Keys to escape shouldnt exist.

free escapes that are not fun at all, no counterplay just forces the killer to bring an Ebony or at least an ibory to have fun. and i dont get fun and i know either them gets fun when they get killed out of hook. keys to escape shouldnt exist, to give them certain info ok, (its not ok actually but acceptable) but free escapes man? is too much, and survivor uses keys way more than killer moris for sure (at least in red ranks) no fun at all, and tey wont get fun either cause the killer is gonna sweat the asss with an ebony, and in the end no one gets what they want.
i mean is ok man but maybe can get nerfed so only the person who bring the key can escape or something that could be done.
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Moris shouldn't exist
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Its just a game, chill. Try not to get worked up over it. The game doesn't even track your statistics anyway so if 4 survivors yeet through the hatch its meaningless, nobody will ever know
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moris to kill shouldn’t exist..
would you agree with that? if your answer is “no” then reconsider the bias. just saying...
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Keys arent that much in redranks, there are much more ebony moris.
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i agree but im the person who just wants to get rid of both keys and mori's cause there both completely bs
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i dont mind about ebonys imo should not exist either, but keys aswell, free escpaes and free kills shouldnt exist, thats real balance.
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may be u but 5 of 10 games i get a lobby with a key, at least 5 of 10. but i dont get moried as usual as i get keys in my lobbys. full of biased swf with 2 toolboxes and a key .
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Killer's weapons to hit a survivor shouldn't exist
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Just use Franklin's demise lmao
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just use an useless perk a waste an slot LMAO. and lmao they can comeback and pick it again lmao.
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I would like to see a test patch where keys and moris are removed to see what it does for the game and community happiness ^^ if it doesn't work out then it can always be swapped back to normal.
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killers are gonna be ok with it, i wonder survivors who never wanted balance in the game, only being toxic and t bag at the door. i wonder.
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Thats pure bad luck. I dont know any killer nor survivor which experiences that much at all.
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There is currently a challenge to deplete multiple keys. That may be why you're seeing more than normal.
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Keys and Moris are one of the biggest problems of the game.
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agree imo both should be goine, maybe they can keep the cipress one so the killer can do the daily of killing a survivor. but thats it, it doesnt affect the game at all.-
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Moris and keys swing the balance of power in a game. If you eliminate one you need to eliminate the other.
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They should not be found in chests.
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you should only be able to mori someone when you hook them twice since their on death hook it doesnt matter just a new kill to do and keys idk yet
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Or....just move onto the next game..... Earn Franklin's demise and bring it.......why is this even a wasted so much time typing your could have been in another match.
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Slug. There is your counter. If there are 4 gens completed and 1 dead and you're not slugging, probably at least two are getting out with or without a key anyway.
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If u read My coments i sayed that was fair. I don't use Moris almost never. But i get sweaty swf With keys very often
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Killers complaining about keys with end game collapse in the current state is a hoot.
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Si u don't Care about the balance in the game and the fun for both sides.survivors won't get fin if the killer brings an ebony to the game and killers won't get fin if survivors brings keys to the game... So the Best because None of them contribute to the fun and None of them are needed they could get rid of both. No one would complain if u get rid of both. I Care about the balance and as a player who play both sides but 70 killer and 30 survivor. Is not fun when i get moried neither Is when people escape vía hatch (3 of them) because one died. Killing all My effort.
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Well moris like they are now are unacceptable in a game that tries to maintain competitive levels of game balance. Devs were probably too lazy to code them so they only work on survivors on death hook. Feelsbad
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Keys need to be reworked. And moris need to only be usable when the person is on death hook.
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Ummmm...spelling? Honestly I have no idea what gibberish you're typing....but I'll say your passion to something that matters.
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The game certainly does, it's just data that is only viewable to BHVR employees
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Ok Franklin's is not a useless perk.
It depends on the map imo.
Sometimes you just end up losing the item overall.
I think Keys are okay because sometimes survivors get gate placements really close to one another.
I've had games as huntress where I would sit on a hill and look at both gates with a hatchet wound up.
I've had games as Demogorgon and Trapper where I place portals/traps at the gates and just wait at the other.
I run whispers a lot so I know which gate survivors are going for.
Franklin's Demise is a great perk for halting the use of items in times where you need them the most. To say it's a useless perk is pretty ignorant. It's like you're saying its about as useful as monstrous shrine.
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My cellphone Is in spanish so it changes the words to spanish inmediately (not a native speaker so i don't need My pone to be in English)The idea was clear anyway to Say that don't Say anything because that and 0 Is the same.
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The hatch and keys were probably designed with punishing killers who tunnel survivors to death in mind. I don't see a problem with it in its current state, at least not a problem as big as most of this game's other problems. I do not feel the same about Moris (lazily implemented back when the devs thought this game was going to be casual)
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By your definition of wasted perk I consider this Ruin.
It's either gone in the first minute of the game or survivors just land their skill checks anyway. That's a wasted perk slot.
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So keys are fine but Moris arent . Amazing. You only play survivor right?. As pretty much a killer Main (because i play survivor sometimes always ending in rank 1 due how easy it Is) i can Say that both of them are unfun and unfair.
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Well I do play killer but maybe not enough because I never felt the one or two people who got out using a key didn't deserve it. They still had to survive and do gens. For moris, the killer needs to do nothing but tunnel to gain its benefits. Do you see the difference now?
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?? Do u have anything to Say about the actual discussion? Keys and moris i never talked about ruin or Franklin (waste of an slot they can go back and pick it up again as many times as needed) so?
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Thats the problem u don't see they don't deserve the escape because they didnt do the gens. They want a free escape killing the rannk system for the killer because they Will definitelly pip despite the killer
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Sweaty 4k killer oh boy oh boy...relax it's just a game.
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You act like the ranking system matters. I've seen enough camping killers to confirm it doesn't really.
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That was just another argument to add. Is unfair and unfun. As much as it Is getting moried out of hook
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Its relevant to the topic.
Unlike Moris, Keys can be countered with Franklin's. Sure they can go back and pick it up. But that is time wasted on going back for the key, instead of working on Gens.
Moris do not have such drawback. The only counter survivors have is to not get hooked.
You said Franklin's is useless, I'm telling you it isn't. It's time wasted for survivors and more opportunity for you to get kills.
I also mentioned in a second post that Keys also exist to counter Killers that can monitor gates very closely.
This on top of,
Gate spawn locations being so close it will take about 5 seconds to be in range of a terror radius.
End game collapse when you close hatch
Whispers for when the gates are NOT close to each other.
Positions on the map with full view on both gates. (Perfect for Huntress and Nurse)
So how are keys bad compared to those factors again?
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Honestly keys wouldn't be a issue if you had too either bring them or get Lucky with Plunders Instinct. I dont think people should find keys normally without it.
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Do what I do. Tunnel the key user into oblivion.
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This again? It's been done to death already. In short though. It's not free. You have to being the key (6,000 points minimum), find the hatch, and survive long enough to use it. Now, if you want to argue they shouldn't spawn in chests. That's a fair argument.
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I agree. However to avoid a total uproar. I say if you use a key to escape the hatch closes on your way out. Preventing others from using it
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So are u saying survivors bring keys into the Game for the rare possibility of Doors spowning close to each other are u joking or are u joking? 99% of times survivors brings keys to the Game Is not With that mentality. Anyway Is not killer fsult devs should change that.
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neither moris. next.
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did u read my text and everything we discuss? let me guess NO. i never sayed they should stay so?
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It's not a free escape. Hatch only spawns before egc if a certain amount of gens are done relative to alive survivors. Stop being so entitled, the other players don't exist just for your pleasure to kill.