Huntress Lullaby Get Fixed?

Did Huntress Lullaby actually get a shadow buff? I just got out of a match where I had 0 knowledge Huntress Lullaby was active, I thought my game was bugged because we also had Ruin active. If this perk got buffed then I finally feel good about using it because it was completely stupid for Survivors to know you had this totem before it even activated. I know the patch notes said some perks like this one got changed but this was not on the list.
good the perk should work like devour hope and only notify at 3 tokens you'd obviously have to be observant before 3 tokens
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I had a game too where I wasn't told about it. I was healing a random survivor and a lullaby skillcheck came and I just went "they have lullaby??? Since when?"
It's really how it should work though, to be honest. Honestly I would love if they wouldn't tell us if killers had a hex perk, we'd have to figure it out ourselves. I'd find so much joy in that :)
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I hope this doesn't turn out to be a bug.
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Wasn't one of of the patch note changes that Survivor debuffs aren't mentioned until they become relevant?
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Yeah I saw that but they listed some specific perks so I assumed this just wasn't one of them.