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Possible way to slow the game down

Increase gen time by 20 seconds or make all gens reset some progress when one is fixed


  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306

    why would fixing one gen make the others lose progress? I am more for taking away the bonus on great skill checks, and giving a slight (maybe 1% negative) on good skill checks than your idea.

    I don't have any problem with slowing the game down, in fact I made a post with my ideas one time, but just don't like the thought behind resetting progress on all gens when one is fixed.

  • some_shape
    some_shape Member Posts: 35

    @Russ76 said:
    why would fixing one gen make the others lose progress? I am more for taking away the bonus on great skill checks, and giving a slight (maybe 1% negative) on good skill checks than your idea.

    I don't have any problem with slowing the game down, in fact I made a post with my ideas one time, but just don't like the thought behind resetting progress on all gens when one is fixed.

    It could be 8 seconds of progress lost on each generator, I don’t think that it would be that horrible, it would be like someone missed a skill check, but it could slow the game just a little by more

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    @Russ76 said:
    why would fixing one gen make the others lose progress? I am more for taking away the bonus on great skill checks, and giving a slight (maybe 1% negative) on good skill checks than your idea.

    I don't have any problem with slowing the game down, in fact I made a post with my ideas one time, but just don't like the thought behind resetting progress on all gens when one is fixed.

    It could be 8 seconds of progress lost on each generator, I don’t think that it would be that horrible, it would be like someone missed a skill check, but it could slow the game just a little by more

    Still not fair, killers and survivors shouldnt be punished for doing well. Add time or add an extra switch to activate before gens
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    No... gens are good... we need another way to slow the game down... the survivors need more to do... that is how the match gets extended that little bit the killer may need
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    It's a really weird concept IMO. Survivors that finish gens very quickly are rewarded basically no points. But if you nerf the generators, they will feel as if they are being punished.

    They just need more to do in game other than generators imo.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    @iceman2kx said:
    It's a really weird concept IMO. Survivors that finish gens very quickly are rewarded basically no points. But if you nerf the generators, they will feel as if they are being punished.

    They just need more to do in game other than generators imo.

    Looks like survivors already have more to do cause if I only fix around 2 generators in my match and then escape, I still get a depip. Survivors aren't just supposed to work on the objective and escape, they're supposed to get in a chase, help their injured teammates and then see if escaping is possible. I rather go for a chase/save than escape as the first one will most likely (safe) pip me.

  • unholydan
    unholydan Member Posts: 2

    rework the game so that stealth is a viable option, be cause currently survivors have no incentive to do so

    make windows have a certain ammount they can be used maybe 2-3 times then the window would breake maiking it unusable and the survivor would be stunned for a little by falling on the ground and picking themselfs up

    make new objectives that would slow the game down forexample the survivors needs to find hidden evidence about who the killer is, untill they do so they cant leave and when the survivors are in the game and lobby untill about 2/3 of the evidence is found the killer is shrouded in some way so you can't see who it is

    in regards to camping make an it so that it is incouraged not to do, and i do have a suggestion, the more survivors that gets hooked the worse the team does overall. remember how in horror movies the more people that gets hurt and die the more the protagonists starts to panic and do worse. but the debuff would only come if it was done on survivors that wasn't killed near hooked survivors and unhooked survivors would take a little time before if you hooked them you would apply the debuff

    the trappers trap and the hags hexes needs to be harder and take longer to remove because right now they are a joke to remove

    another solution to camping make the generators take longer to fix but if the killer stay within a certain radius of a hooked survivor within a certain ammount of time after the survivor have been hooked the survivors get a promt and start working faster

    make the game last atleast 5 min longer at the shortest but give both killers and survivors way more options in the game to dictate how the game will go like forexample a dummy so the killer thinks a survivor is still hooked fake blood that could make the killer think he has found a wounded person, sand or dust that could blind the killer

    in return give the killer a ways to mess with the survivors like sabotaging pallets, windows and generators

    you wouldn't know where they are but you know they would be hidden inside certain item boxes

    give the last survivior a chance to accually kill the killer when there is only 1 survivor left inside a certain ammount of item boxes maybe 1-3 could be a weapon that could be used to kill the killer but the survivor when picking up the weapon cant hear where the killer is anymore adn it goes to first person view only to make it fair for each person

    remove certain perks from the game that are making the game unhealthy for both survivors and killers and rework surviors and certain killers to make the games last longer and be more healthy

    make either a point system where you can have more perks but the rteally good ones costs alot of points

    or how about make perks have drawbacks forexample if the huntress carry more axes she lose movement speed beased on hwo many axes she carries

    survivors that takes a perk that makes them repair generators faster have a harder time noticing the killer when working on the generator since they are focusing more on the generator they for get the world around them

    remember these are just suggestions would love to hear ould people think and looking forward to your ideas :)

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    unholydan said:

    rework the game so that stealth is a viable option, be cause currently survivors have no incentive to do so

    make windows have a certain ammount they can be used maybe 2-3 times then the window would breake maiking it unusable and the survivor would be stunned for a little by falling on the ground and picking themselfs up

    make new objectives that would slow the game down forexample the survivors needs to find hidden evidence about who the killer is, untill they do so they cant leave and when the survivors are in the game and lobby untill about 2/3 of the evidence is found the killer is shrouded in some way so you can't see who it is

    in regards to camping make an it so that it is incouraged not to do, and i do have a suggestion, the more survivors that gets hooked the worse the team does overall. remember how in horror movies the more people that gets hurt and die the more the protagonists starts to panic and do worse. but the debuff would only come if it was done on survivors that wasn't killed near hooked survivors and unhooked survivors would take a little time before if you hooked them you would apply the debuff

    the trappers trap and the hags hexes needs to be harder and take longer to remove because right now they are a joke to remove

    another solution to camping make the generators take longer to fix but if the killer stay within a certain radius of a hooked survivor within a certain ammount of time after the survivor have been hooked the survivors get a promt and start working faster

    make the game last atleast 5 min longer at the shortest but give both killers and survivors way more options in the game to dictate how the game will go like forexample a dummy so the killer thinks a survivor is still hooked fake blood that could make the killer think he has found a wounded person, sand or dust that could blind the killer

    in return give the killer a ways to mess with the survivors like sabotaging pallets, windows and generators

    you wouldn't know where they are but you know they would be hidden inside certain item boxes

    give the last survivior a chance to accually kill the killer when there is only 1 survivor left inside a certain ammount of item boxes maybe 1-3 could be a weapon that could be used to kill the killer but the survivor when picking up the weapon cant hear where the killer is anymore adn it goes to first person view only to make it fair for each person

    remove certain perks from the game that are making the game unhealthy for both survivors and killers and rework surviors and certain killers to make the games last longer and be more healthy

    make either a point system where you can have more perks but the rteally good ones costs alot of points

    or how about make perks have drawbacks forexample if the huntress carry more axes she lose movement speed beased on hwo many axes she carries

    survivors that takes a perk that makes them repair generators faster have a harder time noticing the killer when working on the generator since they are focusing more on the generator they for get the world around them

    remember these are just suggestions would love to hear ould people think and looking forward to your ideas :)

    There doesnt need to be anymore punish to camping... just do the objective that's all people have to do... the killer is not doing anything the objective is being given to the survivors... it would be going against the lore in so many ways if the entity who wants the survivors dead would help the survivors escape.. 
  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @some_shape said:
    Increase gen time by 20 seconds or make all gens reset some progress when one is fixed

    no because they buffed the amount of time it took to repair a gen because of how hard it is to complete them against a good killer you must not be a good killer if you have problems with this

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    increasing gen time would just make the game boring there needs to be more to do around the map.

  • DirtyNurseMain
    DirtyNurseMain Member Posts: 70
    Just add another objective between doing the gens and opening the exit gate. Perhaps even adding specific objectives for every survivor, if they don’t complete the entity won’t let them leave (a personal blood warden)
  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718
    edited August 2018

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @some_shape said:
    Increase gen time by 20 seconds or make all gens reset some progress when one is fixed

    no because they buffed the amount of time it took to repair a gen because of how hard it is to complete them against a good killer you must not be a good killer if you have problems with this
    No they didn't xD Gens use to take 2 minutes and 30 seconds when the game launched xD then nerfed by 30 seconds since survivors got mad about the time to finish then camping became a serious problem so they took another 30 seconds so now it was down to 1 minute and 30 seconds per gen THEN camping was STILL an issue so they increased the hook stages from 45 seconds each to 1 minute each to deter face camping so where did you hear that they increased gen time? Because that is false, Bud.

    Post edited by AStupidMonkeyy on