them BT, they still go down if the freddy decides to continue chasing them...well, no longer. I wasn't talking about not being able to use it, but abusing the DW status for a free down.
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Idk, removing basic attack effects from FF seems like a hard nerf for no reason.
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Leatherface never had a map
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Well that one actually has reasoning, it's for the sake of consistency when it comes to what is and isn't considered a 'basic attack'.
The reduction on mend time I haven't seen a good reason for.
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If you think about it they gave a bit of a buff even if it's super tiny since survivors can't do gens in your TR no more
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if the unhooker is awake and makes the save yes that will be how it works... but if the unhooker is asleep BT wont trigger at all, which imo is how it should be.... it actually gives incentive to wake up.
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Which doesn't make sense when you consider other things that are counted as a basic attack, such as Nurse blink attacks.
Removing a killer's ability to use perks efficiently when they're already struggling for 'muh consistency' is just lazy balancing, as DW previously being affected by TR was.
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Lookin' at the positives, I respect it.
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Exactly. I'm not arguing against the sleeping affecting BT saves; just that up until the new patch, because of lazy balancing surrounding DW, if someone had BT on them, they went down anyway, as on getting hit, they went to sleep. It removed the whole point of an anti-tunneling perk. (I also found it funny that this happened with styptics too, not bothered about that one though lmao)
Idk if I was unclear before, sorry if I was. I was always referring to the DW side of things, seeing as nothing else got changed with regard to BT.
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1.7 GB. Oooof.
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Hmm people are getting a 1.7 gb update, but for me it's 2.1 gb????
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You must be getting an extra killer CLEARLY, lol
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Lmao now you say it, this did happen with ghostface didnt it? Some people accidentally got a dev build with some of his assets in lol
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Maybe not the same platform ?
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oh man I'm going to have to test the styptic in this update! and no we're on the same page, I like the change for how it interacts with freddy's world, getting it to proc with him near by is kinda hard especially if he's camping, plus it's consistent across the board.
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Nah, other people on steam have 1.7 too. weird stuff!
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incoming leaks!!!!
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I was just joking... check your KYF mode to see if theres extra perks...
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Exactly; nothing has been more disheartening than me playing it smart to get from the alarm clock to the save into a tight unhook on the game with the freddy camping, for him to get them down again in two seconds anyway. As a Freddy main, I'm glad it's changed