ONI got heavily gutted compared to the PTB-version

After playing him for some bit, I noticed some changes to the version on the PTB.
- They reduced his powermeter by at least 50%, map pressure is practical gone with that change. (-)
- Increased the time it takes to destroy pallets with his power. (-)
- Powermeter won´t deplete on picking up survivors (+)
- I had the feeling they reduced the amount of dropped Orbs by Survivors, which in my opinion kinda cancels out the only buff he got. (-)
- They removed the AOE effect on power hits (-)
- Because of the reduced powermeter, his addons got passively nerfed too. (-)
I played him a lot on the PTB and i could not remember the last time i had so much fun with a killer. The "new" Oni feels kinda castrated now and ripped of his potential as a killer that could deal with [sweaty] SWF. I´m also won´t say he is bad overall, just gutted compared to his previous version which is kinda sad but expected move to a killer which probably did "overperforms" on the PTB.
Please keep in mind that´s what i noticed playing him for 4h. I might be wrong on some cases and you are free to correct me . I also would love to hear your opinion on those changes.
thanks in advanced and sorry for my bad English
You forget that a killer is merely a play thing for swf.
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They didn't even give him time to settle like they claimed they would.
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can someone link me to all his changes or did you have to figure them out yourself because i can't find them. also not being able to get multi-downs anymore and he has a decreased duration sucks, they should have at least kept the multi-down aspect. I played him earlier and he is pretty fun and still kinda strong imo but i never came across a chance to get a multi-down so again they shouldn't have gotten rid of it.
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I don't get your post, the changes Oni got are mentioned in the Patch Notes, so you can just read them.
They don't mention a reduced powermeter, so you are either wrong, they forgot to mention it or it is a Bug.
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I could not link the Patch Notes, so:
Deep Wound timer will no longer go down when Sprinting or while Mending. Deep Wound is no longer connected with the Killers terror radius.
Added a small buffer for spawning blood orbs when crouching. A blood orb will spawn right when crouching, but can only spawn a maximum of one per second.
The Oni will receive blood orbs when pulling a healthy Survivor out of a locker.
2 Blood Orbs spawn when hooking a Survivor.
Decreased the number of Blood Orbs spawned when a Survivor vaults to 2 Blood Orbs, down from 3 Blood Orbs.
Passive power build-up pauses when reaching a certain threshold (98%) before completely filling. From this point, The Oni needs to absorb at least one Blood Orb to completely fill the power gauge.
Picking up a Survivor will cancel Blood Fury, however, now it will not reduce your remaining power gauge. Downing a Survivor will not cancel Blood Fury, however, will remove a small portion of the power gauge.
Ending a dash now incurs a 1 second cooldown, increased from 0.5 seconds.
Increased the interaction timer of perk, Any Means Necessary, to 4 seconds, up from 3 seconds.
Decreased the cooldown timer of perk, Any Means Necessary, to 140/130/120 seconds, down from 160/140/120 seconds.
Decreased the aura reveal duration of add-on, Renjiro's Bloody Glove, to 3 seconds, down from 4 seconds.
Modified the turn rate ratio of Demon Strike to reduce last moment sharp turns causing the attack to affect a wider arc than intended.
Destroying a pallet with Demon Strike now plays the properly timed animation, lasting 2 seconds in total.
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Every time I see a 4 man SWF I pick doc and go on the game map with unnerving and overcharge, it don't matter how sweaty or good they are no one can get all the gens powered vs skill check doc on the game.
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His power-duration is definitely reduced by a lot so my guess they probably forgot to mentioned it.
And the post is not just about what got changed but more that it got changed without a warning or further testing. It´s typical DBD, they way to balance things is to smash it until it cant move and gave it later a "QoL-change" with some minor tweaks and somehow more "counterplay".
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What makes you think it's shorter? The power meter gets drained when you down people so that's probably why it seems that way. Also, I heavily disagree about him being gutted. Granted, i never got to play him on the ptb. He has high snowball potential, and proper builds really make him shine. Legion is the only killer i can think of that's been truly gutted.
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So half of your nerfs are just illusional. Stop spreading lies.
Oni wasnt right on PTB, he still isnt right live, cause his whole design is utterly disgraceful. He gets far too easy into his power once he hit the first survivor, this is the point where he starts his snowballing. His hitbox is utterly insane, hitting through half the objects on every map, not even charging in the right direction. 80% of the time you play against an Oni you just lay on the ground cause the only way people play him is slugging everyone. Hes a worse (for survivor) version of Billy. I am already sick of playing against him, and just want to die everytime they start their slugging adventure, but I cant (thx for ban system with such a killer). It already feels like old Legion for me.
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Please stand next to the hook and i will gladly assist.
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he can get multi downs I watched him slap a David and a jake at the same time thank god I moved out the way lool
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How do you know if it is swf?
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ok thank you for clearing that up and thank the entity that he can still do it
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@AChaoticKiller one of them was Injured I don’t no if that played a part
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Sure Oni was nerfed for some parts but he’s still very fun to play. His demon-dash and Lunge is kind of tricky. But I’m sure with a lot of practice you can master him pretty well. 😊
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Im convinced you people won't be happy until this is another dead F13 sim.
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I even ask calmly to correct me if I’m wrong and spreading lies was for sure not my intention. And so far ist the AOE thingy what got wrong, the rest got confirmed by the patchnotes. Further more is it frustrating to see something get nerfed that is clearly not broken. Its like they are afraid to release a strong killer 🤷♂️
To bad I’m unable to play and testing the next days, because of work, family relatable stuff.
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Hello just to clarify your issues
- They reduced his powermeter by at least 50%, map pressure is practical gone with that change. (-) We made no change to the power meter time. its still 45 sec.
- Increased the time it takes to destroy pallets with his power. (-) This was a bug, there was clearly no animation playing.
- I had the feeling they reduced the amount of dropped Orbs by Survivors, which in my opinion kinda cancels out the only buff he got. (-) Only when survivor vaulted, by 1 althoug you now gain 2 when hooking a Survivor.
- They removed the AOE effect on power hits (-) There was never any AOE effect, not sure what you are referring to.
- Because of the reduced powermeter, his addons got passively nerfed too. (-) We have not change much on addons, only those which were affecting the pick up penalty, since we removed the penalty we had to change those 2 addons, and the UR which showed the aura, the text mentioned 6 sec although it was in reality set to 4 in the system and we diminished it to 3 sec.
Hope that clarifies all your concerns.
Thank you!
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No he did not. Just because a killer got nerfed doesn’t mean he got The Legion treatment.
He’s still a great killer, but he’s still new so you’ll have to play him more to play more to understand.
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Yeah, if you're a bad killer player.
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yap, he is no threat anymore. you can just loop him easy like every other m1 killer. give him back is flick.
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I do apologise, not all of us can be godlike.
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There are four survivors...only one killer. It's simple logic as to why killers are nerfed. Think about how many survivors who don't play killer complain as soon as they can't loop and tbag a killer. The devs must listen to these crybabies because without them this game would be dead. There will always be someone trying for a killer challenge but no survivors means no game.
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The same "iF suRvivOrS canT loOp thEy cRy" mantra. If there is nothing a survivor can do in a chase what is the actual point of the game, which is focused around chases. Oni was broken on the PTB, because in a chase there at times was literally NOTHING a survivor could do. New Oni is still powerful and fun, but actually is fair for both sides.
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You don't even need to be "godlike" to beat 90% of SWF. You just need to be good at the game. If you're good at the game, killers will never be a "play thing" verse SWF.
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he`s a good killer, beats alot of others due to the pressure he can create, you're either not got a good build, going against the top 1% swf or you just arent as good of a killer as you think... i dont mean this in a horrible way at all but he does have the ability to cross the map easily, slug multiple people as well as being default killer speed with instant downs, im rank 1 killer and survivor been there all day again and i got my adept just fine and i have seen plenty of other oni`s do good, cant always expect it to be easy but he is far better than alot of other killers
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Fair both sides? Tell that to the 15 red rank one killers on console I know who say differently. Personally I've deranked from 1 to 5 just trying for his adept. There has never been a killer released that feels so bad.
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Oni def feels a wee bit weaker then ptb but still very, very strong. I have been dominated by red rank killers easily with oni, and also had a super free escape because the killer doesnt know how to use him. He has a learning curve but imo he will be top 5 killers in the game.
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And that's why I don't understand the hate. He's still very strong despite some tweaks.
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He's more balanced for both sides. On console, I've done entirely fine with him. The only problem is that he isn't as fun because his flick is almost nonexistent on console. But, he still is a fun and strong killer.
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I swear people see "killer was nerfed" and upvote as a reflex. This post is full of misinformation and yet still gets upvotes. Pretty cringey.
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If by AoE you mean the ability to hit multiple survivors, I did it yesterday so it's still there.
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He is awesome, and the orb thing is not truly in game. Maybe the other changes made you feel like he has been nerfed more than he has
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Some of the nerfs make sense (fixing the no pallet break animation, flick nerf, charge cancel nerf)
Others don't (passive recharge nerf)
And the fact that his power has a drain didn't make sense in the PTB and still doesn't make sense in live. The change transfered the drain to be when downing a Survivor instead of when picking them up, which at least means it won't force slugging. But it doesn't make sense why that mechanic needs to exist. The nerfs to demon form already counterbalance removing this mechanic, so it could easily be removed without issue beyond the addons needing a replacement.
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Dude I think you just demolished all of OP's topic lol 10/10
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Lol ok boomer
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Solid argument
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Thanks for the clarification. As soon i get some time to spare, i will continue to test him out.
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Of course, hence why you only see spirit and Billy in high ranks lol.
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Can you message me about the Legion changes and explain them for me then?
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I'm just gonna say, I'm kind of tired of these powers that can break pallets, but it takes just as long as walking up and pressing space anyway.
At least Billy and Leatherface you feel like you gained something, with Demogorgon and Oni it just feels like an alternate animation.
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No killers means no game as well, and there are fewer killers than survivors as demonstrated by the way longer wait times when playing survivor my wait time easily doubles if not more when I play survivor.
Probably good indication that killer mains are tired of the crap. But hey what do I know.
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No he's only fun on console against bad survivors against GOOD survivor I pretty much spend the whole game wishing I was plague, hag, Freddy, ghostface or nurse. Especially since most of the decent survivors are toxic as hell and god forbid you get seal team toxic lol
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Don't want too seem like the bad guy, but the changes are incredibly minute and don't change much with him. He still plays the same, and running Knock Out + Infectious is still a monstrous combo. I agree they should of let him settle in before changing him, but it's BHVR, the home of "nerf now, rework them in a few years."
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Implying Jason is strong in that game? For all of you complaining about SWF, imagine going against 7 people on comms committed to killing Jason. I’m sorry to go off topic but killer is incredibly weak in F13.
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annnnd I'm talking about how dead the game is. Implying how dead it is. Jesus christ you people jump at the chance to start an argument.
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It does seem kinda short. Maybe they should increase the speed his charge is for better map pressure? Because the power is gained pretty easily tbh and if the power last really long it might be too powerful. Also if the power breaks pallets faster than a regular break it isn't a big of deal but idk the speed he breaks it