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This will get a DC from me every time



  • Member Posts: 21,212

    You should have stayed in the match. The only thing you do by DC'ing is hurt yourself and open up the possibility of the ban being applied to you

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2019

    So you are going to ruin everyone else’s game because you wanna be a baby about someone calling out your location? Yes it sucks, but you DCing is NO better than what they did and that’s why they have introduced DC penalties...

  • Member Posts: 430

    Exactly. I am almost always against DCing. It shouldn't be used for thing like having a bad game, not liking the killer, or stuff like that. But this whole idea that DCing is this all or nothing proposition and you should just allow people to take advantage of you when they are cheating and/or preventing you from even playing in a match is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 430

    One of my friends plays this game and ends up unintentionally DCing at least once a night because his internet connection sucks. He hasn't been banned, nor has he even been penalized with longer wait times. If I get a penalty or a ban for DCing one game every month or two because of an issue with lag or someone cheating there is a problem with the system.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    You make it seem like they joined the game together and pre planned the whole scenario. This stuff happens every now and then just because a survivor wants to be funny and only cares about himself. I'm not saying what the other survivor did was good, he was being a really bad person. All I'm saying is there's no reason to break the games Terms of Service and DC.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    It happens and its part of the game.

    It's just unlucky you spawned close to the killer with another survivor. What the survivor did is not bannable as its just selling you out so they can escape.

    You can work with others or not, you can lead the killer to others to try and stop chasing you, sandbag someone to give yourself more of a chance. As long as you don't actively work with the killer to ruin the game by doing it multiple times while the killer ignores you.

    Dcing due to this however is against the rules and isn't warranted.

  • Member Posts: 430

    I will respectfully disagree that it isn't warranted. It is my personal opinion if we have no choice but to simply go along with these kind of actions it simply encourages people that are already doing them to continue and encourages people that aren't doing them to start because they gain easy points with no repercussions.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Honestly yeah working with the killer is reportable it's one of the things they use as a example for reporting. I would have reported them and moved on. It's not like you were going to be in the match to much longer anyway

  • Member Posts: 968

    Working with the opposing side without letting others participate is bannable and is what happened. The player DC'ing is not the issue here.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited December 2019

    That is not working with the other side its selling someone out to save yourself which is allowed.

    Working with the other side is purposefully leading them to another player or constantly greifing them and letting the killer down them like unlocking them instantly and they let you live while you do it.

    Selling someone out to save your own skin for that one time is not.

    Dcing unless it's for real life or a bug is against the rules. Since this is neither then it is unwarranted and comes down to the same reason others use for a myriad of things.

    Didn't like the killer, didn't like their perks, didn't like the map, didn't like how they played etc.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    There was though. The killer and second survivor had already ruined that game. They shouldn't be rewarded with points for that behavior.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    How did they not let them play? They dc'd after it happening once. Being hooked once doesn't stop you from playing the rest of the match once saved and escaping.

    As I said it takes a lot more to be classed as working with the killer or dropping a pallet and someone being hit or leading them to others while in a chase to get stop them chasing yourself would be classed as the same.

    Working with the killer is a lot more than pointing once to a locker.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited December 2019

    @twistedmonkey The OP stated that the killer didn't even bother to hit the survivor that ratted them out and hooked them. The rat also proceeded to unhook said survivor with the killer not even bothering to swing at the unhooker, and instantly hits the unhookee as soon as their invincibility bubble ran out.

    The OP already knew how that match was going to play out and D'C and hopefully sent in a report. Not only that but the killer messaged him getting salty that the survivor was being abused by both sides.

  • Member Posts: 430
    edited December 2019

    You either didn't read or didn't comprehend. The other survivor pointed me out. The killer then hooked me. The other survivor unhooked me. The killer hit me again, knocked me down again, and was in the process of picking me up again, and obviously would have hung me again. That's something happening more than once. How in the world is that letting me play?

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    That still doesn't constitute working with the killer.

    Yes they farmed them off the hook and the killer downed them.

    Someone farming and the killer hitting the hooked survivor doesn't mean they are working together the killer is just taking advantage of the situation.

    The person was being a troll but it's still not bannable under working with the killer as there is no proof to say the person in question wasn't chased, hooked and killed themselves.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Which is all part of the game. They pointed you out and farmed you playing like a douche but that doesn't constitute working with the killer. This needs both parties to engage in the act not just one being a troll.

    Did you stay and watch them do this to all the others? If not then its just a random troll and you were unlucky.

  • Member Posts: 300
    edited December 2019

    Working with the killer does not necessarily mean they HAVE to talk pre-match and say "Hey, lemme help you kill all other survivors." The survivor can make the decision themself and say "Maybe the killer will be nice to me if I show them every other survivor." or "Ima give the killer their kills because no other survivor deserves to live." or something like that.

    The killer was passing by and the other survivor not only let the killer know they were there but also let them know the other person was there. And one point that has been made earlier was "Working with the opposing side without letting others participate is bannable and is what happened. The player DC'ing is not the issue here." which I don't seem to see you commenting on. This person was FORCED into being farmed and not allowed to enjoy the game. You cannot force someone into your pathetic farming game (which we don't even know it was but it didn't sound like it).

    Yes, the survivor was a jerk but they worked with the killer to grief the other survivor (which states in the rules it is bannable).

  • Member Posts: 430

    This survivor pointed me out. The killer hit me, hung me, and allowed the other survivor to unhook me. The killer then hit me again and was in the process of picking me up. This all happened without the killer ever once taking a swing at this other survivor. I don't give flying $%#& if was pre-planned or a random. They were still working together. Trying to claim they weren't working together if it wasn't pre planned is ludicrous. If you are working on your car and your neighbor walks out and just starts helping you without it being planned ahead of time would you claim the two of you weren't working on your car together because it wasn't planned ahead of time?

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Working with the killer implies both sides are part of it and they take full advantage of the situation and work to get the survivors not just two instances of a survivor being a troll.

    Is farming someone off the hook bannable? No

    Is pointing to someone in a locker to benefit yourself so you can not get hit bannable? No

    There is a line when it happens yes but it has to be without a doubt or practically every game someone would get banned for hook farming alone.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    If the two are aware of the other's presence and actively doing these things knowing that the other will respond accordingly, is that not working together?

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    It all depends as the killer is allowed to take advantage of a situation with a survivor being a troll.

  • Member Posts: 430

    I honestly am not sure at this point if he believes what he is saying or just arguing to be arguing.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Is the Killer allowed to wait for the Survivor to unhook OP right in front of them under the assumption that the Survivor is aware of this and trying to let OP get hooked again? Because at that point, both parties are aware of the other's action and participating in such a way that actively encourages it.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Now that you have expanded it can be classed as working together. You never stated in the first place they let them unhook you staring at them without hitting them and allowing to unhook you a second time.

    If you recorded it then you would have proof to send.

  • Member Posts: 430

    So if you don't think the killer in this situation wasn't taking advantage of a survivor being a troll what do you think he was doing?

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    They never stated that in the OP. They just stated they unhooked them and were downed again. Context is always important and without knowing all the facts whixh they have now said what the actual OP stated was not bannable.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited December 2019

    OP stated that they were unhooked as soon as the Killer hooked them, not as soon as the Killer started leaving. If the Killer wasn't intending on working with the Survivor, they would have attacked as soon as they hooked.

  • Member Posts: 968

    Oh of course in situations like this people always have to say "Show me proof" to stuff to where the survivor is the victim. But when the killer is at victim everyone kisses their ass.

  • Member Posts: 430

    The killer only hung me once, but he allowed the other survivor who pointed me out originally to unhook me at which point the killer hit me again and was in the process of picking me back up. At no point during any of this did the killer ever take so much as a single swing at the other survivor. The killer didn't have to hang me a second time for it equate to working together. It became working together the moment the killer allowed this other survivor to benefit from pointing me out.

    I wouldn't even have dc'd had the other survivor merely ran away after pointing me out, but he followed the killer straight to the hook. The killer allowed him to take me off the hook without ever swinging at him. If that doesn't constitute working together to you I don't know what does.

  • Member Posts: 300
    edited December 2019

    After thinking on this argument more I see it as

    Farming Match - Well, they cannot force you into it and the survivor pointed him out at the start. How would the survivor know it was a farming match unless they previously had spoken with the killer? The killer didn't initiate the farming, the survivor did. And again, it didn't sound like a farming match.

    Killer Advantage - Yes, the killer can take advantage but taking advantage in this scenario would be "let's get two birds, one stone." They take him out of the locker and proceed to attack the other survivor but they left the other survivor alone. But they didn't attack, as OP had stated, the killer left the other survivor alone and that is in no way taking advantage to win the game if you let the other person live this whole time.

    Pre-Talk - There are many examples in this world where people work together but don't first have a chat about it (as I saw OP somewhere above use working on a car as an example). Only ONE person out of two or more need to have an idea of "Let's work with this person to do x." Which in this case it was "Let's work with the killer in order to grief this other survivor." Even though they said nothing to the killer, the killer is not the reportable one, we aren't talking of reporting the killer. The survivor took it upon themselves to make that decision.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    the Survivor is still working with the Killer and thus is preforming a bannable offense

    Pointing out a Survivor in a locker after deliberately revealing yourself while you could otherwise have been hidden is not to your benefit. Thus that Survivor is not simply preforming a strategy.

    The Killers reaction to this however (specifically him not hitting that Survivor) means he likely is in fact working with the other Survivor (as in they likely sent messages beforehand) since there is no reason not to just hit the Survivor AND open the Locker.

  • Member Posts: 430

    Exactly. The mere fact the killer never even took a swing at the other survivor is enough to say they were working together, whether they planned it beforehand or not.

  • Member Posts: 371

    If you would have read carefully the author stated the match had just started so DS was unusable

  • Member Posts: 430

    Yes, and we were still right next to the hook even after I was removed and knocked down. So unless I got a chance to DS within a second or two I was going to be on hook almost immediately with no chance to use it.

  • Member Posts: 282
  • Member Posts: 126
    edited December 2019

    Sounds like fun! No seriously, this is why I stopped solo queuing; it seems that no matter the rank, you just can't prevent getting bad, boosted Survivors who are in red ranks, but play like yellow ranks. Not only that, but I have gotten Survivors who purposely sabotage the game, work with the Killer, to make everyone get tunneled, while he farms, and gets a free escape. It's honestly so pathetic that some people can't even play the game normally; they have to utilize farming or trolling to have fun. If you aren't enjoying playing the game the way it was intended, then don't play the game, and don't continue to ruin other players' experiences, just because you're bored.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Then tell me what you think he said happened? I'm a bit confused right now.

  • Member Posts: 351

    I watched a survivor drop a pallet on another survivor. I chased the sandbagger down, hooked them in the basement and facecamped them until they died on hook. It was quite satisfying to say the least.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Yes but that is farming someone. What's to say they pointed, killer grabs and hooks them and the survivor was behind them so the killer didn't know where they were?

    That is what I meant about context as without the finer details being explained the picture isn't correctly painted so onsteadnof assuming the worst you have to give the benefit of doubt when it comes to a ban situation.

    It's not about killer or survivor its about needing proof for the devs to do something about a situation when these cases happen as without it its your word versus theirs.

    How you saw any bias in what I said is mind boggling.

    That's why I said knowing this now I changed my mind. Your original post was light on the exact details and how it was written didn't paint the whole picture and so wouldn't be bannable as it could have just been a farm begind the killers back instantly without the killer knowing its happening which happens a lot in the game

    Knowing the killer stood there watching them unhook not just once but twice does fall under the definition of working with them.

    Not really as this happens a lot. Jumping out a locker and pointing isn't itself considered working with the killer its considered as saving yourself over an other.

    Also following and instantly unhooking doesn't mean you are working with them but farming someone as manu do this by crouching under the killers view which itself its not bannable.

    Now when it was properly explained that after the first instance they then followed the killer and unhooked them as the killer watches then it became something different and was cemented the second time. With video proof they players would be punished.

  • Member Posts: 266

    If I see someone doing that I usually down the dummy that is trying to sell out his teammate. The other killers in here though, are the type of people who already hold a biased view and hate survivors. So you're really only going to hear stuff like them defending the killer from them. Trust me, looking at some of those people attacking OP saying he made a mistake by not having certain perks, etc are just biased and ignorant. In a real scenario had that not happened there is a good chance that killer would probably not have found him. Most killers (smart ones) dont just waste time opening random lockers unless they're by a gen that was recently touched and they have zero leads. Even then they'd sooner walk away than check because it's a waste of time.

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    Then about 75 people in my games in the last two weeks should be banned.

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    That completely changes it. In the OP, it seemed like the Survivor pointed you out, then came back and farmed you. Now, you are adding more info which is good, it would be classified as working together and the Survivor should be banned, since the Killer made no move against him.

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    No, it is not. Teaming with the Killer is. Selling out your teammates is not. Farming is not.

    However, the OP has added information not present in the original post stating that the Killer made no move to attack the farming Survivor and stood there and watched. THAT does constitute as teaming, the original scenario did not as it seemed like OP had a douche teammate then got farmed.

  • Member Posts: 172

    Spoken like a killer main that does the same crap. It was more so the other survivor's fault but to disregard the killer working with survivor is just asinine

  • Member Posts: 430

    Actually that was not added information. It was all in the original post. Copied and pasted the pertinent section from the op below.

    " The killer walked right by this survivor and didn't even bother to take a swing at them. He then opened the locker where I was and pulled me out and walked away. The other survivor followed. As soon as I was hooked the same survivor walked up and unhooked me. Once again the killer didn't even bother to take a swing at them, but hit me immediately."

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