All of onis issues (console)

His base kit is incredibly weak now.
You don't get hardly any orbs from survivors.
The flick that PC users get to have so much fun with is completely non existent on console. (Personally I'm fine with that)
It's border line impossible to take advantage of his dash. Because you get virtually zero turn ability on consoles before I would have argued he's better than Billy but now with the recharge rate and charge rate to even get going I don't think that's the case
His pallet break with club is just barely better than the normal pallet break due to now being forced to have to fully charge to break the pallet
You can no longer hit through borrowed time, this wouldn't be so much an issue if it wasn't for the fact that you already nerfed his whole kit. You could have AT LEAST kept that.
I haven't used his add ons yet cause I wanted to see how bad his base kit is and it's just terrible now compared to what it was.
Hag, plague, spirit, nurse, clown, demo, ghostface Freddy (now) are decent killers without add ons Oni. Barely even competes with any killers without any add ons atm.
I mean i havent had any problem with oni so far. Playing as him is pretty fun and even with no perks/add on i still manage to get 4ks. Sure you cant flick with his insta down but i have no problem getting insta downs in red/purp rank lobbies.
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I highly doubt that, he's a terrible killer in his current state, his power is basically a joke.
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His model gets stuck in crevaces constantly when picking up survivors. If they are in a tight spot and you pick them up there's a high probability that you are going to get stuck. I've now had 5 matches where I got stuck and literally could not move after picking up a survivor who crawled into a crevice
God as if it wasn't bad enough that he was nerfed.
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Oh and I can't just quit cause then I get a soft ban for quitting so it was real fun just sitting there as survivors fed about for 20+ minutes
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how did he get nerfed? didnt they make it to where you keep most of your power when you pick a survivor up?
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Yeah but in return they heavily reduced how many orbs survivors drop, club pallet break is either just as long or longer than regular pallet break now, I would say you can't flick but consoles never got to in the first place, the auto aim combined with his club mechanics constantly messes up where your aiming on console his charge takes longer to activate and has a longer cool down now. So for one buff he got like 4 or 5 nerfs
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Oh well wished I would have known that smh.
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Welp. . .
Sounds like the bvhr way
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I knew he was gonna get nerfed and he did need it but they way over did it.
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We’re talking about console here though you like virtually can’t flick the dash
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I don't really agree, I just went up against an oni what was super fast and maneuver through a complex loop wish his dash no problem. The add one he had only helped his blood Ord absorption speed. I think some things are a little broken still
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Oni power suck plan and simple.
do i feel powerful when use his ability no iv mainly use it to get around map his club is to slow if survivors have window to abuse just walk away specially on new map its horrible new killer just sucks he loom cool tho that its
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Yeah he can maneuver but he can't aim his club.. you know the thing you need to use to actually get downs? You can literally just run perpendicular to him and you should never get by his club on console
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He's fun when your not against swf tramps, but against any competent team he's underwhelming, I'd rather play hag, plague or nurse against an SWF team
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The flick is not suppose to be there, the devs already said it
It will be removed eventually
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Actually it is and they already nerfed it, if it wasn't supposed to be in they would have completely got rid of it.
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If that's true I didnt know that. Im just going off the devs words
I haven't played him nor plan too
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Oni without flick would be pretty boring and weak. He can lunge 1-2m with the flick, that should be fixed on console. Otherwise he's only a limited billy
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What did you expect? They really don't care for console. Like, we don't even get cosmetics, not likely they'll balance for console
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I think he's fine, he's a balanced killer. killers who are good without add ons are pretty op with them, and Oni is fine in his current state, just takes skill. The last thing I want is more killers who as soon as you put a single common add on on, they become an S tier from an A tier, and make the game too easy I.E. spirit. I'm fine with these killers of course, however, it's nice to have a killer who needs skill, not just add ons
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Bit off topic, but which cosmetics did console not receive?
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I also call bs on this. I highly doubt you get multiple downs in multiple matches as Oni at red and purple. Maybe a couple but I highly doubt you've had enough games to say he's fine. I played him for 8 hours straight and I humbly disagree with you. Devotion 9 -boomer- red rank both sides each season.
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Oni is fine from what i can see at red ranks, done really well all games when playing him and other red rank onis seem to be doing decent just as well so i dont get the complaining? he is alot better than some of the other killers, the flick needed to be gone but the rest is easy game, having an instant down at his killer speed with the ability to dash across the map? yeah if youre expecting to just dash everyone down without any issues thats your problem not the killer
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I don't know, he seemed to down me pretty easily.
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Add ons are fine, flick isn't that hard, club can break pallets off no charge almost. Most of your complaints are null. Rank 3 and consistently 4 k'ing
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I feel like they should have left the Dash cooldown alone and just remove the flick. Then PC and console players would be on even ground.
But the fact flick still exists means there is a huge discrepancy, and apparently the cooldown doesn't make a lick of difference in terms of balance except to hinder those that can't flick (console players).
Although from the 'known issues' section under the patch notes it seems flick isn't meant to be there anyway. If that's the case, remove it and revert the dash cooldown change.