General Discussions

General Discussions


Well i play this game since the release in the ps4, i´m main Freddy and Ghostboy but main Nancy too. But today i decided to quit this game, i´m tired, i'm not having fun anymore with this game, i waste a lot a time playing a game that i'm not having fun.

As a Killer player, the survivors are too much stronger than the Killer WHEN THEY ARE SWF, when survivors are solo they're easy to deal with. The gen time is to quickly even with Hex, the time that is needed to finish a gen should be increased, and some new "mechanics" should be add when theres more than 1 survivor on the same gen. Hex would be reworked and not being a "must have" perk for killers.

As a Survivor player, what hell is going on with the killers in this game? 15 of 20 matches that i play (in a day), i play against killers facecamping the FIRST SURVIVOR they got, none gen is done, their hex still up, but they still facecamp the first survivor they hook, what is the reason for this? This wouldn't be a problem if is only a downside to the killer but noooo, killer facecamping the 1º survivor affects all the players in a negative way, the killer have Gen rush If the survivor hooked wont kill himself ( the survivors hooked with facecamping in the beginning of the match always kill themselfs in the hook), the others survivors doing gens wont receive altruistic points nor the chase/evasive points = wont earn rank, always black pip or even lose rank, and what about the camped survivor? He paid for the game TO PLAY, he paid to have fun and play DEAD BY DAYLIGHT not Butchery's Simulator, this "facecamping the 1º i got" is a commun thing in low ranks, but now it's a nightmare, it's happening from the rank 10 to rank 3, why? The Devs simples don't do nothing to fix this. This is not a game that we're supposed to have fun, this is game to make everyone stressful, both killers and survivors, and the worst part is that ALL OF THOSE problems are simple to fix, but the devs won't do a thing. Gen Rush is simple to fix, facecampers? The survivor hooked wont die in the hook while the killer is camping (The bar wont decrease while they're on killer's terror radius), etc. The Devs always said "Aaah we're against killers camping, tunneling, survivors being toxic, etc" but they dont move a finger, the Endgame was a master piece to punish survivors for holding the game, but this taked tooooo long to be released.

And the perks, DS received a nerf that it was needed aaa long time ago, DS wasnt a "must have" perk to survivors, but survivors abused this perk because it was OP, but about BBQ? The only "must have" for killers is Hex ruin, but they're 98% using the BBQ perk, BBQ punish the others survivors because of a BAD survivor, a really bad survivor can get hooked by the killer in the 5 min of the game and this punish all the others, the only counter play is hide in the looker (but most of the time there isn't any looker nearby) or getting close to the survivor being carried, but this all turn into a problem when the killer is camping or you started the match far away from the hooked survivor, BBQ should have a rework, the "auras" of survivors Walking,running, doing gen, vauting, doing any action should be revealed to the killer, but if a survivor is "frozen" in one place without doing any action not even walking, his "aura" shouldn't be revealed, a lot of games are already using mechanics like that. A lot of survivors are crying about NOED, but NOED is simples to deal with, Cleanse all the totems, everytime a match start the first thing i do is the Totems, i always use Small Game or the Detective's perk, but finding the 5 totems with my "aura" always being avaible for the killer because of the BBQ and because of bad players farming hooked survivors in front of the killers, is a pain to play and watch it isn't fun.

Well but i give up, i have all the survivors and killers but the Oni's DLC in the PS4, i loved the Oni but i wont spent any money with this game anymore, i have the "premium" pass of the Archives but i 100% regret of buying this pass, the killers, survivors, cosmetics, everything of this game.

And for those who will say "Bahh this is just another survivor/killer crying topic", i wish you all a good game, and everytime you enter in DBD and got a QUEU time, a LOOOOOONG QUEU time, remember this crying baby topic, because this game should be attracting more players to it and not driving more and more players away. Good Game and GoodBye.

PS:Sorry for my bad english.


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  • Member Posts: 4,125

    See ya

  • Member Posts: 112

    The guy who made the discussion is real Salty tbh like chill man

  • Member Posts: 255

    I think that the structure of the game, the maps and the implemented mechanics will force a game process that becomes easily predictable and usually causes excessive reactions on both sides.

    I just miss real dynamics.

    You know that a killer with a tracker feature or a perk tracker can track you down pretty quickly.

    However, I also think that the new map might help you to disappear from the killer's view and get a better chance. It also seems to play into the hands of a stalker killer, who can sneak up on the Survs more easily.

    But still the boundaries are too static for me to be surprised.

    The only thing that surprises me every now and then is when the opponent's game play completely deviates from my expectations. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen too often.

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    Hey if you're gettin frustrated just go play another game for a while, i played Civilisation in my vacation, it's a great game.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Maybe it's just my opinion but I feel as survivor you need to play swf in order to have fun for a longer time. The randoms your matched with are usually bad which ruins your experience. Playing swf means you have reliable teammates (usually) and you can have a lot of fun just talking to them.

    As killer I couldn't be bothered playing consistently. I'd just get bored playing by myself the whole time. Also getting the old team that is just better than you, then them being toxic is just not fun for anyone.

    I disagree with BBQ getting reworked but hope you enjoy your break from the game. I know you said you'll quit but no one truely ever quits this game

  • Member Posts: 7,976


    I just started playing again

    No worries BHVR, nothing lost :D

  • Member Posts: 974
    edited December 2019

    I feel ya man.

  • Member Posts: 212

    You're just ranting, take a break if it's a stressful situation, not everything can be catered to your needs, i agree that dbd is not at it's healthiest state right now but i see progress with every patch, most of what you're suggesting is not a solution to camping etc, the emblem system punishes both survivor/killer for playing a certain way, if you're not getting enough chase points and get killed on first hook, the killer is affected as well, i honestly don't understand what you're implying or suggesting tbh

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    I feel you, I’m sick of all the nerfs on both sides mostly survivor nerfs, but idc about broken things they’re fun. Unfortunately playing survivor now feels like by update 4.6 all survivors crawl while killers have one shot with instant gen teleportation. Wait though there’s killers who feel like a drag to play, that didn’t get the love they needed, and maps still broken. I’m honestly more pissed at myself for the amount of grind I put into this game to get a bunch of Ever growing ######### tier perks,while the decent ones get stomped on, and lobby dodges or tunneled when I even try to bring an item I bought from the bloodweb.

  • Member Posts: 282

    What if first few gens needed more time to finish than usual?

    Or make gens time to do dependent on how many survivors are left alive. This would keep things bareable for solo ques where we still need to deal with ruin+pop and all the slugging

  • Member Posts: 917
    edited December 2019

    I have to agree, sadly, this game will never be balanced. The devs are not playing their own game except someone playing at rank 15-20 and this result in bad experience for both side.

    And honestly after 3y of the same issues im very tired and hopeless.

    Broken hitboxes (even with dedicated servers)

    Keys unskilled and uncounterable

    Ebony Moris (tunneled camped farmed and moried, a very fun experience)

    Tunneling and camping in general, just make ds and borrow default perks

    But the most unfun thing for me is the totem placement, they literally spawn next to my totem, always, no matter what, i will lose the perk in max 60s if im lucky.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    Just take a break and come back in 6 months. Nothing worse than saying you're quitting, then you come back in a week even more upset than before when you know for damn sure that nothing has changed in that time. The game changes all the time and it's in far better shape than it was a year ago. Give it time.

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    People still rely on ruin?


  • Member Posts: 306

    BHVR would not do anything until more than 50% of online going to boycott them.

  • Member Posts: 917

    Better? Yea sure, especially when all they want Is to only release dlcs and keep ignoring the game health, there are no testers in this game, we are the tester, playing a broken ptb and see all the bugs coming in live server anyway, but yea a new killer and survivor are more important when the main issues are still there.

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    I have already started by not buying the new dlc(which I ALWAYS do, even if it’s killer and I know I won’t pick them up, just to support the devs).

    im also not playing any more until survivors get actual love instead of this crap they keep feeding us. Don’t get me wrong I want killers to have cool stuff and get buffs, but not at the expense of survivors.

  • Member Posts: 917

    Survivor main detected, do u like find and break the totem in 30s arent u? And then ur probably the typical surv saying ez from a 5m game :D

  • Member Posts: 917

    Me too but when is an original dlc obtainable by shards ill get it. No more money for this unbalanced game

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    Im not a survivor main.

    I play both sides almost equally.

    Ruin is trash and not worth running unless you're in purple/green/yellow/gray ranks.

    But keep wasting a perk slot,its fine for me while Im playing survivor uwu

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    The problem is that killers are utterly sick of having to deal with swf so take frustrations out on others. I at least give it a chance but as soon as i see a teabag then i'll face camp your entire group. Pipping means absolutely nothing to me in all honesty.

  • Member Posts: 917

    Keep play 5m games and be in queue for 50m then :)

    I play survivor too and at red ranks the wait time Is insane. Too many issues ignored

  • Member Posts: 1,527
  • Member Posts: 786

    maybe you play to much and need a break, I left this game for a week and played death stranding and Pokemon shield come back on for the new update and I’m having a blast

  • Member Posts: 2,221

    No more money and no more of my time. Up top 0/\

    gimmick survivor perks ffs #pissed

  • Member Posts: 793

    Camping is going to become necessary if BHVR don't do anything about gen times.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    Well I don't know what you're referring to as game health. Game balance is better than it's ever been. Were you here a year ago? 2 years ago? 3? Game balance has gotten better every year. I'm not going to say DBD is without its problems because I have gripes of my own, but they're fixing things at a pace that's at least 75% to my liking.

    And yeah, I'm for them releasing new content as opposed to fixing the rest of the issues like survivor perk stacking and overperforming killers because that type of fixing will ALWAYS be needed as long as new content keeps coming out. There is no way they will stop coming out with new content because that is what keeps BHVR afloat. No DLC, no income, no BHVR. That's how their business model works.

    Anyway, they will get to the big problems just like any gaming company, but it takes time. That's why I told the OP to come back after a while.

  • Member Posts: 112

    My friend, I play both survivor and killer and honestly I do not sweat unless I have to I always like to chill even when people are sacks of ######### if a camper starts camping Gen rush him, if a survivor sweats you sweat on him etc game will be easy

  • Member Posts: 16

    Tl;dr dont let the door hit you on the way out

  • Member Posts: 151


  • Member Posts: 244

    ik man i saw your post today and honestly i hope behavior makes the game better to bring people back like ya but he enjoy your time off

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    Don't listen to these a-holes that have nothing better to do then bring you down. I've been there buddy. You just gotta take breaks. Quit playing for a couple weeks, then come back and play a few and see how it goes. Rinse, repeat. That's what I do. I'm not gonna dedicate my life to this game just to become some sweaty tryhard in a toxic community. Behavior doesn't seem to really care about all the bs that goes on w console anyway. Seems they just wanna keep shoving cosmetics down are throats.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Yeah dbd is garbage in all honesty. Idk why I still play it it's not very fun for either side.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    To fair I also get cheesed off with this game way too much.

    At the moment I'm just playing a few matches a day to grind toward the Tome 3 challenges in order to get the remaining serum to complete my second Withering skin.

    After that...I'm not buying another premium pass and will decrease my DBD usage.

    I enjoy the game, but everything in moderation.

  • Member Posts: 407

    The best advice I can to to you right now is to take a little break from DBD. I would recommend Outlast 2,Minecraft and GTA 5

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Whenever I’m frustrated, I play Paladins.

    @OP sorry to see you go, I hope you find another game that makes you happy.

  • Member Posts: 146

    Can we request our money back for ######### service?

  • Member Posts: 68

    Your English may be bad, but you make good points and I agree.

    The game is not balanced. Solo survivor is too weak, SWF is too strong. So killers are either OP or useless.

    May I also add, addon system is unfair because no one knows what addons ppl will bring into a game. So you dont know if someone is using the best addons this game or worst ones. Which means a game from the start is unbalanced. They need to rework it so that everyone has access to every addon, and using a 10 point system you can equip strongest addon but it cost you 10 load out points. Or you can use a combination of weaker ones costing 5, 3 and 2. Now at least people will be able to have meta and freedom to choose.

  • Member Posts: 68

    If you get camped you get free drank, then you gotta try hard and sweat through Ruin and BBQ next game. Repair minimum 3 gens, cleanse 2 totems and loop killer to get your pip back. All killer has to do is hook you once and camp you to dersnk you.

  • Member Posts: 671

    I'm tired of seeing the "Key has no counter play" argument. It surely does. I rarely see keys actually get used while playing survivor, since the majority of games the killer camps or hard tunnels off the hook. well over 80% of my games end with the hatch or it being closed and the last survivor dying. Just because you don't want to use the counter-play to it, doesn't mean there isn't one.

    However, Mori's have no counter play, other than usual "don't get caught git gud huehue" argument. Same can be said about keys. But... Without keys, the further dwindling survivor pbase is going to drop more. Why? Per game survival % is already low. They took away insta heals, gave us a pocket BT which is pretty trash. Literally, the only thing OP about Survivors at all, is SWF and voice comms.

    Its not even about pipping. Its the quality of games. Now we wait ages on both sides just to get a face full of BM. Meanwhile people are throwing money at the dev for trashy cosmetics... and they will continue because people are ducks.

  • Member Posts: 68

    No joke. This is how the game feels as solo survivor. Everyone using teleport killers or Billy across the map or ghost face instant kill. Getting instant killed, camped, or teleport across map by killer. He hooks you once, then you get mori'd. Only counter play? Say "unlucky" Mori should not be an addon, one that you dont know killer even has, while ppl queue with no items in Solo, killer is putting on all his try hard addons and farming. What survivors put on? Faster healing? It's a joke. Addons for survivors are a joke. Killer addons are broken.

  • Member Posts: 765

    I've never talked about moris and i don't like them because they are too good for what they should do. I just use them when i have a series of 10+ really frustrating games.

    Anyways tell me the counter to keys because i really want to know.

    If it is like you are saying and the killer is tunneling and camping, you have plenty of time to do gens and then escape through the hatch with a key.

    Survival rate doesn't mean much, pretty much like having a 4k at red ranks. There are many factors that affect that, also, i don't know where you're getting that "survival rate is already low" because devs only posted graphics on killing % on all platforms and they seem that every killer has the 2k per game as intended (except freddy that has more and nurse that has less).

  • Member Posts: 212

    What is this bs talk about bbq? Killer only use it mainly for bp, and from my experience, bbq actually encourages the killer to leave the hook unless offcourse no aura's are detected and everyone just plan to farm off the hook and disrespect the killer, you're argument about killer camp and you getting de-pip actually hurt the killer too, it deprive the killer of chase/hook points as well, so please explain again what's the issue other then you being a baby about not escaping all the trials ಠ_ಠ

  • Member Posts: 1

    I agree on a lot of the points you made I’ve actually stoped playing DBD lately as well. I used to play it almost every day but do to the issues it’s been having lately and just the game it’s self needing some updating and fixes to some big problems it’s not worth my time or money. This used to be my favorite game to play especially because I could play it with my best friend that lives far away from me but now she doesn’t want to play it anymore and I can’t say I blame her. I do still love DBD but the issues that it has is preventing me from enjoying the game and that’s what it’s supposed to be there for.

    Main fixes I’d like to see is with Face Camping and Wait Time.

    Another thing not a fix but something to add to the game is for survivors to have a number count for how many totems and chests are left on the map. We have one for generators why not one for those as well. That way the people who aren’t SWF can know whether or not a totem has been cleansed or chest has been searched without wasting time going to look for them.

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