Perk rework ideas

Just gonna get straight into it. These are all the perks that I think need a buff or rework. Every other perk in my opinion is good. Let me know opinions and what perks you think need buff, nerf, or rework.
Beast of prey - should also make it so you gain blood lust 30/40/50% faster
Cruel limits - increase the range from 24 meters to 32 meters
Hex: thrill of the hunt - it should show the killers a little icon above the hex totems letting killers know which totem is for which hex perk. So you'll be able to see which totem is ruin, devour hope, and all the rest. That way you can see which totem you should protect more.
I'm all ears - decrease the range from 48 meters to 36 meters and decrease the cool down to 40/30/20 seconds
Insidious - make it so it doesn't work within 24 meters of hook survivor but the undetectable status from insidious last for 6/8/10 seconds after standing still for 2 seconds
Iron maiden - increase exposed timer from 15 seconds to 20 seconds and increase aura revealed time from 3 to 6 seconds
Monstrous shrine -
Overwhelming presence - should also make items 30/40/50% less effective
Play with your food - you should only lose tokens when you hit obsession or put a survivor in dying state
Predator - make it so scratch marks last 1/2/3 seconds longer
Surge - should be able to stack with pop goes the weasel
Territorial imperative - no cool down, survivors auras are shown to you for as long as they are in the basement. When surviors leave basement you can see their aura for 3 seconds
Zanshin tactics - increase range from 24 metres to 32 metres
Any means necessary - remove the cool down. Or rework it so that the perk should either reinforce pallets making it so pallets stun are 1/2/3 seconds longer and takes 1/2/3 seconds longer to break (can play around with numbers and all). Obviously to reinforce you would to do a action on it that takes around the same time to heal. Or the perk should allow you to fix broken pallets, but you can only fix broken pallets once per pallet.
Better together - increase aura range from 32 to 48 metres
Borrowed time - unlimited uses and work for both hooked survivor and survivor unhooking (only if the unhooking survivor is injured)
Buckle up - should have unlimited aura reading range
Decisive strike - if its activated it should be able to stop a mori and give another chance (used to counter mori's now mori's are too strong)
Distortion - shouldn't start with any tokens, build up tokens for every 30 seconds within terror radius or in Chase and decrease the timer from 10 to 6 seconds.
Diversion - decrease timer from 45 seconds to 30 seconds
No mither - should start fully healed, killer can't see the broken symbol, and only adrenaline can heal to full
Open handed - increase the range to 8/10/12 metres
Premonition - reduce cool down to 60/40/20 seconds
Slippery meat - greatly increase the wiggle progress every time killer drops you also increase chance to unhook yourself by 5/10/15%
Solidarity - work with or without medkit
Up the ante - not so much a buff to the perk but more to luck. Luck should increase the chance for you to find rarer items in chest and with those items having add-ons
Vigil - makes debuffs 10/20/30% less effective also reduces the cool down timer of perks by 10/15/20%
Shoot forgot monstrous shrine. I honestly don't know how to rework it other then make the struggle timer 10/20/30% shorter and only give one attempt to escape with a penalty to struggle if failed.
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I agree with the majority of these suggestions however I'm strongly disagreeing with the insideous suggestion because it makes a niche perk pretty much unusable in positions where it would form the basis of your killer strategy.
Perks like Buckle Up and overwhelming presence need reworks because they're way too worthless.
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Know nothing for Monstrous Shrine, eh?
Well, the discussion IS called "rework".
So why not make it something else?
Monstrous Shrine is a name that moreso tells me it's something related to Totems.
So maybe try an idea around that? ;o
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I understand, I threw out an idea. I do believe insidous does need to be rework or something because of camping. Which is weird to have a perk that encourages camping but then they punish campers.
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Monstrous shrine - Gain a token for each basement hook you acquire. Each token represents 2 seconds where the entity will block off both exit gates once a survivor is within 24 meters of either exit gate. (Max tokens 4,5,6)
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I did write it in my comment because I forgot to in original post. Also I wrote in post that ots rework, buff, and or nerf.
The description for the perk is all about the basement. So I tried to work with that. I said maybe make it so it rewards putting survivor in basement. Decrease the struggle timer by 10/20/30% and only give one chance to unhook yourself with a great penalty to struggle if failed
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So almost like remember me and blood warden combined?
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That does sound interesting though, Not gonna lie.
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I think the thing that needs to be focused on is the basement hook incentive in return for a reward later on. Some cruel end game builds are always fun for both sides.
A possible 12 seconds blocking the exit gate, followed by remember me when you finally get to it, noed for the lethality and bloodwarden to top it off. Makes wake up more useful and doesn't automatically make the killer unstoppable, it just delays the instant opening of gates after the last gen.
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Okay yeah I agree. Idk if it should affect the endgame because we have a couple of perks for endgame already, unless you make its so every time you hook a survivor in basement you get a token, for every token you have the endgame collapse timer is reduced by 10 seconds. With max tokens possible before killing survivor is 11 meaning 110 seconds shorter for endgame collapse.
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Wait until you hear my Shutdown perk suggestion.
Shutdown - 15 seconds after an exit gate is opened and there is no longer a Survivor in the gates proximity. The gate closes and must be reopened.
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That sounds so good. Maybe instead of proximity it's just a base time. Like as soon as it's open you have 20 seconds to gtfo or it automatically closes
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I chose to make it proximity because Survivors could be trapped outside of the exit gate and just leave. There would then be that risk of shutdown being a thing only when a Survivor at the exit gate decides to go back into the map to make a save or whatever. Endgame collapse will still continue when the gate closes
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I mean, looks like devs never look on these.
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Okay okay I see. Yeah that sounds like a great perk.
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Seems like you care enough to comment. If you have nothing useful to say then don't say anything. I don't care about what you say either.
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I also just thought that Windows of opportunity should highlight blocked Windows and fake pallets in red. Somewhat of a counter to Freddy and bamboozle but still situational just like calm spirit
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i like the DS change. and insidious. that’s ab it
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Decisive strike - if the timer is still going it should be able to break free from mori
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No, keep No Mither as it is lol. It’s the best meme perk and I will not allow it to be ruined by a buff.
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Play With Your Food:
Decrease the timer to gain another token to 10 seconds, and you only lose tokens on basic attacks.
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Maybe turn Monstrous Shrine into a hex perk?
Hex-Mostrous Shrine. Your devotion to your task grants you the Entities favor. Survivors suffer from a 6/8/10% speed penalty to healing and generator repair speeds.
It could be spread between two totems as well. You have to break both in order to remove the full debuff.
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Why buff BT and DS? They are already the strongest Survivor perks in the game
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Surge - That's not how stacking works.
Stacking is only applicable when they would happen at the same time.
PGTW happens on kick. Surge happens on down. Them stacking is not applicable since they cannot ever activate at the same time. You can't down someone with a basic attack at the same time as kicking a generator.
Your PWYF buff is a bit OP. I know the perk is situational right now but it has to be since it's a movement speed increaser. So if we are going to buff it then I'd just have it only count Offensive actions that actually hit a Survivor, and not just all Offensive actions in general.
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Oh yes very true. My bad
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Well considering that they aren't the strongest perks and DS is situational. A good killer won't have a problem with DS if they don't tunnel. Same with BT a good killer won't even let it activate unless there is a survivor try to be a little to aultristic. But there are so many campers and BT basically makes it a trade, making whoever is on hook Depip for trying to save. Plus Freddy and all oblivious perks counter BT
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Getting hit soon after an unhook isn't a niche scenario. Plenty of Survivors will lead the Killer to a hook mid chase for an impromptu meat shield using BT, and DS's timer of 60 seconds is more than enough time for it to proc often.
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Again BT that's a situational scenario. And DS isn't a big game changing buff, it used to be able to counter mori's. Now mori is just instant 4k unless the killer is really bad. So I was just saying making it counterable
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Change Mori offerings then.
Remember that Rancor, Tombstone and Devour Hope also exist and unlike Mori offerings they do not need nerfs and they all have counterplay and weaknesses.
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Yeah but you know the killer main community would flip #########. And I agree those have counters except for rancor, especially now with nemesis and any perk that switches obsession. I saw 3 people got mori by rancor in one match. That perk doesn't have counter play. Just pray to god killer doesn't find you. And tombstone you don't even need to hook survivors the timer would stay for DS. Maybe instead of escaping the survivor uses DS but instead of mori the killer is forced to pick up and can't drop.
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You get free information, use it to hide and leave immediately. They will see your initial location when the final gen pops, but you can maneuver in order to remain unseen. From there just leave, the gates are powered so just walk out.
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And I’ll elaborate as to why it should stay the way it is for meme’s sake.
Long story short but still kinda long: me and 2 friends wanted to meme on the Killer so we all went only No Mither with Camping Aid Kits + Red Syringes (forgot the actual addon name) and were all identical Davids. The random we got matched with was a prestige 3 Jake with all maxed perks (forgot what exactly he was running) with an Engineers Toolbox with brand new part and Spool of Wire.
We got onto The Temple Red Forest map and I ran the Hillbilly around a bit and got hooked twice. But in the end all 3 of my SFW escaped and the Jake ended up getting sacrificed as we were all at the same exit gate and couldn’t save him.
Clearly No Mither needs a nerf cause it’s obviously way too OP.
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Some of these are good but some others are uninformed. Not shabby over all