New Legion DOMINATES (Edit: you all are taking the D word too seriously)

You heard it here first, folks. I've played 8 games today as Legion at red ranks with standard perks (Ruin, Dying Light, Thana, Bamboozle) with Legion pin and stolen sketch book against red ranks - some of which were SWF I'm 99% sure - and I 4ked all except the first and last. He actually feels really great again! Just give us a 3 second cooldown on FF and we actually have a good killer again.
Nope, but you defenitely shloud check your inbox on steam.
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What's the point of this comment? Every time I see you respond to someone you act like a dick.
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Im currently trying to get bamboozle but i will admit being alittle faster is nice (dont like they killed his synergies but im saying now that everythings cooled down i think i can make him work).
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Bamboozle 3 with FF is insanity, you'll love it! I still recommend running double cooldown though.
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Yes a 2 week old couch cushion cookie that this man has been sleeping on.
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Hey, relax a bit. Give survivors time to adapt to new Legion, people will go down to new Legion, like how they are getting destroyed by Oni. They need a bit to adapt. Either you are really good at Legion, they were potatoes, or new Legion is good, probably a mix of the first two.
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He is good! Because I'm mediocre at Legion lmao and, for the most part, the survivors were decent. Maybe a mix of all 3.
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Anyone can 4k, even clown
Doesn't mean they are good
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True, but I 4ked with them 6 games in a row against red rank SWFs. So.
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Fire Up is a good alternative if you don't want to/don't have bamboozle. I run it all the time with Legion
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I played a typical game in red ranks where people scatter like roaches as soon as i stab someone. And the improved speed wasnt enough to mitigate that. Tried a green pin but it was useless for the reason above. I can definitely say that perk selection hurt a lot. I cant come up with anything good other then default and boring Enduring + Spirit Fury combo since Sloppy and STBFL are out of the way. I tried something fancy Thana + Green pin combination but its worthless because green pin is bad.
Got genrushed as usual. Nothing more to say
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I can do the same, rank literally does not matter in this game
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I just used ruin to get a couple early hooks but it ended up staying up most of the second and third game. That's definitely a reason I did well, but the killer isn't as bad as people say.
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Good for you. What is your point?
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Pics or it didn't happen
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But... but I'm not even home anymore. Pls have mercy.
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Just because you get 4k few times in a row as Legion doesn't mean they are good, there are two possible options, potato Survivors or you're good as a basic m1 killer.
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cool its time for a nerf
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you sound like this streamer with the wife-beater shirt and hat that 4k's potatos with wraith and think he is good at the game lol
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OK? What's the point of commenting if you're just gonna be a dick?
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I would say it's more than m1 killer when you end with 32k points multiple games in a row.
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Nice to know that the community is just as toxic as it's always been. :")
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Also that's literally tru3talent, no?
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BHVR: that's exactly what we were thinking!
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"Legion's buffed power felt a little too oppressive. We have changed it so any time Legion hits a survivor with FF they will get an adrenaline-esque speed boost and heal, and also the Legion and its player will die."
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I don't understand the logic of some comments. The OP is talking about their opinion on Legion changes, and saying they're super good, whilst literally everyone else is just insulting tf out of them. Is there a reason to be this aggressive?
If your still complaining about Legion then idk what to tell you, I've also got a bunch of 4ks in red ranks with the standard builds, and no I didn't have duration add ons, mainly cooldown ones, pins or mending time/filthy blades. But nope according to mob logic we are all just bad and so are the ppl we went up with :/
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I waited half hour to get into a game to play with that bumhole lol wasnt happy loooool
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I disagree. Legion is easily the worst killer in the game ATM. Deep Wound is a complete joke with how buffed it's gotten, loosing M1 hits on Frenzy means perks like Sloppy, Franklins, and STBFL are all useless, The pin's don't work half the time in the games I've been using it, it almost feels random on who gets broken or not, and now the Deep Wound doesn't go down when sprinting, so you'll never even loose mend time anymore.
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Pretty much this, not getting to use any of my off meta builds or anything really ticks me off, it just makes him not as fun all because of the ONE PERK you are nerfing it for
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So standard perks are considered using every other Killer's persk?
Sidenote: I'm tired of Googling stuff cause everything has to be an acronym. Looking at you @BunnyTheHutt
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Weird flex lol
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All Legion needs is that SWEET 3 second stun and get rid of that awful blinding FOV and Legion is good to go.
Also fix the Legion pins to be on hit instead of on the 2nd person.
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nah, im just calling you out on your bs mate.
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I actually think the running change is amazing BECAUSE of the additional change that came with it. His terror radius no longer affects the mend timer, which means survivors have to run when he is near them. It can actually be pretty powerful from what I'm seeing so far
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weakest killer
worst theme (gang? blends in with survivors?) delivers on none of it
worst power
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In my experience, Xbox NA Rank 1, he is still very bad if the Survivors are decent.
If they heal, he wins. Unfortunately, we have a no heal meta. Also, it is still extremely hard to hit FF on some maps on console, I get maybe 10 FPS on Red Forest.
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Thank you! I was wondering why I was suddenly a POS lmao
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True, the on-hit effect no longer working with FF is garbage. But you can use slowdown perks and bamboozle and have the time of ya life :D
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That is called a joke. The point is, 4ks can come in the worst of ways too.
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I mean... I haven't played Legion yet, but... it's not looking great for them. They essentially nerfed them twice heavily while buffing BT (meddling with DW) and it feels cheap. I wish they kept DW how it was before the patch, because that seemed balanced (and made sense. These changes are only to counter two perk additions/changes: Beast of Prey and Nemesis).
Some people could use a lot more tact though. But hey, it's the internet...
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I actually got a game in with him earlier that resulted in a 3k with 4 gens remaining. Was pleasantly surprised. I'll probably run him some more later to see if I can keep it up. Been screwing around with Bubba and beating teams with HIM with no slowdown perks, so swapping to legion instead wasn't too painful, lol.
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You got a few 4k's with a killer and think they dominate? I've seen players 4k repeatedly at red ranks with the likes of Bubba and Clown.
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ITT: 4ks means the Killer is better than fine, they DOMINATE.
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You all are taking the D word too seriously.
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Taking the D word too seriously.
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No, because you're bad at the game.
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Overdue actually. Legion is obviously overperforming