Generator Fix

Generators are currently one of the three official survivor objectives, with the others being the door switches and the hatch. Due to this fact it is understandable that survivors want to complete their objectives and escape.

However, it takes a single survivor too little time to repair a generator by themselves. Survivors have been encouraged to work together so I propose that generator repair times be extended so that survivors are forced to cooperatively work on the same generators to have the speed we have today. 

I have two primary reasons to suggest this change, these being:

- Games at higher ranks are too fast. With the existing lobby bug it can take anywhere between 5 to 10+ minutes to get into a match. A match that lasts for all of 3-4 minutes perhaps 6 if Ruin eludes the survivors. Killers/players will permanently leave if they spend more time waiting for the game than they do playing.

- You're lying to your players. Everywhere you look it is being said that having multiple survivors on the same generator speed up repairs. While this is true for the current generator it is overall faster and more efficient overall to split up and work on separate generators.

I am open to any and all suggestions regarding this proposal.


  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    Gen times themselves are fine imo. But there needs to be something else to distract survivors. Like another objective or a requirement for gens to be started. I also think that they need to either give us a perk slot just for hex perks, or just build ruin into killers as base. 
  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    In the current state of the game the generator times are fine. Killers can hook and chase down survivors too easily. If the killer is doing his job properly he is sabotaging every generator that is being worked on and slowing their progress.

    If they balanced it out more so that there were less hooks and the wiggle timer was fixed, then yeah, expanding generator repair times would be a fair way to balance it out..
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited August 2018
    In the current state of the game the generator times are fine. Killers can hook and chase down survivors too easily. If the killer is doing his job properly he is sabotaging every generator that is being worked on and slowing their progress.

    If they balanced it out more so that there were less hooks and the wiggle timer was fixed, then yeah, expanding generator repair times would be a fair way to balance it out..
    What rank are you at killer-wise? I was at rank 7 a few days ago as Doctor. During a match the survivors popped three generators just as I hooked the first survivor. The shouldn't be able to activate three gens within the span of a minute forty-five.
  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    Firstly my Killer Rank doesn't matter?

    Secondly they could do that... Did they have tool boxes? Did they have brand new parts? We're they together and moved as a unit taking advantage of Dwight speed perks for staying together? 

    The game gets harder and harder for the survivors until they power all 5 generators. Then it gets easier-ish. Sides you were the Doctor. You have way more OP methods and should deal with that with ease. 
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Apologies if you think rank doesn't matter but in game balance rank matters considerably. Given the toxicity of this community it's extra important. Higher rank competitive players will discover exploits and overpowered features faster and can use them most efficiently. Take a look at the "Survivor" meta and the recent changes. 

    Sprint Burst - Sprint Burst used to trigger multiple times in a chase which severely countered the power role's faster speed. Now it can be triggered less and thus lets the power role actually use their speed. 

    Borrowed Time - Borrowed Time used to grant two survivors a get out of jail free card at hook rescue attempts which proved too powerful at the end game. 

    Decisive Strike - While the change is not currently present in the current build this perk that currently acts as a "get out of jail free" perk will soon require teamwork to be truly effective.

    The devs are balancing the game so that the power role can have power. They are working to make sure that no player has too much power over the each other. They even nerf the power role on occasion. All I'm asking for is a longer game that way the survivors actually have cause to be scared.
  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    the time surrs nedd to finish one gen alone is 1:30 the time a killer need to hook a good surr is 2-end of the game that the thing surr say killer are op and easy for them to kill but when you play at rank 5-1 you most like it lost ( exept if ther are idiot and try to save everyone )at rank 10-5 you have same balance and rank 20-10 is killer wins most of the time.

  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    Yeah I do get the impression that Killers are stronger. I am in the 15-10 bracket and while I like the Increase in difficulty, I do find that this is at the expense of some nasty tricks, hook camping has become so much more prevalent on these ranks.

    Generators time could be extended to make a longer game, but I think the wiggle timer needs to come down as there is far too many hooks on the map to be able to make it possible to do anything. 6 seconds of singing on my stick to the point it feels like it will break and I only get to roughly half way. Bear in mind that you always at least 5 seconds away from a hook. To me it seems the killers have the advantage. If they play the field right, don't fixate on survivors, I think you can get far. 
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Yeah I do get the impression that Killers are stronger. I am in the 15-10 bracket and while I like the Increase in difficulty, I do find that this is at the expense of some nasty tricks, hook camping has become so much more prevalent on these ranks.

    Generators time could be extended to make a longer game, but I think the wiggle timer needs to come down as there is far too many hooks on the map to be able to make it possible to do anything. 6 seconds of singing on my stick to the point it feels like it will break and I only get to roughly half way. Bear in mind that you always at least 5 seconds away from a hook. To me it seems the killers have the advantage. If they play the field right, don't fixate on survivors, I think you can get far. 
    You're simply inexperienced.. so I can understand with what you're saying.. when you first start playing the game it can be quite punishing for newer survivors.. with playtime you'll start learning where the pallet spawn points are where the safe loops are.. practice watching the killer while looping and you wont go down as easily... this game is severely unbalanced when it comes to the timer and it's simply because the devs dont give anything else for the survivors to work with.. I dont enjoy playing survivor multiple times because it's so boring after awhile.. the most fun I have is when I get chased which is brokenly favored for the survivor who knows what their doing.. as a survivor I want more to do and as killer I want more time to kill and reason to not have ruin on my build 
  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    Trust me, I am not inexperienced. I should have been rank 9ish by now if i hadn't lost pips due to camp hooking killers and other toxic practices.

    Most matches I am in end as 4k, the fact I have played as the killer only a handful of times and got 4k on each one only helps show how broken the killers are.

    Anyway, back on topic. Generators. I think the time is perfectly fine. At the start of the game, yes the generators should come online petty fast. The group is either spread out or together. So you either get one generator going really fast, or you get 4 generators coming on at a slower rate. Now given that there is 8 generators and 4 survivors if each survivor is working a generator then everytime you visit a generator at the start as a killer there is a 50/50 chance it is one being worked on as the survivor. If it is being worked then the survivor 'should' have hidden. But you will see the generator getting repaired.

    Simply damage the generator and have a quick scan and move on. Keep doing it. I have managed in those handful of games to keep generators unfixed for 5 minutes because I am applying pressure. To me it seems more like a killer education issue than a game design issue. 
  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I see that a lot of relatively new players are on this forum too and it is a good thing but it seems you guys don't know how game look like at high ranks.

    Against competent survivors(and it doesn't mean swf as they are completely different piece of fruit) killer needs to spend around minute to down first survivor. If that survivor has DS chase can get extended by 30-60 seconds on average depending on how good loops are available to him.

    In that time remaining 3 survivors are not pressured in any way shape or form. They will not run away due to heartbeat not look through chests or anything that isn't required for success. They will simply do gens. In the time first survivor gets downed and hooked they will finish at least 3 gens and work on remaining two.

    Killer leaving the hook would make hook save easy and pressure just one other survivor while other two can either go for the save or finish the gen and then go.

    At this rank ruin's only point is to make survivors waste some time if they want easy 1k points for cleansing as it doesn't slow down the gen progression at all.

    Additonal objective is needed for survivors but it is up to devs to think about solutions and they apparently have something ready for chapter 9 but we will see.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    theArashi said:

    I see that a lot of relatively new players are on this forum too and it is a good thing but it seems you guys don't know how game look like at high ranks.

    Against competent survivors(and it doesn't mean swf as they are completely different piece of fruit) killer needs to spend around minute to down first survivor. If that survivor has DS chase can get extended by 30-60 seconds on average depending on how good loops are available to him.

    In that time remaining 3 survivors are not pressured in any way shape or form. They will not run away due to heartbeat not look through chests or anything that isn't required for success. They will simply do gens. In the time first survivor gets downed and hooked they will finish at least 3 gens and work on remaining two.

    Killer leaving the hook would make hook save easy and pressure just one other survivor while other two can either go for the save or finish the gen and then go.

    At this rank ruin's only point is to make survivors waste some time if they want easy 1k points for cleansing as it doesn't slow down the gen progression at all.

    Additonal objective is needed for survivors but it is up to devs to think about solutions and they apparently have something ready for chapter 9 but we will see.

    I hope so it would be nice to have different stuff to do while playing survivor... it gets so damn boring 
  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    @jakeb_1993 said:
    Trust me, I am not inexperienced. I should have been rank 9ish by now if i hadn't lost pips due to camp hooking killers and other toxic practices.

    Most matches I am in end as 4k, the fact I have played as the killer only a handful of times and got 4k on each one only helps show how broken the killers are.

    hahahahahahahaha killers are broken? They are broken by being so ######### #########! They should be a ######### power role but they are getting nerfed to the ground again! since baby survivors complained because of 1 killer buff in 2 ######### years! Next patch survivors will again be godlike and killers like a little bitches that are in game just for the sake of game being "played"! Killers need buffs!

  • foxboxunionttv
    foxboxunionttv Member Posts: 48
    In the current state of the game the generator times are fine. Killers can hook and chase down survivors too easily. If the killer is doing his job properly he is sabotaging every generator that is being worked on and slowing their progress.

    If they balanced it out more so that there were less hooks and the wiggle timer was fixed, then yeah, expanding generator repair times would be a fair way to balance it out..
    In the curren state of the game at high ranks they are not fine. If your not running hex ruin you can easily get the first 3 tp 4 generators to pop before the killer gets their first hit in let alone hook. We have gona no perk games where we just rush gens solo while someone just loops someone between all the pallets as we all just solo gens. They need to stop worrying about the suvivor side cause as is its way to easy and the games not fun at high ranks for killers without hex ruin. This game is currently all around the suvivors and that is not how asymetrical games work. Please dbd team make the games longer cause a 3 minute game isnt fun.