Devs, is it possible to remove Self-care?

Every single game there's at least one guy freaking self caring in a corner, can't those guys understand that Self care is just a time waster??
Nah I’m good.
BTW if you remove a perk you must replace it but still no.
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There is not way to use it properly
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I tough that everyone would agree, but seems that everyone is rank 20
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SC is good for beginners. Still see it on high ranks, some people are addicted i guess.
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New survivor perk: Kill self caring: When whitin 10 meters of a survivor using Self-care recieve a AK-47 from the Entity and grants the ability to kill and replace your teanmate for someone that its not using the perk
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Med kits are good cuz its just a item and it is faster, SC is bad because you loose a perk slot and the bar goes in the speed of a walkin Nurse
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Yeah for beginers is awesome for them to rely on themselves, but the perk should be illegal to people that haves more than 100 hours
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Agreed. I have no idea why some ppl don't see how bad this perk is.
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Someone that its not selfish and a gen hater, thank god
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More often I don't have it equipped but that is because I know how to play the game without it. I have like 1600 hours and don't really need it! But if you also are good don't try to make it worse for those who are new to the game. And there is no reason to remove self-care. It's not broken.
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@Brucecastro81 I understand what you mean as it can waste time when all 3 team mates are healing but doing no objective, but then think of it in this instance your on a hook and I have bt, the door is open and I am half a health state makes sence for me to heal then come get you to tank a hit right? Instead of us both dying, and not everyone on this game feels comfortable to run around one health state all game, I am a solo player along with a lot of the community we don’t play as a swf, so self care is kinda a must need perk to try and help you stay alive until you gain the experience to run around without it, it took me up until a few month ago to completely remove self care from my builds even then sometimes I say I wish I still had it, to sum it up you can’t expect them to remove a vital perk because it wastes time... how about re word it and say can the heal time be reduced A little bit,
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I'm getting furious too, when i saw people self-caring in a corner against a filthy blade - sloppy - thana - legion.
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For newer players is alright, but for experienced not at all
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Yeah, sometimes I actually wish I had self-care but its too situational and not give that much of a reward, not like Adrenaline
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You just described EVERYTHING
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Or they could just remove it from perks and make it a baseline ability for all survivors.
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hell no
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I agree with you.
Self care needs to go.
Too much time is wasted self caring.
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I see people screw their teammates over with perks like BT, Inner Strength and Deliverance all the time.
Just because some people misuse a perk, doesn't mean it should be removed from the game.
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This is a very good point but I think the no heal cult even forbids someone else healing you.
Because 'its better to do gens and if I see the killer Ill just loop him forever raaaarrr'
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I wish it were only one person. I'm rank 3 as of this morning and I'll be the only one NOT running it. I just think of it as a killer perk now.
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Just a way of saying that should be changed
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What changes would you propose to Self-Care, aside from removing it from the game completely?
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Survivors self caring creates more time for killers if you remove this i will push more players to the no heal play style just like what happened when healing was nerfed. 5 min games will become way more common.
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Honestly, if you don't come with a solution (good or bad) you shouldn't complain about a problem.
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Unfortunately that would reduce the number of threads on the forum by 75%....
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Self care is slightly more efficient than someone else healing you (since it cuts out travel time and coop repair penalties) and is also the most reliable self healing perk.
Other self healing perks are more time efficient but are less reliable.
For example Inner Strength is 22 seconds but can only be used a max of 5 times total between all 4 Survivors and it requires you to first find a totem.
Adrenaline is instant but is only 1 time use and requires you to first complete the gens.
Solidarity is either effectively 8 seconds or effectively instant but requires finding 1 or 2 other injured Survivors
Second Wind is effectively instant but requires healing a Survivor and can only be used twice per game
Pharmacy is 16 seconds but can only be used once baring additional perks.
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+1 delete SC pls
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This seems like a killer bait topic to encourage people to spend more time healing each other then doing gens or to encorage people not to heal and go down with one it while being more easely tracked. The math has been explained so there's no need to repeat it.
It might also be a survivor who wants to farm healing teammates. There's also that...
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Thinking for that side is ok
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No its not
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Removing something is wasted potential.
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If i'm playing killer i want survivors to selfcare instead of doing the objective.
If i'm survivor i'm pissed when injured teammates waste time self caring instead of doing the objective or letting someone else heal them.
It is why some of those Legion, Freddy and Plague builds have become really strong to work against the anti heal builds.
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LMAO. I guess you never saw a P3 Claud selfcaring 4 times in a row vs Legion with Sloppy...
I've been in enough of games like that
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The only reason I run self care is because i take longer finding teammates to heal me than healing myself. And running bond for the purpose of healing is the same as wasting a slot for self-healing. I use medkit probably half the time cause it's faster, but when it runs out it's super annoying having to rely on someone else to be healed.
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Everything's possible.
That said, no Perk has been removed yet, only ideas for Perks have been scrapped so far.
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Self care wastes a LOT of time for survivors. Also if you have Nurse's Calling you can counter it hard
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It is unfortunate to see a teammate self-caring through sloppy butcher and thana in a corner while teammates die on hook and bleed out on the ground, but it is not self care's fault. That teammate made a poor decision to heal themselves rather than save a teammate because they are more concerned about their own safety. You get the same result from a fully healed teammate crouching behind a rock on the other side of the map, or staying on a gen while the team is going down. People just don't realize or care that one player removed from the game too early can tilt the game in the killer's favor.
There are just players that won't risk their necks for you even if they are fully healed, and there are players that won't come for you at all if they're hurt. So its a no win situation.
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Self care is super good, in a chase you can use any moments you get to do a bit of healing and then carry on especially at god loops, I've had a killer go through 4 states in a single chase (I was toxic so he was set on killing me) if anything it's overpowered in the right hands
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You are right about that, I never saw that, and I understand your frustration when you see that happen. But it's not self care fault that people don't kinow how to use it. Self care, like many other perks is situational. Just because you have it doesn't mean that you need to use it all the time. You are probably angry of self care because you noticed many people miss using it and I understand it might get you mad like it gets me mad when people miss use BT on me just to get the safe hook rescue status! Self-care can save your live and your teams live when used properly.
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I agree with you on that. I used to run SC and use it only when it was really critical for the whole match. Some big content creator should start SC educational campaign lol. Maybe then some bush ladies would learn how to use it.
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Yeah there is. Healing yourself with Self Care takes 32 seconds in total, which means you are not doing any gens for 32 seconds. Being healed by another survivor takes only 16 seconds, but now it's two survivors not doing any gens. 2 x 16 = 32. Self Caring does not waste anymore time than being healed by another survivor.
The only difference is that you are healed faster, which means you'll be able to do other stuff quicker again. Self Caring is good whenever no other survivor is near you and you would have to waste a lot of time running around the map to get to a survivor who can heal you. Obviously there are situations where it's better to not heal and just rush gens, but often it's also better to get healed as fast as possible.
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I'm equipping Self-Care and Object of Obsession together, and you can't stop me.
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I'm seing that the excuse of Self-care is not know how to use and also is not Self-care's fault is the player, but who uses the perk: the perk or the player?
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@Brucecastro81 I understand that you are upset. However, Self Care is a decent perk.
The main rivals are Pharmacy and Inner Strength. Both have flaws.
With Pharmacy, your team could get to the chests first and search them all, making your perk useless.
With Inner Strength, you have to find (x seconds) and cleanse a totem (20 seconds) and then find a locker (y seconds) and stand in it for 8 seconds. There are going to be times where x+y+20+8 is greater than the time it would have taken you to heal with self care.
Finally, Bond the other common rival forces an ally to heal you. This might not always guarantee a heal though and may exceed the time it would have taken just to SC.
So sure, it seems bad, but remember, it alone is a decent perk. In addition, some folks run BK and Medkits with it, so it's not always slow.
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Med kits are bad because it takes up your item slot you could use for a toolbox to rush gens quicker, and takes up 16 seconds you could be using to do 1/5 a gen.
Joking aside, I've been slowly moving towards the meta survivor loadout finally and iron will replaced self-care in mine.
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People still use Self Care? I just use medkits.
Let them waste their time.
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It's just people using it irresponsibly. People don't need self care to waste time, they do it hiding in bushes, corners of maps injured or not, least the self care person is still doing something.
I don't recommend using it by itself - one of the builds I love is self care, botany knowledge, and resilience which is amazing. Now I can heal others faster, heal myself almost as fast as someone else doing it, or stay injured at 99% and pound gens even faster while still being to top off and not be a one hit down wonder if a killer comes by. Hell, my self heal basically paid for itself after the first gen. I'm also more likely to take hits for others since I can bounce right back, distract 3 gen strat killers that now have to force me off the gen every time they see me but I'll be right back in about 16 seconds making them have to do it all over again; and I don't have to worry if they press the attack to down me. If I bring or find a medkit, that medkit is going get used on others, cause I'm covered already, making their heals even faster with twice as many charges available to me. I'll let someone else heal me if they really want to, but I'm not distracting them from getting things done begging for heals. Dude needs a save though, I'm on my way injured or no.
There have been games where I never used self care cause too many things had to happen and I did not see the time, other games where I've used it 4+ times tanking hits like no tomorrow for others. It is especially nice to have in the pocket during EGC when you are injured and the killer is watching the gates...I just top off and walk right past them.
So no - leave my self care alone. Some may say but those are three perks that can be used for meta - to which I respond maybe I don't need other crutch perks with this.
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Get out of the corner and then I heal you!