Why was any means necessary nerfed?

It was already gimmicky enough with its minimum 2 minute cooldown, which I actually thought would have been reduced, and now it takes a whole extra second to reset the pallet
I know that doesn't sound like much but just think of how many times that 1 extra second would have saved you, so why was it nerfed? Even if you got the stun as survivor, the killer would be able to break the pallet before the 3 seconds were up.
Probably for the same reason Cruel Confinement was nerfed, too powerful.
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It seems to me like they didn't want people to pallet save, then reset the pallet whilst the killer was stunned?
Can't think of another reason.
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Just a fun QoL change I guess. Make it unreasonable to reset the pallet during chase maybe?
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Most likely this.
Also does anyone know if we can grab someone resetting a pallet?
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You can, I did it in the PTB.
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Thing is though, this wasn't really possible in the first place. I tested it in the PTB - the killer could get stunned and then break the pallet before the survivor had finished resetting it. I suppose the change was made to make this even less of a viable option, but it was fairly unnecessary all the same.
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It’s like when Oni will completely loses his flicks or the nurse got a cooldown for successful hits (when this wasn’t necessary) or just using anything successfully... the devs just go that bit too far snowflaking the game rather than having those interactions that reward players for playing well.
We can’t have high pressure moments against us because that’d add thrill to the game.
Post edited by dont_ask_me_again on1 -
Because it was possible to stun the killer, reset the pallet while they were stunned and stun them again.
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Has anyone tested whether Resilience and/or Spine Chill speeds up the process of resetting a pallet?
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perk was already bad definitely never gonna get used in serious gameplay
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I only got to reset a pallet once which the Killer let me do, and missed a chance to reset another because I forgot I could lol.
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From a pallet save though? I'm talking about when someone saves a survivor by dropping a pallet on the killer, not a regular stun.
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This was exactly my plan for using it too lol
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Oh, I see. Do you know how long the stun is on a pallet save? I wasn't able to find the exact number by looking online.
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Pretty sure from memory they’re the same time? I only remember DS being the outlier where it had a really long stun time compared to everything else being the same.
@ASpazNamedSteve yuh pretty sure they’re the same times.
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3 seconds was already long enough for the killer to come out of stun and break the pallet so yeah I really don't see why they did this. Only real way to be able to lift a pallet back up during a chase is to blind the killer and even then they can still break it sooo this perk is basically useless the majority of the time imo.
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It was useless to begin with. And honestly, it had to be useless, because Pallets are the most important ressource Survivors have. A perk interacting with Pallets needs to be weak.
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If you blind after the stun finishes... the killer is at the wrong angle to degree turn accurately... i can see that but really. Gawd that’s rare/experience could trump it. That’s probably why they did it despite you could just always face the correct direction as the killer and spam break pallet :P Like man, smurfing exists on every single game... everyone goes through it if they join late but gotta remove tech plays incase :P
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Yeah true, unless a killer is really stupid then you won't really be getting any jungle gym/shack pallets back because that'd just be kinda OP if you know how to run the killer around those sorts of things