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Reasons for using noed?

Member Posts: 4,125

Thats not a noed hate or balance thread, I am simply asking why are YOU using noed, if you use it obviously. I personally and honestly dont like noed and would never use it because its way to crutch and braindead for me. Thats my personal opinion to that, However I can understand if ppl have reasons like "they are bad in this game, want to punish genrush etc". The reason "I am new to this killer and want to learn him" is not a option because you cant learn a killer if you immidiatly kill the survivor. Anyway, let me know and share your experiences!


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  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I only use it if I don't have many options

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited December 2019


    Yeah thats true, but I would still use even whispers 1 instead :D But thats true, noed is a good "early level" perk for killers that still have not good perks yet. And yes thats true, I hate the noed challange aswell, I let a friend of mine play in my account for that xD

  • Member Posts: 212

    Only use it against swf as a backup, other then that for some reason i always have it on my doctor

  • Endgame build, not many perks, punish those who don't cleanse totems. However, I stopped using noed a long long time ago.

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    Either endgame build or 4 toolboxes.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    I use it when I don't have a lot of good perks on a killer, mostly. Once you build up your collection a bit, there are many other builds which work better than NOED depending on the killer.

    That said, if I'm trying to be really sweaty because I need a 4k for a challenge or something, I might equip NOED, because I'll be the first to admit I'm a bad killer who sometimes needs a bit of insurance.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Sounds nice!

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Thats a defenatly good reason!

  • Member Posts: 198

    I like to waste perk slots 🤣

  • Member Posts: 378

    I run noed when I want to be lazy, endgame builds (some killers I only use endgame builds on.. wraith), when I’m full of frustration towards how broken this game is, or I just want to give survivors a false hope that I’m a trash rank 20 killer. Than at end game I’ll bloodwarden and noed them

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Slow the game down

  • Member Posts: 201

    To get undeserved kills and move faster. Or for the challenge because tome promotes not playing regularly to get some of its challenges done.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Used it for the challenge recently, felt kind of dirty.... Other than that I only use it if it is the best perk available (which only happens if I just prestiged someone)

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    For challenges revolving around the endgame, really.

    It's not about me thinking it's bad, OP, fair or unfair - I quite simply like to have 4 perks that help me throughout the game before the end of the match. Same reason I don't really run Adrenaline, Hope and perks like that as survivor often even if they aren't bad perks.

  • Member Posts: 204

    Because it’s fun when I go against SWF and they all try to save their teammates and they all end up dying

  • Member Posts: 452

    I use it most of the time.

    Assuming I have it of course.

    But I focus putting it onto weaker Killers. The stronger ones I usually disregard. *Mostly due to the fact most of the time, I don't get use out of it due to me successfully preventing gens being done.*

  • Member Posts: 712

    I just consider it a failsafe personally. It's rare it gets to that point for me, but when it does NOED helps speed up the process for me. And the best part is that Survivors have no one to blame but themselves for not cleansing totems

  • Member Posts: 16,669

    When a challenge forces me to use it.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    NOED is basically reverse Ruin. Rather than slow the game itself, it punishes the game for going too quickly.

    This having been said I generally only use it on killers when I don't have Ruin. The killers I run NOED on the most are Trapper and Michael. Trapper I used NOED on because in the past I was still upgrading his prestige level and his perk collection was inconsistent. For Myers, I generally just run a perk build that has multiple insta-down perks as a meme.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Tome challenges... I don't really like any of the endgame perks. Rather pick something that works the entire game.

  • Member Posts: 226

    When i use NOED its primarily when i value hooks and sacrifices over gen protection. I just slap it into a normal build, and if the conditions are met and it activates then yay, otherwise oh well, guess i did good enough i didnt need it.

    I see no shame in using it, its a perk just like any other. Killers and survivors see no issue with using strong perks, like ruin, borrowed time, PGTW and dead hard, so why shouldnt i use a strong perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,310
    edited December 2019

    Swf prevention tool on Clown only.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    I dont get exactly what you mean? In what situation punishes noed for ending the game too quick? Yeah you have to destroy the totems but in a swf all totems can be done in the first few sec. And if you are unlucky on a good map like hawkins, you will take YEARS to find it. And sometiems you have to push gens to make some pressure on the killer. I dont see any reason for "punishing" the game to fast.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    To let you know how I think about that. All these perks you mentioned requiere something, a activation requierment or skill even borrowed time. All these perks cant carry you by doing nothing or even bad. The only perk with the same exception is adrenaline and I dont like this perk either.

    Ruin dont has a requierment but has a fairly easy and fast counterplay, noed HAS a easy and fair counterplay but it is really RNG. It depends on the map and totem spawns. And if you play alone it is even harder to cleanse all totems, and why should only your enemy worry about the counterplay and you have a very stressless mind about that?

    On every perk you have to think about, oh god I have to do that or that to get the effect but I feel good because I got the nice reward of the perk after doing it. But on noed its nothing like that.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Endgame builds only. Pretty bad perk otherwise at high ranks. It's not this mythical auto-win perk that people make it out to be. I usually only get 1 or 2 downs with it before it is cleansed. You get the same value out of MYC or HG.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I don't use it myself personly cause i prefer perks that always work

    That being said i don't see any problem with using

    Imo it's not cheap or dirty at all, and i wouldn't feel bad if i were to use, nor would i feel bad if the killer i'm going up against uses it

    In the end, if survivors lose to Noed it's their fault and only their fault

    Reasons for using Noed is the same as for any perk in the game

    Cause it's in the game

  • Member Posts: 749

    I guess because they want to? I personally don't understand the use of a perk that requires me to play poorly all game for it to become active but everyone has their load out differently.

  • Member Posts: 36

    For the challenge I'll use it. Or if I'm just in a mischievous mood. Because at that point it's activated if people refuse to touch the totems they pass during the game.

    Remember children, get the totems or dont act surprised when you get knocked down.

    Cause like literally there is 4 of you, surely you can find a totem or two each.

    But for some reason when I play survivor I end up being the one that goes after totems.

  • Member Posts: 222

    I use it on killers like wraith or trapper. I dont have ruin or corrupt to slow the game down and gens pop in like 5 minutes. If survivors dont want to spent time cleansing totems or want to get the gens as fast as possible and get out its their fault if they fall down to noed. That being said usually what noed gives you is 1 down. Then other survivors either get out or play immersed cleanse it and try to go for a save. If it comes into play of course.

    I have no idea why people so hate this perk. It annoys me only if used in some dirty combinations like spirit+ruin+noed when i play survivor. I hate ruin more but thats because im still not so consistent at hitting great skill checks. I always cleanse totems when i run into them. And if we are doing gens too fast and i have time I go searching for totems.

    Id say noed is necessary for newbies and people who dont have ruin and play on m1 killers like trapper. IF you want have a chance to win of course. All the people hating it sound like a broken record. I mean it has so many counterplays, just adapt to it already. Instead people blaming me for running it on trapper with no slowdown after everyone dies before 5 gens are done.

  • Member Posts: 4,188
    edited December 2019

    It's a Plan B... mainly for Trapper though. Usually I run Ruin, BBQ, and one other perk of my choice, and survivors usually cleanse ruin right away... so I use it to counter genrushes.

    You got all the gens done right away? Without even trying that much? And everyone has Adrenaline? But didn't do bones? Well now, I am no longer trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me!

    I also run it on Freddy, but only to disguise that I have Rancor to other survivors. Only works in non SWFs though.

  • Member Posts: 253

    Probably main reason would be gen rush for most people and I don't blame them. I personally don't use it unless it's a challenge or I'm going for an end-game Blood Warden build.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    I use it too stop gen rushers. They never cleanse totems so it's nice too punish those who just hold M1 and ruin the fun of the game.

  • Member Posts: 21,212


  • Member Posts: 222

    Pretty good point. The only time it could work like that autowin is if survivors are dumb enough to not expect it and stay together. Or decide to show themselves to the killer when the noed is active. In any situation its survivors fault.

  • Member Posts: 226


    See thats where i disagree with you. Just because the perks have an activation requirement doesn't mean theyre inherently fairer or less powerful. While yes, there is skill in borrowed time, dead hard, and a bunch of other perks, it doesn't mean that perks without skill dont have a place.

    NOEDs activation may be rng based, but from my own personal experience its very rare that survivors do all 5 totems, regardless of their spawns. I can count on one hand the amount of times it hasn't activated. The stress of counterplay is only after the survivors know of its existence.

    For example, theres skill in adrenaline, its a risk where the exhaustion effect is actually detrimental, or the sprint boost/heal of it is wasted. Also, risking like sounding like a broken record, there is of course counterplay to NOED

    Of course theres the much parroted "just do totems" to cleanse noed, but theres also just mentally noting the location of the totems and checking them when the gens are done. As well, the killer still needs to actually hit a survivor, and they only gain a 4% movement boost, which whilst powerful isn't earth shattering.

    I wont deny that NOED is a powerful perk, but like ive said, there are many powerful perks in the game, some more niche than others, some with more counterplay than others, and thats why i dont feel bad about NOED, because its just one of many perks to choose from

    And on your last point on you finding pleasure on activating your perks, or fulfilling their requirements, NOED isnt about that, its more giving the player a fighting chance against a superior team, or giving an edge at the end of the match. Its balanced that way, since you are a perk down for the entire match before its activation.

  • Member Posts: 849

    I run NOED to remind survivors to do totems.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    No Ed is a good perk when toolboxes and Prove Thyself are in play. Gens will flash before your eyes if you’re not careful.

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    For fun, end game builds, I do Remember me, Blood Warden, NOED and MYC.

    It's a one hit down build for no unhooking, they all try to exit once they see I have MYC, BOOOOM! Blood warden and they're all doomed

  • Member Posts: 27

    I like using NOED as a punishment for gen-rushing (Cause let's be real, in high ranks 2 gens typically can get done by the first survivor down if the team is competent) and I like pairing NOED with Blood Warden haha

  • Member Posts: 38

    I don't even see a problem in using Noed. As a survivor main i know to cleanse totems from the beginning, not only i get easy points, but I know the killer has lost one perk and he only has 3 more to rely on.

    You should always start thinking about the fact that the killer is using Noed. You do not take risks or rely on luck, u just cleanse everything (except haunted grounds ofc), and u will be fine.

    Sometimes when i play killer i use noed because i am not a killer main, and i do not have enough teachable perks to create a good build, so noed is always a good choice for a second choice if you did bad in the game.

    It is funny how if survivors keep doing mistakes, they could just repair them with Dead Hard, Ds, Adrenaline, Deliverence and killers are not allowed to recover from a gen rush or a long chase with a helpful saviour perk. No one should cry about this honestly.

  • Member Posts: 108

    I only used it like two matches for the challenge because BHVR held my sweet battle pass rewards hostage, but some nice survivor fed me my second kill in EGC so I could stop using the filthy perk.

  • Member Posts: 63

    May as well ask "why do you SWF?"

    Perks (and Mori's) are there to be used. You don't like them, don't use them. You don't have to hate on players who do, that's just another sign of the increasingly toxic community. I'll use any perk that's useful. You don't like it? Sorry, not sorry.

    Just play the damned game, Sheesh!

  • Member Posts: 206

    I use it to punish gen-rushing, since it would secure me a kill, when otherwise it wouldn't against survivors who would cleanse all the totems.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Depends on the killer. Usually I only have it equipped on killers I don't have many perks unlocked. Or if I was just run around by a SWF the last match and feeling vindictive.

  • Member Posts: 158

    Noed plus blood Warden equals salty survivors lol, I like to use remember me with that as well

  • Member Posts: 128

    Because Killers like wasting a perk slot (only if they go against me though, because Small Game is funny).

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I personally don't use noed because it's unfair. It's like if survivors had a perk where they instantly escape when the gens are powered and kills gotten with it are not earned. On the other hand, because there is an archive challenge for it I was forced to use it. Thanks devs

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