Why play oni over billy now?

Now that the devs removed the flick, the only real thing giving Oni a chance to keep up with billy, what's the reason to even play him now?
Maybe you like Onis. 🤷♂️
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wouldn't be the first time people have gimped themselves for the aesthetic
people still play legion because they think he "looks cool"
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they didn't remove the flick, they reduced the turn ratio so he can not do a 180º turn
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Cant fault the logic...
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It depends how much you can flick now. If its up to 90°, he'll be fine.
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What's a flick?
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I haven't been able to try I'm since I'm on console but personally I'm excited to be able to Sprint around the map without getting stunned every time I look at a tree.
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Flick means to turn the camera last second while using a power like Billy's or Oni's. It can catch survivors off guard.
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He's got a big stick that's why
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He still has greater control during his dash (he can strafe), a shorter charge time for his attack and greater control while attacking, and more tracking while outside of his power. You could also make a case and say that the survivors are more likely to spend time healing to avoid you getting your power.
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i WISH you would have removed the strafe (because it looks wrong, like its glitching) but let the flick! I miss old billiy with the flick SOOO much! Nowdays people are 360°-ing Billy (atleast they try). Make Hillbilly flick again!
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tbh I he wont be better than billy, I think the best way to play him is a slug build, deer stalker, knockout, infectious, ruin etc due to the limitations of his power and such
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Its true that he was very powerful in PTB and needed tweaking. Yet they ended up nerfing him in every single aspect and now his power feels so scuffed, you have to waste so much time building power and get 1 down if survivors are half decent.
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His power is more effective in loops compared to billy. His neutral charged lunge in blood rage is akin to a demo lunge but can instant down and has better turning. Only thing is that it's a lesser distance I believe and it could be a tiny bit slower in movement. Still effective at shack and several pallet loops with relatively straight walls.