This isn't right man

Okay, the oni looked somewhat fun from watching streams on the ptb. He goes live for console, buy him, but he's completely gutted and useless now. What a waste of $. So, us console users just get the big ole shaft once again, right? I'm done buying content until you devs start giving us console players the same experience as PC players. We matter too, we spend are hard earned money, and we make a good% of your playerbase. Show us some damn love behavior!
Oni imo is still strong. He should have a penalty on bumping into things or on curving his dash. It's way too easy to hit.
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I'm a PC player, but yeah, the sensivity on console is a huge issue.
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What you mean with the same experience? Like playing the ptb? That’s most likely impossible due to Sony clauses...
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The patch notes came out before the DLC did. I understand you're disappointed, but it's not the fault of the devs if you didn't read up on the changes to Oni before buying him.
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Why did you spend money? He's totally free with shards.
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No. The same frame rate, the same mobility, and giving us a chance to play them before getting beat with the nerf bat. We would like to have a lil fun too. If you play on console, obviously you know some characters play A LOT different then on PC, and they've done nothing to fix this. What balances certain killers out on PC doesn't always work on console because of the frame rate. Try blinking with nurse, or running with Billy or oni, or throwing hatchets w huntress, then compare it to PC. And don't tell me console can't handle the graphics, cause that's a load of BS. Hell, even regular chases the frame rate drops horribly. The game needs some serious TLC for us console players.
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Yeah that's exactly what I did. I'm sure everyone did that when they bought the oni. We all went and read the special patch notes. My dumb fault right?
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I play often on console and I don’t see these problems (except with Nurse, but that’s just practice and many console nurse main can confirm it). Like ruin being so strong due to bad frames is bullshit.
The game is still playable, and i’m an huntress main, just practice.
Then all console players should rightfully be angered for the performance update promised for December 2018, yet never arrived. But that’s another story.
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Didn't have enough shards. Don't play this everyday anymore. Got too repetitive, and too survivor sided for me. Playing Survivor is almost a cakewalk while playing killer is way to sweaty now.
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I played a couple games as oni and I think I was deceived at how basic his power seems. Like most killers his power will take practice to use. For instance when trying to do his smash, don't hold the attack button more than half a second. It's a tricky timing issue.
Take some time
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Never buy DLCs based on their ptb anymore
Behavior's been pulling bait and switches with them for far too long now. Anything even mildly interesting gets nerfed into the ground
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Yeah, I know. I thought they learned from there mistakes though, but, let's face it. They downed and hooked my ass on this one. Never again. And I'm face camped!
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Just learn him!
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Last time they got me was with the Demo PTB, everytime they create something that looks mechanically interesting they can't stop themselves from messing with it. The last time a killer benefited from a PTB was Ghostface
I'm going to be sticking with Destiny 2 for much, MUCH, longer I think, especially with Season of the dawn
It doesn't stress me out like this game
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What's to learn? He's practically Billy with a club w no bump penalty. Only his power works different. You have to collect 20 gallons of blood before it works ... Lmao I know I exaggerated a lil.
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Patch notes didn't say anything about massive frame drops when using his power. Nor did they say anything about the lack of sensitivity bar making him unusable with a controller.
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Well, yes. It was your decision to make that purchase. You can't reasonably blame anyone else for the fact that you didn't make an educated decision when the information necessary was right there for anyone to access.
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He is Billy with a better power
He has built-in tracking and his power is really easy to get, just hit some people and thats mostly it
You have to learn when a good time to pick someone up
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No, but those aren't issues with his design, those are technical problems which I expect will be fixed in the near future. In fact, the devs have specifically said that they're working on improving sensitivity on console.
OP appears to be complaining about the changes to Oni from the PTB, not bugs in the patch, and the changes in question were clearly listed in the patch notes.
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Actually not being able to flick and club someone is one of the BIGGEST issues, next to the frame drop. It's one thing to nerf him, but not being able to utilize his power attack because of bs game mechanics?Have you tried oni on ps4? And no, that wasn't in the patch notes. If I knew this was the killer I was getting, I wouldn't have wasted my time or $.
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The flick wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place, so it will probably get removed at some point. And as I mentioned, they're working on improving sensitivity for console players as we speak.
I do understand the frustration. It sucks. Common sense might have told you that controller sensitivity would be an issue with the flick, but what's done is done. All I can say by way of reassurance at this point is it's not actually the Oni that's broken, it's a technical issue like I said, and something that's already in the process of being resolved.
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What? I 4k'ed 4 games in a row with 0 to 2 perks. Xbox, red ranks.
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Yeah, that's what they said last year too. Still waiting on those sensitivity controls for nurse, and dedicated... Oops. 😉
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Got a video?
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Damn, no, I'll take one today, promise :)
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Dude, that's three responses in a row where you basically said, "I didn't research before my purchase, how is that my fault? I don't play everyday bc killer play is too sweaty, why is the Oni so difficult? Behaviour bamboozled us before with a buffed PTB, why didn't I see the warning signs?" Everyone has buyers remorse once in a while but it's usually the fault of the buyer. Buyer beware!!!
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I think BHVR should give a in game option to use mouse and keyboard, since the consoles already gives the option to
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His nerfs are just small tweakes and didnt changed him at all almost, even its a little buff involed. I have no problems playing him and have alot of fun, almost only 4ks.