Official petition to bring back lobby rank 'bug'

As a solo player, this information was great. People are going to dodge lobbies with or without it. So please reinstate it.
Vote this up or leave a comment if you agree.
Got my vote
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I agree. It was quite impressive.
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Yes, I want this back. Solo survivor is already hard enough, I don't want to play with a rank 18 with 1 perk while I'm in red ranks.
32 -
It was great at equalling the difference between solo / swf surv gameplay. It should be a feature.
24 -
Yes please.
Also it would be nice if they stopped calling it a "bug".
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They better bring this back >:(
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Signed. If they want to discourage lobby dodging then there are other ways to do it. I think every online game ever let's you see your teammates' ranks.
18 -
Absolutely. HIDING that the lobby is incredibly unbalanced and is going to be a terrible match is not a substitute for fixing matchmaking.
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I want this feature back. It wasnt a bug. I strongly believe that the devs are just lying about it being a bug.
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The feature ("Bug") was good because it helped me play around my teammates estimated skill level instead of assuming everyone was at my rank.
I'd like survivors to be able to see rank, level and prestige at all times in lobby it would be nice. Would also be nice to see each survivors loadout in lobby but that may be wishful thinking.
Quite honestly I got that impression too but we have no way of proving it.
13 -
Yes please I always play solo and it was amazing and I never dodged a single lobby because of it. If someone was lower I knew just to expect a little less of them and if someone was higher I knew they would be better in chases etc it was never a problem
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This! I'm a solo survivor main, it's hard enough that they balance the game around SWF - who get free empathy, bond and other perk benefits PLUS all of the extra info that coms give you. AT LEAST let me choose to not play with a level 20 moron with no perks who, when paired up with one other crap player can almost guarantee a de-pip.
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Literally this. I just had 2 rank 20s in red ranks that didn't have 4 perks between em... It's not fair on them or those in red ranks
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it’s not a bug, it was a feature. it was a very good feature. RIP to seeing lobby ranks 3.3.2 - 3.4.0
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Got my vote
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I would say seeing their perks is maybe a bit much yeah. Also you already made one mistake in your solo play , assuming youd be paired with people your rank :O no way that ever happens lol
Yh i thought seeing ranks was intentional at first it was great to see i was getting people 6 ranks above?below me? Mid green/yellow and finding out at the end screen i was with a killer at red/purple ...
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While we are at it also bring back quick switch between Killer/Survivor.
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That's the reason it was removed though. To avoid lobby dodging.
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If killers can dodge SWF cause it's unfair, why can't I dodge practically a 3v1?
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Lol did they really explain that the ranks showing was a "bug"?
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You Have my vote and support
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Yes, please.
This ''bug'' was so helpful and informative. If I know I have a Rank 14 in my lobby and I'm Rank 7 then I know that I need to be more proactive and not rely on my teammates as much as I need to be the one to help them instead.
7 -
Same here! I never dodge lobbies and this "bug" really helped me understand what to expect from my teammates.
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From what I've read on the forums in the last year, I thought the majority of players was strictly against lobby dodging and that this was only something people would do "because they want easy games". How times are changing.
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After introducing DC penalties, BHVR can't have survivors dodge lobbies and risk queue times going up even more.
However, the utter ridiculousness of them calling it a "bug" and thinking anybody would buy that was quite amusing.
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Surely it must be implemented, this information is crucial for us solo players, I do not want to go against a killer rank 2, 1 with fellow rank 16,12. If they are not able to set up a lobby with fair ranks, it's not me who carry the can !
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Again, this is why they are removing it, lobby dodging. They are not going to leave something in the game that gives anyone a reason to leave the lobby. They want lower queue times.
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Signed. I don't feel like having to wonder if my teammates are good just with so much vague information. This "bug" isn't a bug, it was a very good, accidental, QOL changed that should have stayed.
2 -
I'll support the petition.
A feature which was a net good and a valuable QOL improvement for the majority of players shouldn't be removed due to a few bad eggs misusing it.
People also dodge lobbies based on their teammates' names, which characters they're playing, and what they're wearing, so by that same logic we should just shroud the survivors in mist so no one has any information at all about the other players.
6 -
If they want lower queue times they should fix matchmaking.
Petition signed
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Maybe if people actually wanted to play killer the queue times would be better but no one wants to be frustrated dealing with Swfs and 3 gens popping in 2 minutes. Thus solo survivors suffer in queue.
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Agreed, it was VERY nice to know if i was with skilled players and not a R1 with 2 other R18 survivors. there is no reason that this should have been "fixed"
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They'll be implementing the thing soon where all survivors will join at the same time, regardless if they're swf or not so the killer won't be able too either.
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Apparently i was bad for dodging a team with a 20 rank? Sure he may be smurfing but i dont know about that for sure but according to peanits lobby dodging because of rank was a bad thing? (Rank 7 rn btw).
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Lobby dodging will not go away just because the information from the 'bug' is taken away. And if the overall goal of a game is enjoyment, then wouldnt allowing people to search for ranks they would rather play with be more enjoyable for those people?
I would argue that a good portion, if not most survivors, don't really care about the ranks of the people they are going into game with?
But as a solo seeing ranks does affect perk loadout sometimes. Seeing a couple rank 18s means I'm either dying on first hook or getting farmed. So i play more carefully and bring DS.
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They removed it because people like you would dodge lobbies
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Every single solo que survivor agree ( I think, and I not insulting someone that does, please don't kill me(:), cuz no one wants to play with a self care urban evasion Clauddete that can't do gens with ruin
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Yeah. I try not to be super negative, but this is one of those "do you play your own game?" moments.
Also, survivors dodging isn't even an issue as unless the lobby geta bugged it's just going to refill shortly anyway. Now killers dodging, THAT'S an actual issue.
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You mean 1v1
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Maybe because I don't want to have a completely hopeless game of 1-2 people who are practically useless.
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My name is tetsuo and I approve this official petition
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I'm sorry but I don't want to play with rank 20 teammates at the top rank in the game. It makes absolutely zero sense and it's unfair since you are basically playing a 3v1 match. So please bring this back devs.
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Bring this back pls
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Like someone said in a previous thread, hilarious they fixed "this" bug and not gamebreaking bugs like the heal bug, or the new bug that tosses you out into space when you get hooked and you cant even dc cause they'll punish you LMAO. take my vote
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I agree.
I wanna know if I’m going to be carrying someone or not. It’s that simple.
For those saying “you can lobby dodge”... killer already has that ability. Not saying it should be encouraged but with the new matchmaking system set up this made complete sense.
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I agree :,D Was the best bug they could have to happen. But they took it out fsr :(