So, the Claudette were nerfed into being more visible.

I don't know when this happened, but her clothing is now much more bright than before... And this pretty much sums up how the dev's think about this game's future for me, i don't even need their comments on this - instead of giving more camo options for other characters to support the original hide and seek gameplay, they are making the only character that was good for stealth more visible than before. So now a really skilled players who refuse to use loops and instead trying to lose killer in chase have even less options to play with...
Once upon a time i already summed up all the facts that show how much this game deviated from it's original concept:
And this is just a final nail in the coffin of a stealthy play.
Idk how accurate this is but if it’s true, hell yeah! ######### blendettes 😀
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Stealth is still strong, thanks to the sound occlusion system. Just get behind a wall, tree, tire, pile of trash, and muffle 90% of your sound. Easy evading.
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I dunno.... that dark map they just released is VERY good for stealth....
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It is quite clear that the Devs dont want stealth. Maps are bright like they are in Daylight (like, I can watch full map on some Maps... Really good atmosphere!/s...), recent Killers eliminate Stealth:
Legion-->Killer Instinct, even when in Lockers
Plague-->non-removable Coughing + Infectious Fright made it into the game
Ghostface-->Killer Instinct when broken out of Stealth (even tho, this is fine, its a Trade-Off... You give away the Killers position, he gets to know yours)
Oni-->non-removable breadcrumbs following you
Quite clear that the game should resolve around Looping and Chases, this is also what most players want.
I would love to have DBD as a scary game where you have to hide from the Killer, but without a massive overhaul, this will not be possible. Especially not when the Maps are designed that 80yr old Grandmas can see from one side of the Map to the other.
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Yeah, still waiting for Hide & Seek style horror. DBD isn't it anymore, but it's a great game of a different type. Now have to learn how to loop, and hope the killer doesn't get pissed and DC when I'm just trying to survive.
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That change happened AWHILE ago. Stealth is still an option, you just have to do it smart. They introduced perks like Fixated for those who want to do stealth play and get around faster without leaving scratchmarks. You dont need camo clothing to play stealthy. Find cover and hide behind it when you know the killer is approaching. If you are not behind cover and the killer STILL cant see you, thats not your playstyle saving you.
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You shouldn't get an unfair advantage with your skin. Easy like that.
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@SolidSnake just play adam with black clothes? but imo devs just dont want claudette to blend into every random bush? thats not stealth, thats BS xd claudette was my 1st main (for like 800h) and tbh i always was hiding behind stuff and never just in bush like 4Head
even now from time to time im hiding as dwight/feng even with bright clothes xd
about anti stealth killers you didnt mentioned Doctor with restraint(add on), and i can agree with Oni tunnel potencial is kinda meh
and i still dont get ppl, there is so much pretty cosmetics and all they want to do is blend with full P3 claudette or her ugly brown clothes (you can stealth as claudette with white robe btw just git gut)
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That is why every character should get a camo options, instead of removing that from the game. Games never became good if features are just removed.
And no, i am not sitting in bushes. But if you wear dark clothes and stick to the darker side of the crate you are hiding behind - killer could not detect you before if he only takes a quick glimpse instead of investigating all the hiding spots around. Just looping around the object crouched and hoping that killer won't see you isn't really stealth, stealth is a combines use of all available tools to make yourself less visible. There should be more options to stealth than just hide behind objects to break line of sight.
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Stealth is too slim of an option anymore. There is a narrow window of opportunity for some skilled players, but there are some killers where it is not possible. I think that is where the game lost its horror feel, the nerfing of stealth.
When stealth was stronger, you had less players running up to get the killer's attention for a loop run. Now, every survivor better know how to loop or you are going down pretty quick.
I enjoyed both roles more when stealth was more viable. I avoid survivor now like the plague, and I was not even a Blendette user.
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Peanits said it very well when the patch happened that made the darkest clothes lighter;
Being able to hide from the killer is skillful. Being in the center of the killer's screen and not being seen just because you're so dark that you don't show up is not skillful, that's just abusing poor design.
You aren't "playing stealthily" you're sitting out in the open and you should be seen because of it.
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That's what most blendettes do. Sit in a bush. And that's why it's good that they at least made her a bit better visible. Nearly all chars got camo options besides.
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It is and I hate it. But I don't have a doubt in my mind that they'll brighten it up / it's a bug. Yamaoka Estate also got darkened with the patch and it's just miserable to track.
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People started looping because they got tired of doing generators. Stealthy gameplay still exists. There's just certain situations where you need to abandon stealth for a time. You can still stealth vs doctor, just need to keep an eye on madness. Know when you are going to scream. Infectious fright is one of those things where if another survivor is downed, then you make a tactical decision to look for a different safe spot.
All in all, having counters to different playstyles is part of what makes the game fun. Being able to adjust your playstyle according to the situation is what makes you good.
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I have been playing stealth pretty much since I started playing without claudette so... gonna go with, no.
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Didnt survivors shift the focus from hiding to looping themselves?
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Only because developers allowed them to. When you see an exploit that goes against initial design - you fixing it. If you not fixing it, it becomes the meta, because majority of bad players will use whatever gives them more edge, no matter how silly or op it can be.
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Skilled stealth is evading the killer by using your environment and navigating around line of sight blockers so the killer doesn't see you. You know moving your character around cleverly so the killer doesn't find you. Not hiding in a dark bush and just crouching there, hoping the killer doesn't see you because of the camouflage.
Honestly, with the upcoming map reworks, I do hope maps will receive more line of sight blockers to hide behind so survivors have more stealth options and a slightly higher chance of even losing the killer in chase, at least those maps that don't have enough, and I also wouldn't mind if they increased the crouch movement speed by like 30% or so. But survivors with the right skin blending into the environment is not something that I think this game needs.
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Stealth is a way of life, not a clothes line
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Stealth is crazy easy. I've never had a problem with walking around a tree or a box and staying hidden. Calling sitting still in a dark corner stealth is awful. If I'm playing killer, and i see a lump sitting in a corner, that's a free hit. Or if I'm billy, leatherface, trapper, or plauge, that's a free instant down. If a survivor can't be good at stealth and chases, then they will die the second they come across a good killer.
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Yet people complain about getting looped for 5 genny's.
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What rank are these Claudette just sitting in a bush. I never see them as red/purple killer. I see Claudettes the will fully loop you, gen jockey, and stealth. Maybe Im missing these bushettes.
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That's what I see as a killer. When I play survivor I play claudette because she was my first main. I am learning survivor and suck at looping. But I gen jockey, save and heal. Just prefer to stealth if I can to avoid being downed in 30 seconds.
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They are so stealthy, they don't even appear in your games!
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So now a really skilled players who refuse to use loops and instead trying to lose killer in chase have even less options to play with...
Sorry to break this for you, putting on some dark clothes to blend doesn't take skill, if you're really skilled you don't need that to be good at stealth.
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LOL. RIP stealth play? You mean rip sitting in a dark corner.
You can still play stealthy, you just have to actually use your brain now.
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As someone who actually plays stealthy but doesn't use Claudette, I cant help but say you disgust me.
You seriously call sitting in a dark corner hoping the killer doesnt see you stealth?
You'll have to use your brain now;how tragic.
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Bruh idk I play Kate mostly and I'll wear the winter set and biker set with white hair stealth is doable with any outfit. If you know they are coming and you don't wanna be chased just get ready to hide. Make a plan before the killer shows up not hide in plain sight and hoping it'll work.
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Stealth play isn’t hiding in plain sight hoping the killer doesn’t see you, stealth play is actually not being seen, I do this all the time in my brightest cosmetics.
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It was patch 3.0.0 released June 18. The heading is Art Adjustments.
Post edited by wait4him2leave on0 -
I am assuming you meant this message for someone other than mmain. Not a problem at all. Just wanted to make sure in case you wanted to edit so it tags whoever you wanted to get it.
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Now they need to give blendette no collision and maybe I will d/c less after getting sandbagged by them
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People seem to not realize that dark corners are rare, and they are just as valid hiding spot as any other obstacle to use. But they are useles if your clothes are bright, that's the only difference with any other obstacle.
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Sometimes, hiding in plain sight while using camouflage, is the best strategy. I’ve been able to get the killer to lose chase with me by slowly going over a window and urban evading into a bush.
Hunters use it in real life to hunt their prey, the military uses it, why shouldn’t players use it?
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imagine old Claudette on wraith of sanctum.
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I never said you shouldn’t, just know that this won’t work on those who pay a lot of attention.
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