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Basement Bug/Wiggle Bug Punishments?

Will the killers who unfairly use these bugs against survivors be punished?

@Peanits @not_Queen @Almo

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  • Member Posts: 3,298

    I've encountered this bug once so far thankfully but I think other people I've played with have gotten it. I don't know how it triggers but I do hope it doesn't happen again, seeing as this post is about Killers activating it and not Survivors though confuses me as when I got it it just happened. I totally get that saying how it works will just influence people to use it so I'm not baiting anyone, I just didn't know this was a thing the Killer caused, like how do you know someone is suffering from it?

  • Member Posts: 507

    So let’s punish people who aren’t aware of bugs that the devs failed to notice?

    Seems legit

    The bug is beyond annoying I agree. But punishing a player who isn’t aware or even aware is not cool. They need to make a hot fix ASAP and not think about who they would punish and try to find out who is doing it on purpose etc etc.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    I only played a few killer games today but I've been avoiding putting survivors in the basement because of how awful this bug is. I had it happen to me when I was survivor. I decided I'm only going to do it if I have no other option, but if I can I will hook away from the basement.

    I only hooked 1 person in the basement and it was death hook so it didn't matter anyway.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Sometimes the closest hook is the basement, and it's that or have them wiggle free.

    I've only hooked one person in the basement so far today, but that was because it was the closest hook. (I also camped them to death because it was EGC and their friend was abusing the speed glitch to hell and back, but that's neither here nor there.) Sometimes you just have to hook someone in the basement.

    Also, there are multiple Archive challenges that specifically require hooking in the basement. This bug couldn't have happened at a worse time.

  • Member Posts: 282

    I reported everyone for hooking me in the basement when I can't wiggle

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    Yes there is, say "hey, there's currently a bug when you hook someone in the basement, don't do that till it's fixed." Then punish those who still do. Really simple tbh and should of been done during the Wake Up bug in 3.0.0

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    Compensate people when the bug is fixed for the Archive challenges, like give Bloodpoints, Auric cells, Iridescent shards, or Fragments. It's what all other companies do when something messes up.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    That's not what BHVR does, though. Such measures have been suggested during previous mess-ups, but the players and the devs disagree on just how inconvenient this game's inconveniences are.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    How could anyone get punished? You don't know whether the player is aware of this bug, and at the same time there are challenges that require players to hook people in the basement.

    The only thing the devs can do is release a hotfix asap.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    You cannot really punish people because you dont know if they knew about the Bug or not. Happened to me two times yesterday (three times, when I count the situation where it happened on my Death Hook). Two out of three Killers did not know about that, one Killer said that its the Devs fault and not his (which indicates that he knew, but even that would not be a real proof).

    What is frustrating: Even after unhooked you cannot see anything so you need to guess to get your way out of the Basement. And you cannot ######### on Hook, even when hooked the second time, the character will struggle, even if you dont press any button... And DCing is not an option because of the punishments.

    What I have noticed: Hitting a DS Skill Check after getting picked up will let you leave the "Void".

    Just because I wanted to mention it: Had a Killer yesterday who did not hook me at the Basement (I went down right next to it) but took me to a Hook which was further away. I could have wiggled free, but stopped doing it.

    Would be nice if Killers would not hook people in the Basement until it is fixed and if Killers are avoiding a Basement Hook, it would be really nice of Survivors to not wiggle free because of it.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    Whether or not BHVR does something doesn't mean it's not what they should do lol.

  • Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2019

    I mean, I would agree with you, but then they would have to complete all the right rift challenges that requires the basement for all players.

    Right now I know about the bug and I don't hook people in the basement, but I also need the basement hooks to progress. Which either forces me to abuse the bug and ruin people's games, or not do my rift at all.

    At this point there's 3 things they can do:

    1) Revert the patch

    2) Block of the basement and complete all basement challenges for everyone, so it has no impact on the rift

    3) Release a fix ASAP

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