I can't believe this needs to be said, but

The fact that some survivors have exploited bugs in the past—while equally scummy—is not an excuse for killers to be freely exploiting the basement bug... and acting like it's their God-given right to do it at that, just because they got hit with a DS their last game. (Pro tip: you can literally counter DS by not tunneling. Wild, I know.)
Stop making excuses for cheap exploits. It's garbage *no matter who does it* the end.
**Edit: Since some people struggle with reading comprehension, let me clarify some things:
1. I'm aware it's patched. It wasn't when I wrote this—but that wasn't the point.
2. I'm in no way implying that all or even most killers abused the bug. Also not the point.
3. This isn't about the bug itself, or even the fact that it was exploited. This is about the attitudes I've seen from people who admitted to exploiting the bug on purpose to "punish" survivors as a whole... because some of them abused bugs in the past. Because for one, you're probably not "punishing" the same survivors who exploited said bugs, and for two, that's insanely childish and you should probably grow up if you think that way. I'm not sorry for saying that.
4. I'm not a survivor main. I play both. I also don't run DS as survivor. I only brought it up because someone else used it as a justification for exploiting the basement bug and I was pointing out how silly it sounded.
So... If you're not of the opinion that one side doing it is okay because the other has done it before... then congratulations, this wasn't about you and you aren't required to take it personally and make butthurt comments as if I insulted your mother or something. 😊
It's patched
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I didn't even know about this bug until it was patched out.
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I'm aware, but that's also not the point I was making. It's the "bUt sUrViVoRs DiD iT bEfOrE" bs I kept reading. Just because the bug is patched now doesn't mean that ridiculous mindset has been patched.
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Well if you're a killer main and didn't read the forums or Twitter the past couple of days, that would make sense. But I'm talking about the people that DID know and were like "Hell yeah I'm exploiting it survivors have exploited [insert bug here] in the past."
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I saw survivors do the same with the "Wake Up" bug. It's just bad people being bad.
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My point is that I doubt most killers knew about the basement bug, also why'd you think a bug exploit thread would be the perfect place for a little DS rant?
If you had some bad luck playing against some cheesy killers that sucks, but most people here don't do that
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I'm literally talking about comments people have made here admitting that they deliberately took advantage of the bug (though I have experienced it in a handful of games where it was obvious it was done intentionally). One person used DS as their excuse for abusing it, which is why I brought it up (personally, I never run DS).
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And those were scummy survivors. But that's my point, one doesn't excuse the other. Trash gameplay is trash gameplay. The argument that it's okay because survivors did something similar is just bogus.
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I'm not arguing that. I'm saying people suck
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Oh yeah absolutely they do.
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I've never seen Wake Up! used in-game in my entire time playing DBD until that bug was revealed by a twitch streamer...
Once they revealed it than everyone started using it lmao... once it got patched than nobody ever touched Wake Up! Again...
I bet some people didn't even unlock Wake Up! for all their Survivors until that bug was revealed...
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Correct. However, that is also one reason why they cannot ban for it.
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They definitely can, they choose not to. It's not like they've never banned for exploits or explicitly stated that deliberate exploits were bannable.
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But the precedent set is that they make an announcement and then they start banning.
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Both sides abused many exploits in the past. The infinite mending legion, moonwalking legion, wake up, on demand sprint burst and probably more that I can't remember now.
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Thats not a counter, thats being forced to leave that survivor alone. Counterplay involves overcoming an ability with good play. You are not over coming it, you are forced to do it.
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If I downed a survivor near the basement and the survivor starts wiggleing like crazy, then I cant bring them to a other hook, in that point I am forced to carry them to the basement.
Pro tipp: Dont wiggle if you dont wanted to get hooked in the basement, wild right?
I played alot of survivor and many killers didnt hook me there when I didnt wiggle, compared to my friend that wiggled and he got most of the time hooked in the basement.
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There are I think 3 rift challenges requiring using the basement.
Not everyone knew about the basement bug.
If a survivor is wiggling and the basement hook is the only hook available why would they give a free escape.
Yes I'm sure there were people exploiting it before it got patched but not everyone was, and I'd wager most didn't know. If you only play killer and don't use the forums there was no indication of a bug.
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I'm glad it got patched and disappointed that some people knowingly exploited / went out of their way for basement hooks just for the sake of causing the bug.
I dont, however, fault the people that were legitimately ignorant or had challenges to do.
I myself only used it on survivors that seemed to think running to the basement was a sort of "safe zone" for them. Case-in-point: Gas Heaven. Downed an Adam inside the shop in the corner with the pallet. I HAD to take him to basement because the hook outside was sabo'd and he ran there twice. I slugged the first time but the second time, yep, basement. He got affected by the bug and still ended up mad in the chat. And he knew basement was there.
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Once again, I was specifically referring to the attitudes expressed by those who admitted to exploiting it. I am in no way insinuating that every single person knew about the bug, and looking back at my original post I can't really see how there could be confusion about that.
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Players knowingly exploiting bugs on both side are #########.
Is that what you want to hear? 🤔
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I keep saying over and over that I never said I thought everyone knew and that I was talking about comments I'd seen from people who admitted to exploiting it and used the reasoning I mentioned.
That said, survivors who abused a killer's presumed knowledge of the bug and tried to use the basement as a safe haven deserved whatever they got when the killer was fed up.
As for the challenges... do a different challenge until the bug is fixed. It was two days, not the end of the world.
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Uh, usually you wiggle so the killer can't hook you wherever they please. Namely, the basement. So that doesn't really make a lot of sense, sorry. If you start carrying me towards the basement I'm going to try to prevent it. That's bug or no bug.
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I believe that's more or less what I said, actually. If you're not of the opinion that one side doing it is okay because the other has done it before... then congratulations, this wasn't about you.
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That's... literally my point. One doesn't excuse the other. Both are scummy.
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*Someone goes down near the basement.
*Killer picks him up
*Killer looks and the only hooks in reach are the basement ones
A) survivor wiggles
*Survivor gets hooked in basement.
B) survivor doesn't wiggle
*Survivor gets hooked somewhere else.
What part of what he said was hard to understand?
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Ok, but what about survivors that decided to play sabo squad? It actually happened to me yesterday. 4 people with names "Basement bug", "Don't hook me in basement" etc sabotaging all hooks on the map. Was I supposed to surrender, because "exploiting bugs is bad"?
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I've encountered zero killers that won't hook in basement if they're close to it and the survivor doesn't wiggle. You act like it's a last resort for most killers and it's absolutely not. It's opportunistic.
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No, because like I said already those survivors are also exploiting the bug and deserve whatever they get as a consequence.
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I'm an xbox player when does it get patched?
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I am just telling you in more words what the guy said he was doing.
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Yeah, get mad about a bug that most killers didn't even know about and weren't intentionally doing, and now has been patched. But running the infinite loops and t-bagging while doing it is still fine and a thing though. Where's that patch?
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Hasn't this been patched? If so, who decided this "needed" to be said?
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Is that what you made a thread for? To ######### and moan about something that isn't in the game anymore?
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Glitching sucks, yea.
As for the ds thing, it has no counter. You either eat it or waste a ton of time and lose gens by slugging.
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5000RPM machinegun Killer (stacking perks), 4 Sprint Bursts - stacking perks at all, Killer with Bond/Empathy, Decisive Strike useless when you play as Hag (like 1 or 2 weeks after release, theres no stun), Wakeup, infinite Mend, Ruin exploit, 2 or more Killers in one game, DS dribbling, holding Killer on combain (map Fields), Tinkerer Tier 2, moonwalking Survivors after tapping gen with battery and many many many more.
Back to the topic, imo you can't blame Killers for hooking you in basement, because there is challenges in Archives just pushing you to do this, it's not like after this exploit is revealed the basement hooking raise by 80% like someone said on this forum.
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"Not tunneling" *gives the survivor an entire minute of near immunity with the only punishment is getting downed and left there because if he waits for it to end a gen can easily be done in that time.* I've been screwed over by this perk countless times specifically after I already downed and hooked someone else then found the guy playing like an idiot only to get dstrike'd. The perk needs tweaks don't act like it's fine as is, it needs to go away when you down and hook someone else
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Then dont blame me for "abusing" the bug, I am defenatly not giving someone a free wiggle escape due to the bug xD And there is no reason to wiggle if you DONT want to get hooked in the basement, if you wiggle you force the killer even more to go there but okey xD
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Survivors ALWAYS abuse exploits as soon as they're found and made public. JuSt PlAy ArOuNd It BaBy KiLlEr. Nobody should be surprised when killers abuse bugs right back. It's like stepping on your neighbor's flowers and being surprised when they do it back. And besides, the bug is already gone, unlike survivor exploits which usually take much longer to be fixed...
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That's my point. I play both and wouldn't do it on either end. So why is it fair for a killer to grief me with an exploit just because other survivors (who were not me) abused an exploit in the past? That doesn't even make sense. It's not just two sides—everyone is an individual player. So really it's more like if one of your neighbors stepped on your flowers, so you turned around and went to your OTHER neighbor's house and stepped on THEIR flowers... using the logic that they deserved it because they're also your neighbor, even though they're not the specific neighbor who wronged you. Make sense?
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dude, most killers didnt even know the bug existed in the first place.
it also got fixed within like 2 days.
not everything is a "toxic tryhard killer abusing a bug for an easy 4k". the basement in general is a great place to hook someone plus there were tome challenges that literally required you to hook someone down there.
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Sorry but there's not a larger distance between basement hooks and other hooks. Unless you're literally already in the basement, or inside a relatively closed off building where the basement is... going to another hook isn't a risk. In fact, killers more often than not will go out of their way to hook in basement even if they could easily hook elsewhere.
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Basement hooks, even before the bug, built a ton of pressure and put the Survivors in a position they often did not want to be in.
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Okay number one, you just quoted something I never said or even implied—making it clear that you not only completely missed the point, but didn't bother to notice that you're the 4th or 5th person to miss the point. I never even used the word toxic. I literally said it's JUST AS BAD when players in either role do it, and one doesn't excuse the other. I was speaking specifically about comments I read here from people gloating about exploiting this bug as they felt it was "payback" for survivors exploiting bugs in the past... even though the odds that they were "paying back" the same survivors who abused said bugs, particularly against them, are slim to none. My point was that it's stupid and childish to deliberately play like an ######### just because someone else played like an ######### against you one time. This is not a tough concept. But sure, continue arguing against points I never made if it makes sense to you.
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I actually don't disagree with it being nerfed, I'm just saying I've just never really had it ruin a game for me as killer and I don't think it's a valid excuse to exploit a game-breaking bug to punish survivors who might not even use it. If someone who happens to be your obsession is playing like a potato right after being unhooked... you can pretty much guess they're running it and it isn't hard to either mindgame them out of their minute of "immunity" or simply go after someone else while you wait for the timer to run down. Because gens could also be getting popped by the other 3 while you're steady tunneling one... so it's not like it makes or breaks a game. Personally though like I said before, I never run DS as survivor. It's just not a must have for me.
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If they knew about the bug and couldn't wait two days to finish those two challenges, then sorry I just don't see that as an excuse. If it were like the final few days before the rift closed, fine... but it wasn't.
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Or... go after someone else. You literally have up to 3 other people to choose from. And if they're the last one alive, just slug them and close hatch to trigger endgame and let the entity take care of it. Not hard. There are very few circumstances where DS actually changes the entire outcome of a game. That's why I don't run it as survivor and it doesn't bother me that much as killer. Even if someone does manage to get me with it (doesn't happen often because I go out of my way to hook the rescuer after an unhook and not the rescued), it's usually not that hard to catch up to them and knock them right back down again—plus it's super satisfying. They can't do it twice. 🤷🏽♀️
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well, since apparently not only i but also others have completely misunderstood your post, you should probaply rething your wording here.
because what i "quoted" was what i felt like this post was trying to address - the killer community abusing this bug to win easily ingame.
if you are only talking about a small percentage of killers, please say so. otherwise it will, like it did in this case, lead to confusion.
btw, now that i know what exactly you are talking about i couldnt agree more.
bug abusing is always a douchebag move to do, no matter who you play.
i only tried to defend those killers who were not abusing the bug / unknowingly "using" the bug with my post, since i thought you'd have attacked the killer community as a whole.
sorry for the misunderstanding.
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Man some of you struggle with reading comprehension. It wasn't the bug itself (didn't say it was either), it was the sweaty betties gloating about deliberately abusing it every game they can to troll survivors because a Dwight hit them with DS one time and it hurt their feelings. ######### survivors exist, and I strongly dislike them whether I'm playing killer or they're on my team... but why use that as excuse to be an ######### killer? Like I said, I play both, and honestly I go out of my way to not t-bag at pallets or gates, not camp, not tunnel, and just generally not play like an ######### no matter what role I'm playing... and I guess I wish more people were that way, instead of being the bitter & spiteful players they are. Weird concept for some people I guess? I have the most fun when I run into people who don't take themselves too seriously and just play to have fun. It was disheartening to read comments from people saying ######### like "Hell yeah I'm abusing it, f*** those survivors!" like dude... who hurt you? Why act like that? "Because I've seen survivors do it!" ...okay, so we're twelve-year-olds now? You hate toxic survivors so you strive to act just like them? I guess that's more where I was coming from. I don't get that attitude at all.