This will get a DC from me every time



  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    I've done similar. Survivors pointing at a locker of a fellow survivor, and I down them, nod at the locker, and take the pointer away. Give them a head start to run.

    I've had one situation where they body blocked their own teammate in a corner, where it seemed intentional. I accidentally downed that person. So after I got the blocker on a hook, I picked the other up and stood still so they could get back up.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Its not my fault officer the money tempted me to steal it!

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    DC'ing still isn't the case of this problem but ok.

  • thereals3vin
    thereals3vin Member Posts: 24

    Lol yeah, that sure is no reason to DC. 🤣 I would have DC'd in that setting too. Survivors using the pointing mechanic to out other survivors is more annoying than anything the killer can do short of going along with it.

  • thereals3vin
    thereals3vin Member Posts: 24

    Did you read his post? The other survivor jumped out and pointed. That's how the other survivor is even involved in this situation. How did you get so involved in white knighting the killer in this post and not even read it?

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I realize DCing is technically breaking the rules. However, there are times following a particular rule is counterproductive to the reason the rule was put in place.

    The rule against DCing was put in place because people want to bail out just because they are having a bad game. DCing in that situation is detrimental to everyone else in that match. The rule is there to prevent it from being an abusive behavior.

    However, the moment you start saying I, or anyone else, must follow a particular rule that is allowing someone to engage in abusive behavior you are literally saying I should take actions that actively encourage the type of situation the rule was implemented to prevent. Why should those whom are engaging in this abusive behaviors stop if everyone is going to sit by and just take it?

    Don't get me wrong. We are all entitled to our own opinion. You don't want to DC when someone is engaging in this type of abusive behavior because it is against the rules. That's your prerogative. I personally think you are contributing to the problem of abusive players by making that type of behavior profitable.

    I don't expect to change any minds. As for me..... I refuse to allow others to benefit from their abusive gameplay and to say I should is 100% antithetical to the reason the rule was made in the first place.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I already stated in a reply to you after you gave more details that it was actually classed as working with the killer!

    This reply was to tell another poster how a scenario can be done if you look at post I was replying too.

  • jokerdude23_
    jokerdude23_ Member Posts: 102

    I always tunnel survivors who purposely try to get their teammates killed, it's what they deserve

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430
    edited December 2019

    As the OP I was rereading through this whole thread when a memory popped into mind. While I was in the military I held a position that required a security clearance above Top Secret level. Even with that clearance there were things above my security level. During my classroom training for the job the instructor went around the room asking everyone a question.

    He wanted to know what each person would do in the event our facility was being overrun by hostile forces and we were the only one near a room with documents that were above our clearance level. He asked if we would take the documents on our way out or leave them.

    Several people said they would grab the documents. To my surprise there were also several that said they would just leave them.

    The instructor asked one of those whom said they would leave the documents why he thought he should leave the documents. The student told him because the rules specifically stated he was not to handle documents above his clearance level. The instructor looked at him and asked what he thought the intent of that rule was, and you could see the light come on in several peoples faces.

    The student said it is to ensure people that don’t need to see that information don’t see it. The instructor told him he was right and then said “In that situation who do you think has less need to see that information, you or the hostile forces?”

    He then made sure he told us to NEVER confuse a rule with the intent of the rule. He said if a situation comes about where following a rule would result in the outcome the rule was designed to prevent you can safely assume disregarding that rule is the right course of action.

    Yes, I know this isn't a DBD story, but it seems there are many here that would have left the documents for the hostile forces because apparently you can never ever break a rule under any circumstances.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates.

    Pretty sure this sort of behaviour is bannable. Not perma ban but a temporary ban according to the devs.

    It's also really sad to see people blaming OP.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I'm glad somebody said it. It's bordering on satire at this point. The kind of mental gymnastics you have to perform to come to an opinion like that is insane.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Killer didnt break rules. The other survivor did. Killer had one target give up another.

    You DCing however, is completely in YOUR control, ruins the game (even if it's already #########) for everyone else, and you're admitting you do it and plan to continue.

    Enjoy your loneliness.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yes. Working with. Not randomly pointing in an attempt to get someone else caught instead of you.

    Everyone still thinks this is a team game, dont they?

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    Right, they were going to have me dead anyway within a few seconds. But the fact I DC'd those few seconds earlier ruined the game for everyone else. That's just plain asinine.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,706

    Once again, we do not support or encourage DCing, so if it happens again, please be sure to properly demonstrate if those players were working together.

    This specific situation, if the killer and the survivor were actually "working together", would require a report in game and additional evidence sent to support, so please if it happens again, collect evidence and follow the right steps, thank you.

This discussion has been closed.