Balanced Landing Got A Nerf. Guess What It Needs Now...

That's right, Balanced Landing now needs a buff or rework.
With the recent release of the Cursed Legacy chapter, Balanced Landing was changed to no longer provide the stagger reduction when exhausted. With that nerf came the "buff" of it also removing the noises made when falling, and the grunt when landing.
The clear thing is that the nerf heavily outweighs the buff. Balanced Landing is now one of the worst exhaustion perks in the game, only just better than Head On and a not working Dead Hard. The perk is straight up useless on maps with little elevated surfaces. Even maps with several elevated surfaces are bad as you will recieve the stagger as if you never had the perk.
Now that the nerf is officially in place, it needs a sort of reverse. BL should give the stagger reduction and remove the noises made when falling, but the exhaustion aspect of the perk should be completely removed, making the two extra parts act as passive perks rather than active perks with the exhaustion portion. It is Balanced Landing after all, not Elevated Sprint Burst.
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Everyone wants this, but that would require fixing the maps were BL could be problematic, and BHVR cba I guess.
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I mean why. Lithe got no passive when exhausted, DH got no passive when exhausted. I don't get it.
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People literally based their entire gameplay loop off of BL because it was super 'balanced.'
Now that it is actually balanced, these people are suffering.
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The problem now is that the perk doesn't balance your landing and therefore completely contradicts the name. It's now a d-tier perk at best and doesn't do anything but take up a slot as a sprint burst requiring specific things
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Because people ran BL for the stagger reduction.
The only reason it is a exhaustion perk is not because of the passive effect, it's because of the sprint afterwards.
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I feel Lithe should provide the survivor with faster vaulting speed. Maybe 10%?
Dead Hard doesn't need a passive as it's essentially a free health state
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It is pretty useless now. I really wish the silent landing part was always active. That would have added a new element to the game.
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So you're basing of how the perk works by its name? Damn.
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No, but the perk can't be called Balanced Landing if it doesn't balance your landing.
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That I don't get they introduce a new feature on it and....the feature is useless
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Because of the limitations placed on it. Granted it's not entirely useless. But it hardly offset the nerf.
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"The perk is straight up useless when exhausted, no longer providing a passive."
No other exhaustion perk had a passive, are they in need of a buff too?
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I'm not saying Balanced Landing needs a buff; I'm saying it needs to lose the exhaustion aspect altogether.
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the point is that BL was very restrictive on where and when you could activate it. Unlike lithe, sb or dh which could be used almost everywhere. the passive was the only thing that made it on par with the others.
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10% faster vault speed would break the game.
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Omg hurt my brain. You just said balance landing can't be called balance landing if it doesn't balance your landing.... You just admitted that you're basing how the perk works off of its name.
And if anything let's take it into reality, please. I am pretty sure in real life you can't just repeatedly jump off a one story building over and over again.
But let's also take it into game reality, because it causes exhaustion for balance purposes. I'm pretty sure you have enough common sense to know that games take stuff from reality and change it up a bit to how works in the game for balance purposes
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It already exists as 9% with Resilience
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Resilience has a cost / condition.
Giving healthy survivors Lithe's effect with an additional 10% vault speed that isn't tied to Exhaustion would make it the best Exhaustion perk, hands down (IMHO, of course).
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It causes exhaustion for sb purposes.
It also mentions cat-like reflexes, the greatest balance ninjas of all time.
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Its actually very viable for sneaking away now. Think about the strode map. Lots of people like to wait on the balcony type parts as the killer enters the house you can drop and run away without them even knowing. Just add Fixated and you can see your scratch marks and walk faster to get away and leave a completely fake scratch mark trail that the killer might follow and waste time looking for you when your already long gone.
Sure you cant infinite loop with it anymore but that was annoying and completely unfair. But its certainly not completely useless. You still for one get a sprint burst off it. A killer might think they have you and then you drop off a hill and bam your gone.
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Just a place holder number. I'm sure 3/4/5 would be fine.
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But what if you're exhausted? That's the whole point. The exhaustion part of the perk holds it back with the recent patch. You don't even get the noise reduction when exhausted, so if the perk is 99d then you're done.
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It does balance your landing when you aren't exhausted. Now, it ALSO, mutes the sound from falling. Stop complaining, the perk is still very powerful.
Also, the benefit BL has over sprint burst is that you can choose when to use it.
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But why should it grant you benefits outside of an exhaustion? Its an Exhaustion perk. Thats like asking what happens if i want to vault a window and i have lithe 99d. Then you vault the god damn window and dont get your burst you got caught when on cooldown, it happens.
Why should balanced be so different to other exhaustions? The only other perk that grants you a benefit despite exhaustion is adrenaline. Maybe thats going to change next too?
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Firstly "Worst exhaustion perk in the game because when you're exhausted you don't get the passive"
So it works like an exhaustion perk.
Secondly one of tbe WORST? You mean like Deja vu, or something else?
Thirdly...its an exhuastion perk. BL broke it's own rules by having buffs while exhausted. Now maybe I could see if it worked like Lithe and only used the exhaustion part when in a chase. That would be a change, you'd get the passive but when you end un a chase it only works once. That sounds like a better solution
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Or remove the exhaustion and movement boost element. Instead, it would be a stealth perk.
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A lot of perks have this whole price to pay for the benefit. Object of obsession , you see the killer but they can see you for example. You argue that balanced should keep its benefit minus the burst while you are paying the price (exhaustion) but failing to say any real good honest to god fair reason as to WHY such a thing should be allowed.
Everyone else has said exactly why it shouldnt and there are multiple reasons. Your one sole argument from what ive seen so far... is its name.... if you have a real good answer as to why people should be allowed to abuse balanced loops infinitely then do say so because you havent yet, from what i can see.
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I'm starting to believe that this person doesn't know how exhaustion perks work. And doesn't take into account about game balance reality and....reality
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Ghosts don’t rise up from the earth when Haunted Grounds goes off so what’s your point?
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Reality you say? Why no i swear i can jump off a balcony rooftop without stumbling multiple times in a row while being chased with my life on the line i swear i can!
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None of the EXHAUSTION perks gave you a benefit when you're, you know, exhausted.
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Oh wow, a exhaustion perk only works as an exhaustion perk??? BUFFF PLZZZ DEVS THIS IS UNFAI!!1! NOW I HAVE TO HAVE SKILL ON SURVIVOR MAPS!!1!1! Seriously though, the change is fine. BL was the ONLY let me.say it again O.N.L.Y. Exhaustion perk to provide a passive. No other exhaustion perk does this. This nerf is 100% fair and balanced. Perk is fine.
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Wrong, it wasnt the only one to provide a benefit despite being exhausted. Adrenaline will still heal and sprint burst you it just resets your exhaustion rather than not activate etc. Its the only one now, god forbid they decide to change it cant wait to see the uproar if it happens haha
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That point makes no sense. Adrenaline is a dead perk 99% of the game that activates once, and Sprint burst has no passive? It literally works as a exhaustion? Listen, put more then 2 hours into the game then you can discuss balance.
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The Balanced Landing nerf is fine.
It's now in line with the other Exhaustion perks as a limited use get away from death.
What ISN'T fine is the map design that causes this perk to be useless on certain maps and that made it god tier pre-nerf on others.
BHVR needs to stop kicking the can down the road and actually start fixing their old busted maps.
Balanced Landing shouldn't need this nerf, Bloodlust shouldn't exist, and Killers shouldn't be better off just not chasing Survivors on certain loops (they should be better off not chasing certain Survivors too long), but they all do because most maps suck.
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I read you saying that BL is the only perk to provide something outside exhaustion and i decided to say no ya wrong cause adrenaline does. Yeah its dormant most of the game but it can certainly flip things for you in some cases. Especially if all 4 survivors have it when they tend to since its "meta"
Sorry for not reading one single word that said "passive" at 5am with 0 sleep that kinda thing can happen but you dont have to be mean to me and say i have freaking 2 hrs in the game ok?
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Nope. No other exhaustion perk had a passive
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I'm glad I don't use Blanced Landing, I am very happy the reduced speed from landing is only when not exhausted, that part of the perk was completely broken and unfair. I will say however the noise reduction should be all the time, that's a passive that should stay as it's pretty cool and would offset the other part. If the Killer can't hear you landing well then that's just as good as Quick and Quiet.
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The only real issue was the abuse enough survivors did with it to warrant the nerf. I highly doubt it will ever be reworked any time soon. Also BL still 100% better than SB.
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Clearly I'm pretty sure half of us never been in the military, but that doesn't mean we have common sense
Also that's a bad comparison, pretty sure most of us know that people in the military go through extensive training to resist a lot of terrain or weather, but that doesn't mean you're Invincible to becoming exhausted.
Like I said, games tend to take things from reality and change the way it works in the game from reality for balancing purposes, I'm pretty sure you know what I mean.
Hell, Bill is in this game, and he's a character that has been in the military, so he shouldn't get exhausted for quite a while right? No. Because then everybody would be using Bill and it would throw off balancing off the scale.
Also don't use the "bill is an old man" card, otherwise that says you never played L4D
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Why should balanced Landing get a passive bonus that No other Exhaustion perk gives?
Its literally like every other Exhaustion now :v
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*Oh Nooo*
Its still balanced landing; you just need to Not be exhausted to land Balanced
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As is the case for every other Exhaustion perk
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I do not want it. It is in line with other exhaustion perks.
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This exactly. It was a perk that was abused. The people complaining about it where the ones abusing it.
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Resilience gives you +9% faster vaulting speed
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can you catch yourself from falling when you are so exhausted you can barely move? No? I didn't think so.
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Why do people keep referring to other exhaustion perks?
You know this is a thread about REMOVING the sprint / exhaustion from the perk and having the passive as the perk itself right?
Not sure how this has anything to do with other exhaustion perks not having passives, or bring in line with other exhaustion perks. If it was removed, it wouldn't be an exhaustion perk to begin with.
That's the point. Your ONLY exhausted from the sprint, not the passive.