Is there something you miss from the early days of DBD?

Personally I really miss the original Tinkerer perk. It used to be part of almost all of my builds as it allowed to directly buff aspects of a killer's power.
Is there something you miss?
Original Tinkerer is a good call.
I used to like the Light Offerings (New Moon Bouquet?) - still have some actually but you cant use them now.
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Killers and survivors having the same hit boxes so looping wasn't a thing. Survivors dying on hooks quicker.
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Tinkerer :"(
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I didn't play back then but I really wish those moonlight offerings were a thing still I wanna use them
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Pink perks ;(
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Blink fatigue wait, blink fatigue wait, blink fatigue wait.
When I didn't have to do this.
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The challenges for level 3 lol
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Ultra Rare Perks and recovering exhaustion while running. : (
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Sabotage meta. You had so much time as killer before the hook changes... then they all went genrushing.
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Suprised someone hasn't said atmosphere.Atmosphere it is.
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I'll throw in my vote for "hatch not spawning for the last person if two gens haven't been done." It's probably my biggest gripe in how things changed. You can have an amazing game as killer, kill three before they do a gen (or at most one gen), and RNG didn't favor you and the fourth gets out the hatch. Encourages slug even in a curbstomp game.
I get it was to prevent game stalling, but it'd be a lot better if EGC just started if the "dead survs + done gens = 5" formula doesn't allow the hatch to spawn for the final surv. The game's over one way or the other at that point, and people generally agree EGC favors the killer, which it should...and if the killer's done that well or the survivors were too focused on trolling that they didn't get two gens done, then it should be (relatively) easy to catch the fourth one.
I say this as someone who's 100% the achieves in the game (until tomorrow, anyway) so I do play both sides extensively and I hate that change on both sides.
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I liked the janky animations and sounds from the game at launch. There was a lot of charm to the way the killers used to bonk people over the head. It's too bad the survivors ran like they were sprinting to the bathroom.
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Sabo being useful
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Borrowed Time actually working as an anti-camping perk.
Funny survivor running animations.
The lack of the emblem system.
The playstyle the game had before Doc showed up and removed stealth.
Sabo being useful.
Wraith being more used/loved.
Killers having their own special hook designs.
The actual sense of fear.
Light and Darkness offerings.
Brown map offerings.
Perk rarity outside of Purple and Green. (why did that need changed?)
The lack of brown medkits.
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The lower resolution, the game looked much much grittier in the earlier days
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Space Billy
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I miss old DS and old Freddy, he was fun to play as.
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This reminds me of a game I had a few days ago. A very bad SWF team with 2 brand new parts and 1 instaheal (but then again it's no longer an instaheal. What should we call it now? Superheal?) joined my lobby. One of them had prove thyself, too. Obviously they were trying to give me a very unfun 5 minute game.
I don't want to sound arrogant but seriously they were EMBARRASSINGLY bad at the game. They only lasted a few seconds in every chase and thus ended up repairing only ONE generator. Prove Thyself and 2 brand new parts in a green toolbox with that yellow addon that further increases repair speed and still only ONE gen? Just woow.
Being a nice killer I didn't even camp or tunnel. I also didn't slug for the 4k. And that exactly was my mistake. I did NOT slug for the 4k.
So despite the fact they only repaired ONE lousy generator the hatch spawned. However I still found it before the survivor. Then I closed it and realized the gates were so far away from each other I had 0% chance to get the last survivor.
So I quickly checked both gates and realized the last survivor was already opening one and I had 0% chance to stop them quite simply because I can't teleport or sprint from point A to point B. I'm not Hillbilly...
So 1 free escape despite the fact they played like newbies. Needless to say I got t-bagged and they called me a "beach" instead of... You know the word - just so I can't report them.
That's what I get for NOT camping, NOT tunneling and NOT slugging for the 4k.
And people wonder why killers play like their life depended on getting the 4k.
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No keys.
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A reliable sound system. I could hear blendettes just fine when they rustle the bush they became on with. Nowadays all I hear is chase music now.
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Putting traps directly under Survivors on a hook.
I wasn't here when that was a thing but it looked cool lol
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Being scared of the killer. Those were the days. Now the game is just a game and the thrill is gone.
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Lack of notifications. It was more fun to have to figure out what the killer was using. Now the game pretty much spells it out for you.
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The game being fun at all.