The New Map! Is it balanced?

So I load up DBD, and play on the new map I can't remember exactly what it's called something Sanctum. But uhhh I'm playing on it, get in a chase and I simply can't find any pallets, and I'm the first one to be found. I go down. I find a pallet eventually but it is an unsafe pallet. I play on it about 5 more times, and nothing really changes on that front. I find it difficult to lose chase, or to really extend it.
So I'm like you know what, I'll go hop onto the killer side, and look for help from other survivors on how they run from the killer. 10 games later and I'm still just running right at survivors, hitting them, and running and hitting them. With hardly any need to mind game any pallets because of how little there are or the placements. Every game has been an easy 4k, or a 3k with a hatch escape. The best defense I've seen survivors attempt is to try and make me hit one of those statues that are all around to try and by some time. Or maybe a single pallet if they are lucky.
So, how do you feel about the new map, is their any tricks you've found to survive as survivor? Maybe a strong loop, or a safe area other than the killer shack? Also any tips for me as a survivor so I don't die horribly :( lol
honestly just don't 3 gen yourself this map is azerovs resting place 2.0 it's piss easy to get a 3 gen as killer
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new map has plenty.and i mean plenty of grass... be aware of your scratches and walk... in a chase to hide... it works pretty well on that map. Over reliance on pallets is a weakness in my opinion.
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Well usually there is either pallets, of windows for defense. On the map there seems to be a lack of both to really use in most areas without running out of your way to get to a small section that has a window. Also...I'm not sure hiding in grass is going to help inside of a chase, maybe outside of it? I mean a blendette tried it against me a few times and I just hit her down.
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Played it only once by now. I have no idea if it's balanced. Hope I helped.
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Too dark.
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The map heavily rewards stealth gameplay and encourages losing the killer over extended chases. That being said I, someone who cannot loop to save his virtual life, kept a Myers busy long enough through periodic LoS drop and creative movement he left me to go find someone else. So my assessment is it sucks for looping but my preferred style of actually trying to lose the killer it’s great.
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I don't know, it's too dark to have an opinion
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I've had the new map twice as a survivor. I ran the killer for a long time. There are really strong tiles, just not an over-abundance
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Hmm I'll give it some more time, playing as survivor on it was tough to me. And playing as killer was really easy. But the survivors are probably just as clueless as me on the map. It really did feel like I was just playing follow the leader with most survivors until I was close enough for a hit. Though one survivor did manage to run me for an okay amount of time, but broke 5 pallets in the mean time, and then no one had pallets to use that were worth anything, then it became a walking simulator/hit for the rest of the game.
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I tend to find everyone in this map at some point. I have yet to see gens get done and most of the time there are 3 or more left. They hide pretty well, but bright colored clothes show fairly easily in the grass. I don't see why people are saying it's too dark. I mean it is dark but there's pretty much nothing they can do except hide.
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The map is well designed for players that run with a plan and think ahead. However, if you just run around and repair generators willy-nilly you'll play yourself.
Like most maps, the key generator on Sanctum of Wrath is the center most one. Unlike other maps though this generator one of the most intense generators all things considered. I'd argue that the central structure is rather well designed. It has 2 main stairwells and a side stairwell for sneaky players. It features a fair number of vaults, however most of the vaults have openings close enough to them that allow the killer to punish you for taking a predictable route. The structure's basement entrance is in a fair spot as well with at least one pallet nearby and the narrow entrance giving survivors the choice to take a hit to buy their allies wiggling time.
The rest of the map is very similar to the Yamaoka Estate using many of the same tiles. However, I have noticed that the larger size allows for more variation from repeated tiles especially the pagodas.
If you're playing killer on this map you should protect the central generator as much as possible. Learn where the openings in the railing spawn to anticipate survivor routes and cut them off. Since most of the map is too awkward for looping a potential strategy is to take advantage of the Sanctum's position. Due to it's height and the presence of a complete outer railing you can use it as a watch tower to look for survivors. If you can prevent the generator there from being repaired you can benefit even further by forcing survivors to light up potential hiding spots and come to you. If you are a loud killer focus on the main stairs for ease of access and check back frequently to see if anyone dares to climb into your home. If you are a quiet killer feel free to lurk on the side stairwell and ambush survivors attempting repairs on the critical generator.
If you're playing survivor on this map you need to prioritize the central most generators there to ensure your team's survival. By fixing central generators you force the killer to commit to one side for patrols. This in turn makes the other side of the map essentially risk free for a short while. If you are feeling bold, repairing the Sanctum generator grants you more leeway with generator repairs and weakens the killer's pressure. If you are spotted by the killer you should immediately attempt to break line of sight and keep moving until the killer leaves your area. Since the low height loops are small rocks, bamboo trees, and a bridges you need to be careful looping otherwise you'll bump into a prop and then the killer's clutches.
Ultimately I'd say this is a job well done. (Minus the fact that apparently console players cannot see 2 feet in front of them on this map.)
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I’ve admittedly only played the map twice as a survivor, but the second game we went 2/2 on survive/escape and most of the reason it was that bad was the basement glitch coming in right at the end of the game. First game was a shitshow and I’m disinclined to count it as average. My killer games there have had short chases in general, either from me losing them in all the grass everywhere, or them making a bad play and getting caught. Doesn’t seem to hold itself well to long loops
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Balanced Landing
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its dark, thats for sure.
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The map is waaaaay to dark on consoles. It’s the first map I’ve ever actually just hate playing on. Especially when I’m playing in daylight. They need to add some more lighting to the map tiles.
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Its dark as hell, and full of long grass to crouch in. Any survivor wearing any sort of dark clothing will blend into the background.
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Dark is the word. Can't see sh*t in there.
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Haven't seen it yet.
And I don't mean I haven't played it yet, I mean literally nobody has seen it yet because it's pitch black and a maze of solid rock and neck-high weeds. Somebody needs to hit that sumbish with a weedeater, a dozer, and some moonlight. Piss poor. Meg in full toxic blaze pink cosmetic can hide in there.
As survivor: LOL 2 EZ
As killer: "Am I still stuck in loading... but why is Whispers going off? Is this a bug?"
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it's way too dark imo, the atmosphere is great with the darkness but i hate playing it cause everyone is just taking advantage of dark cosmetics and trying to hide in plain sight when they pick yamaoka estates. Hope they revert the lighting cause I'm not a fan of straining my eyes to find a p3 Claudette in grass again, I'll just afk through that boringness.
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It's just too damn dark
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The new map is awesome. Its unique and changes up the game because it's so dark. It's more focused on stealth for both sides and I think is completely balanced.
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Well it's kind of odd that getting a specific map changes the way you have to play the game. Another map that does this (Haddonfield) is definitely broken.
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It's an okay map, if you don't got blendettes as enemy. You'll never find them, seriously, never.
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I can find them. I don't understand people not being able to find them. You will basically see a big hump in the grass. The only annoying thing to me on the map as killer is that there are so many obstructions it's hard to move around in. Well not hard just annoying.
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Played 2 matches on it, both as survivor. SoW is a large map with many familiar, strong tiles, and plenty of opportunities to use perks like lithe and balanced landing. Gens are *relatively* easy to find. I'd say it's very survivor sided, but I haven't played it as killer yet.
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Weird I play it on PS4, and I never noticed's too dark phenomenon. Maybe that's why I just look at Claudettes and stuff who try to blend in like they are completely stupid and smack them lol
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I don't think it's balanced at all because of those monk statues around the temple. When chasing a survivor those things will block you immediately and the nurse doesn't seem to be able to go through them. Made me prefer the old yamaoka map as killer. As survivor I couldn't care less. Rarely play them
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I like the aesthetic. As a piece of art, it's pleasing to look at.
As a map to play on, it's too dark, and combined with the amount of foliage @Keene_Kills is right, "Meg in full toxic blaze pink cosmetic can hide in there."
Better off playing peek-a-boo with the statues than trying to interact with survivors. At least I can see the statues.
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Its dark, its full of too much foliage, and the middle structure is one of the most powerful juke spots I've seen in a very long time. The statues are cool, but thats about it.
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Too small. Too easy for killer to get around the map quickly. It’s a killer favoured map imo.
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But they got the same texture as the darkness itself lol.
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There are always certain colors that stick out, or a shining outline. Also they made dark clothes brighter several patches ago so..
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It's very good for stealth, but I agree that this map could use some more pallets, but mindgameable pallets. My problem is that there aren't many pallets on the map, but not many of them are mindgameable as well. Which baffles me a bit since with the rework to Badham Maps, it seemed like they wanted to have maps that have more pallets, but many of them mindgameable.