Marth88 leaves DbD due to game unbalance.



  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @boomgagem said:
    I can’t take anyone serious that complains about the balance of the game literally all the time while dominating the majority of the teams he goes against. 

    All of these "rank 1 killer mains" want an easy a game as possible with four kills spoonfed to them every game.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited August 2018
    Paddy4583 said:
    Paddy4583 said:

    Marth has a regular job, so I doubt he'll play a game he doesn't enjoy just for viewers.

    Eating is not a regular job
     ^ When you have no good argument against his balance concerns, and simply insult his weight like a petty child. 
    ^^ When you make assumptions that I disagree with him or have an argument to make with his points.
    There is nothing to argue, to argue first he would have had to say something new or at least suggested ways in which to balance, but he didn’t, because it’s not possible, so there is nothing to argue.
    He and all the rest will be spouting the same stuff about DG in a few months too.

    There is no such thing as balance in games like
    this never has been never will be, there’s an illusion of balance, which seeing as the majority of killer mains on this forum was all up in the ass of 2.0.1 as it was so great for them, which now seems to be forgotten because like most people you realise it’s Fake, killers only liked the patch because survivors didn’t.

    So they assumed if it’s bad for the survivors it must be great for killers!!! 

    He has made suggestions multiple times, he has made points multiple. This was his farewell AFTER all those suggestions and points fell on deaf ears. Though I’m sure you wouldn’t know about that at all because you don’t bother to watch Killer streamers or youtubers to gain their perspective. I mean, why would you bother, you don’t like Killers in the first place. 

    Secondly, balance is a scale. Marth isn’t looking for it to be perfectly balanced. That’s not possible. He saying the scale is so far tilted on the Survivors side it’s obvious it’s nowhere even close. Then again, what would one like you know about balance when you hardly give two shits about one side of the scale? 

    Lastly, Killers likes the patch because it’s showed PROMISE of balance. Most knew it wasn’t actually much, but at least it was a step in the right direction. Which promptly got rectified that once again the developers chickened out and are going to give Survivors buffs in the upcoming patch. Pallet stun drop changed, the “spin” taken away so that Survivors no longer have to make any sort of preemptive movement and anticipate the Killers movement as Pallets will be purely reaction based guaranteed safety nets once more. I-frames off the hook because Killer camps and other Survivors make stupid hook Rush saves. The developers once again caved to the 400-500+ review bombing on the game from Survivors whining they weren’t OP enough to “have fun”.

    Killers did realize it was “fake”. Simply because right after the tiny nerf to exhaustion, Killers got slapped with upcoming Survivor buffs and Bloodlust nerf. Proving ONCE AGAIN the Survivors know they have the developers by the balls and all it takes is a one review bombing to get their way. 

    So instead of doing your research on Marth and what he was talking about, in order to understand his perspective... you made petty fat jokes. All because your ignorant and don’t give a ######### about Killers. All because your ignorant and don’t give a ######### abut balance unless your precious Survivor gameplay gets nerfed and/or Killers get buffed. 
    1. Incorrect I do watch Marth88, tru3 and several others, and to be honest 99% Marth kicks ass as killer and survivor so his stream and what we see doesn’t exactly reflect his argument, however his views do cater to his fan base hhhhmmm isn’t that interesting.

    2. Balance is not a scale, a scale is used to measure balance.
    In asymmetrical layouts you can only counter, and this game does exactly that, but they lay that on the individual.
    Also please see first sentance, what he says isnt what you see.

    3. I rest my case about killers perception of the changes. As you cry for balance and attempt to scold for being one sided, while being one sided in your view.
    Tell me for each exhaustion perk for it to proc a second time how long the chance would have been going and what BL level you would be at during these KPIs, then tell me where balance or the promise was taken away with the suggested changes for the next patch...
    I’m sure you have all the data on how many times you have hooked someone and they have been unhooked while exhausted which has secured your second hook, while you wait for the rescue to be done to hit the person who’s just been unhooked.

    4. I have no desire to research Marth, as I’ve said before it’s irrelevant what he says when his game experience is a factual account of what’s happening.
    If you’d actually analyse all his videos, and measure the metrics, I bet you wouldn’t come out with an unbalanced result, and that is the reason it’s always talk and no real ideas for change.

    5. I challenge you to show me the results of your research, as I doubt you’d call me out for not doing it without doing it yourself.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    Label everything as a “Logical fallacy” and say they are “twisting and distorting your words” when they really aren’t every time you back yourself into a corner and make a stupid comment. Never change Powerbats, it’s fun watching you make an ass out of yourself publicly.

    Typical you're just as bad as he is when you can't rebut my points you resort to the same failed insults. You know I'm right but just like him you can't handle the truth. The only ones making asses out themselves are you 2 because it's easy to see what I said and what you both said I said are 2 different things.

    There's also all my posts from other threads where I even talk about friendly killers and normal killers not camping me. You know like these gems where I had already posted way prior to the drivel you 2 are putting out.

    **> @powerbats said:

    Ok 1st 2 matches down
    1st game Leatherface on Myers map and it was great, everyone got to do stuff, killer got 9 hooks since I let myself get sac'd for the 9th hook. It was overall really fun and some hilarity ensued when chainsaw hit more than the intended victim.

    2nd game- Typical Billy tryharding and never once despite him using offering did he go for a BBQ hook. In fact he went out of his way to avoid them and camped the 2 event gens. While he scored 47k BP that was due to my Bloody Party Streamers and 4 sacs. We didn't know he was tryharding until he showed his gameplay.

    3rd Game was a Huntress on Lery's who was really cool and one person quit during loading screen. So she let us do our thing and she got 2 out of the 3 hook stacks but sadly the 3rrd person wouldn't let themselves get hooked.

    Well would you look at that 2 matches where the killer didn't face camp me nor hard camp or camp me at all. But it was said that I have an issue with getting face camped every match. so I must be the problem. could post plenty more examples but I don't want to run multiple pages showing how wrong you both are.

    I could also post where unlike you 2 I've bashed my fellow survivors for being jerks in game and post game. I've yet to see either one of you specifically call out toxic killers.

    But go ahead and keep making yourselves look foolish by trying and failing to twist what i said just so you can inflate your egos with more failed insult attempts.

    Lastly on threads where you're not jerks I agree with your points if their valid and even offer counter suggestions to help improve things.When you post a funny response I upvote and or even respond to it with something funny as well.

    We do rebut your points. You just sit there and and call every rebuttal a “Logical Fallacy”, and when you can’t call it that, you say “your twisting my words” as a deflection shield that you “meant something else by it” in order to cover your ass when you say something stupid. 

    Its like a child going “That’s f’in stupid” and their parents scolding them and they go “BUT I MEANT FREAKING!” When you know damn well what they meant to say. 

    Only one here with an ego is you. You can’t admit when you’re wrong, ever. Anytime someone disagrees with you it’s a “Logical Fallacy” and “twisting and distorting your words. Seriously, grow up and learn some humility.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    Label everything as a “Logical fallacy” and say they are “twisting and distorting your words” when they really aren’t every time you back yourself into a corner and make a stupid comment. Never change Powerbats, it’s fun watching you make an ass out of yourself publicly.

    Typical you're just as bad as he is when you can't rebut my points you resort to the same failed insults. You know I'm right but just like him you can't handle the truth. The only ones making asses out themselves are you 2 because it's easy to see what I said and what you both said I said are 2 different things.

    There's also all my posts from other threads where I even talk about friendly killers and normal killers not camping me. You know like these gems where I had already posted way prior to the drivel you 2 are putting out.

    **> @powerbats said:

    Ok 1st 2 matches down
    1st game Leatherface on Myers map and it was great, everyone got to do stuff, killer got 9 hooks since I let myself get sac'd for the 9th hook. It was overall really fun and some hilarity ensued when chainsaw hit more than the intended victim.

    2nd game- Typical Billy tryharding and never once despite him using offering did he go for a BBQ hook. In fact he went out of his way to avoid them and camped the 2 event gens. While he scored 47k BP that was due to my Bloody Party Streamers and 4 sacs. We didn't know he was tryharding until he showed his gameplay.

    3rd Game was a Huntress on Lery's who was really cool and one person quit during loading screen. So she let us do our thing and she got 2 out of the 3 hook stacks but sadly the 3rrd person wouldn't let themselves get hooked.

    Well would you look at that 2 matches where the killer didn't face camp me nor hard camp or camp me at all. But it was said that I have an issue with getting face camped every match. so I must be the problem. could post plenty more examples but I don't want to run multiple pages showing how wrong you both are.

    I could also post where unlike you 2 I've bashed my fellow survivors for being jerks in game and post game. I've yet to see either one of you specifically call out toxic killers.

    But go ahead and keep making yourselves look foolish by trying and failing to twist what i said just so you can inflate your egos with more failed insult attempts.

    Lastly on threads where you're not jerks I agree with your points if their valid and even offer counter suggestions to help improve things.When you post a funny response I upvote and or even respond to it with something funny as well.

    We do rebut your points. You just sit there and and call every rebuttal a “Logical Fallacy”, and when you can’t call it that, you say “your twisting my words” as a deflection shield that you “meant something else by it” in order to cover your ass when you say something stupid. 

    Its like a child going “That’s f’in stupid” and their parents scolding them and they go “BUT I MEANT FREAKING!” When you know damn well what they meant to say. 

    Only one here with an ego is you. You can’t admit when you’re wrong, ever. Anytime someone disagrees with you it’s a “Logical Fallacy” and “twisting and distorting your words. Seriously, grow up and learn some humility.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing said:
    powerbats said:

    We do rebut your points. You just sit there and and call every rebuttal a “Logical Fallacy”, and when you can’t call it that, you say “your twisting my words” as a deflection shield that you “meant something else by it” in order to cover your ass when you say something stupid. 

    Its like a child going “That’s f’in stupid” and their parents scolding them and they go “BUT I MEANT FREAKING!” When you know damn well what they meant to say. 

    Only one here with an ego is you. You can’t admit when you’re wrong, ever. Anytime someone disagrees with you it’s a “Logical Fallacy” and “twisting and distorting your words. Seriously, grow up and learn some humility.

    No it's you that can't admit you're wrong but since you want to be made to look like an arse I'll prove it to you.

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    According to survivor mains, standing 4 meters away from a hooked survivor = face camping.

    Semantics doesn't change the fact the killer is still hook camping and I've had a lot of rank matches where the killer face camped me as in he was almost within my character model. So no that's not according to survivor mains that's according to people that regularly face killers that do in fact face camp.

    Notice how I never stated anywhere I always get facecamped yet here we go with the Straw Man which is a logical fallacy.

    @Tsulan said:

    ** If you keep getting face camped by every killer you meet, there might be a problem on your side. **
    And judging from your aptitude on this forum, it might have to do something with your temper.
    No offense, but it could be simply a YOU problem.

    Shocking I never said that yet there's the Straw Man right there which is a logical fallacy but you already knew that. So he didn't rebut my points nor did you nor was I wrong in saying he twisted my words. Now you go with the classic change your meaning insult to try and rebut my points.

    So the only one trying to cover their ass when they say something stupid here is you.The posts are there in plain sight yet you just can't resist the urge to be a dick So that'd make you the one with the ego here because you just can't admit you tried to insult me and failed..

    Now as far as never admitting when I'm wrong ever what are you smoking now? Since my apologies when given correct information are all over the forums. At the time I started playing the game I didn't know about camping being a legit strategy. It was @Lowbei I believe who posted the video from the devs talking about it.

    Something that wasn't readily known by me and to this day newer players still don't know unless they're given the info. But hey lets not let facts get in the way of your assumptions and untruths here. When someone disagrees with me I don't call it a logical fallacy unless they actually use one.

    When someone disagrees with me in a no biased way I'll have a discussion with them and try and see their point of view as they try and see mine. I get along really well with @Lowbei now as well as @Jack11803 , @RemoveSWF and several others. We don't always agree but we have some good discussions and trade the occasional insults and trash talk.

    The one that needs to grow up and learn humility here is you. I've shown the posts which prove my points you just don't like that the posts prove my points. When I've made mistakes on here i've apologized and when I've crossed a line I've also apologized. Including to some of the very posters here who I sometimes have disagreements with.

    I could continue to post quotes that prove my point but this thread is getting derailed enough as is. I shall just agree to disagree for now to not derail this further.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    powerbats said:

    Shocking I never said that yet there's the Straw Man right there which is a logical fallacy but you already knew that. So he didn't rebut my points nor did you nor was I wrong in saying he twisted my words. Now you go with the classic change your meaning insult to try and rebut my points.

    So the only one trying to cover their ass when they say something stupid here is you.The posts are there in plain sight yet you just can't resist the urge to be a dick So that'd make you the one with the ego here because you just can't admit you tried to insult me and failed..

    Now as far as never admitting when I'm wrong ever what are you smoking now? Since my apologies when given correct information are all over the forums. At the time I started playing the game I didn't know about camping being a legit strategy. It was @Lowbei I believe who posted the video from the devs talking about it.

    Something that wasn't readily known by me and to this day newer players still don't know unless they're given the info. But hey lets not let facts get in the way of your assumptions and untruths here. When someone disagrees with me I don't call it a logical fallacy unless they actually use one.

    When someone disagrees with me in a no biased way I'll have a discussion with them and try and see their point of view as they try and see mine. I get along really well with @Lowbei now as well as @Jack11803 , @RemoveSWF and several others. We don't always agree but we have some good discussions and trade the occasional insults and trash talk.

    The one that needs to grow up and learn humility here is you. I've shown the posts which prove my points you just don't like that the posts prove my points. When I've made mistakes on here i've apologized and when I've crossed a line I've also apologized. Including to some of the very posters here who I sometimes have disagreements with.

    I could continue to post quotes that prove my point but this thread is getting derailed enough as is. I shall just agree to disagree for now to not derail this further.

    Do you guys need a hug? For real, can't we just agree on the main topic at hand here and say that survivors are still the power role? Trying to keep the topic on the it's tracks, no need for salt.

    @SovererignKing @powerbats @Tsulan
    Hug each other! :)

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited August 2018

    @Nickenzie said:

    Hug each other! :)

    You sir win the day so in response i give you this token of my gratitude.

    Yes survivors are the power role right now which brings up an interesting idea. 1 Survivor as the killer versus 4 killers as the survivors.

    The trapper could lay traps to slow the survivor chasing them but he'd have a limit to how many he could carry with no addons.

    The Hag could just teleport away but would have no addons either and only 10 traps also.

    The Nurse would have 10 blinks.

    Myers would be able to stalk to see where the survivor is coming from, but only 10 times at x range.

    Billy could charge across the map 10x.

    Leatherface could clobber the survivor with his mallet 10 x and stun them.

    The pig could just crouch and stealth off.

    The Wraith could just cloak and try and skulk away.

    The Doctor could cast illusions of himself 10x that can run off in different directions 1x per cast.

    The Huntress could Lullaby to distract the survivor and disorient them during chases.

    Freddy could put them to sleep for a few seconds after putting them into dream world basically making him the obsession but not letting the survivor see any of the other killers.

    Crap forgot the Clown.

    The clown could throw bottles at the survivor chasing them to slow them down. He'd get 10 charges also.

    You could even use some of the killer perks like Bitter Murmur to see where the survivor is etc lol.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    I play both killer and survivor equally. I rarely encounter a killer who insults (i can count the times on 1 hand). But i really often find survivors who insult the killer and their fellow teammates. If you constantly encounter killers which insult you, it might be a YOU problem. But who am i to judge?

    I never anywhere said I constantly encounter killers which insult me but nice deflection just as i stated you'd do. So that'd mean I'm the problem here at all but you that keeps trying the logical fallacies. It's also a logical fact that since there's more survivors in a lobby then killers you'd get more chances of having a toxic survivor.

    Please stop telling people to uninstall the game. This isn´t productive at all. And only makes those people leave, which aren´t really toxic. The trolls and toxic people won´t leave, because this is their playground.

    I'm telling you and the other killers calling for strikes or insinuating it to uninstall the game and prove you're not going to play. I'm asking for those like several on here that've said they'll purposely play only survivor to screw over the rest of the community out of spite. The toxic ones are the ones claiming for strikes and or insinuating it and saying they'll screw the rest of the community over by doing the above. So that means that some of the good killers you speak of are in fact toxic.

    I never called for strikes. Maybe you confuse me with someone else. But i sure as hell said, i´m gonna play survivor only for X reasons. Is this a crime? If it is, i´ve never been warned on this forum by the mods.

    **I'm specifically referring to those who you keep saying good job, agree with and upvote them everytime they say that. There's one in this very forum and never once have you or anyone of the rest of you called them out on it. Also if you're only going to play survivor just to screw people over with longer queue times you're no different than the rest of the people calling for strikes.

    Also whether you were warned or not is besides the point, the message got through loud and clear to stop calling for strikes. That was my point so now it's insulations of a strike or that killers are going to leave etc.**

    To come back to the "nice and fair match" i just had a gen rush match. Survivors had all 5 gens done in less than 4 minutes. I didn´t camp or tunnel and only went for the event hooks. After they opened the gates they didn´t leave and started hiding around the map. This went on for over 20 minutes in which they just trolled me (3xDS). When they finally left they said "eeeeezzzzz" "gg ez" "baby killer".
    Yeah, that was a really "nice and fair" match.

    So how often does that happen? Do you just magically always seem to get those types of matches so wouldn't that make you the problem as you said to me? I can count on 1 hand the amount f times it's happened to me. It's common sense that you'll get those types of matches and there's jerks in every community.

    **You're also forgetting that every time there's an event the toxic jerks come out of the woodwork. Throw in FTP and it gets that much more worse. Have you already forgotten how bad it was during the double BP event last month during FTP? **

    Regarding the face camping. Was there anything else to discuss? I NEVER EVER got face camped as survivor. I used to face camp very toxic survivors, when face camping was still a thing. But since hook blocking got removed for killers only (not for survivors, because reasons). I don´t bother at all.
    If you keep getting face camped by every killer you meet, there might be a problem on your side.
    And judging from your aptitude on this forum, it might have to do something with your temper.
    No offense, but it could be simply a YOU problem.

    **Again with the deflections and distortions it's obvious you can't rebut my arguments and again go for the classic Logical Fallacy. I also find it hard to believe you've never ever been face camped once since everyone has been at least one. I also never ever said I always get facecamped but yet again the distortions of what I said continue.

    So that'd mean I don't always get facecamped by every killer I meet since I've made plenty of friends with killers post game. I've been given props for being cool and been thanked for giving myself up for hooks to the killer. Ah yes the classic troll response I've come to expect more insults My aptitude is fine and I don't have anger issues but you seem to want to project badly.

    But then it'd mean I'm not the problem but your incessant need to insult anyone that disagrees with you or points out flaws in your posts.**

    Oh and adults can´t complain about a problem? So just swallow all the ######### and keep going on like nothing happend? That sure will solve the problem...
    We are customers and paid for a product and a service. We have every right in the world to complain.

    If i missed something, please keep me updated. I´m happy to help you with any problem you might face.

    Yes adults can complain about a problem but adults also don't throw out the non stop insults at those that disagree like you and the rest seem to do in almost every post. I agree with the right to complain but where I disagree is how you lot choose to complain.

    You and the rest always insult survivors as if they're the ones causing the problems. Anyone that posts something you don't like gets blasted as a survivor main, biased or any of the other countless insults. When that doesn't work you try the logical fallacy route and distort what they said.

    I agree with the need to buff killers and fix maps and have offered lots of suggestions on how to do things without breaking game balance. I advocated for the self care nerf because i thought it was needed and fair. I like the DS nerf and think they should add to it flashlight immunity for the killer during stun. (I'll explain that in another thread.)

    I want them to remove pallets or at least really spread them out, I want more stealthy game play where there's no need for endless looping spots. What I want is a true horror game where killers have the power role but survivors have a chance to get out by playing smartly.

    Lastly I'd like to see the insults and distortions and deflections stop just because someone doesn't like what's posted.

    Not going to answer to the whole comment right now. Maybe later.

    So I represent the whole killer community?
    Cool, I shall declare world peace and free donuts for everyone! Oh wait, we have a BBQ event going on. So free steaks for everyone!

    Since you took your time to write this tiny answer, could you also take your time and point out where I insult others? I'm not a saint, but I never resort to insults. So stop claiming that I insult and stop presenting me as the killer league leader. Or whatever you think this is.

    I really don't look for a fight. But you seem to take this personally. Maybe take a break and reflect if it's worth it to get upset about it.
    We share the same hobby and passion. We both know that this game can be incredible addicting and frustrating at the same time. It's unique in it's way. Can't we try to get along and discuss like adults without resorting to insults and personal vendettas?
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    Not going to answer to the whole comment right now. Maybe later.

    So I represent the whole killer community?
    Cool, I shall declare world peace and free donuts for everyone! Oh wait, we have a BBQ event going on. So free steaks for everyone!

    No you don't if you got that from what i said then I apologize for not being clearer.

    Since you took your time to write this tiny answer, could you also take your time and point out where I insult others? I'm not a saint, but I never resort to insults. So stop claiming that I insult and stop presenting me as the killer league leader. Or whatever you think this is.

    You do insult but perhaps don't realize it and that last post was a pretty glaring example of it. But then I was just as bad for doing the same.

    I really don't look for a fight. But you seem to take this personally. Maybe take a break and reflect if it's worth it to get upset about it.

    We both kinda took this too far and for that I apologize since sometimes I get carried away as well.

    We share the same hobby and passion. We both know that this game can be incredible addicting and frustrating at the same time. It's unique in it's way. Can't we try to get along and discuss like adults without resorting to insults and personal vendettas?

    We can and we should, it'll probably take some time similar to how it took me to get used to @Lowbei and @RemoveSWF.

    So ignore the response in the other thread.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Not going to answer to the whole comment right now. Maybe later.

    So I represent the whole killer community?
    Cool, I shall declare world peace and free donuts for everyone! Oh wait, we have a BBQ event going on. So free steaks for everyone!

    No you don't if you got that from what i said then I apologize for not being clearer.

    Since you took your time to write this tiny answer, could you also take your time and point out where I insult others? I'm not a saint, but I never resort to insults. So stop claiming that I insult and stop presenting me as the killer league leader. Or whatever you think this is.

    You do insult but perhaps don't realize it and that last post was a pretty glaring example of it. But then I was just as bad for doing the same.

    I really don't look for a fight. But you seem to take this personally. Maybe take a break and reflect if it's worth it to get upset about it.

    We both kinda took this too far and for that I apologize since sometimes I get carried away as well.

    We share the same hobby and passion. We both know that this game can be incredible addicting and frustrating at the same time. It's unique in it's way. Can't we try to get along and discuss like adults without resorting to insults and personal vendettas?

    We can and we should, it'll probably take some time similar to how it took me to get used to @Lowbei and @RemoveSWF.

    So ignore the response in the other thread.

    Good, now we can go back to normal.
    I really enjoy arguing on the internet and defend my point. Sometimes i might unknowingly get carried away.

    No hard feelings. Have a nice day.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Not going to answer to the whole comment right now. Maybe later.

    So I represent the whole killer community?
    Cool, I shall declare world peace and free donuts for everyone! Oh wait, we have a BBQ event going on. So free steaks for everyone!

    No you don't if you got that from what i said then I apologize for not being clearer.

    Since you took your time to write this tiny answer, could you also take your time and point out where I insult others? I'm not a saint, but I never resort to insults. So stop claiming that I insult and stop presenting me as the killer league leader. Or whatever you think this is.

    You do insult but perhaps don't realize it and that last post was a pretty glaring example of it. But then I was just as bad for doing the same.

    I really don't look for a fight. But you seem to take this personally. Maybe take a break and reflect if it's worth it to get upset about it.

    We both kinda took this too far and for that I apologize since sometimes I get carried away as well.

    We share the same hobby and passion. We both know that this game can be incredible addicting and frustrating at the same time. It's unique in it's way. Can't we try to get along and discuss like adults without resorting to insults and personal vendettas?

    We can and we should, it'll probably take some time similar to how it took me to get used to @Lowbei and @RemoveSWF.

    So ignore the response in the other thread.

    Good, now we can go back to normal.
    I really enjoy arguing on the internet and defend my point. Sometimes i might unknowingly get carried away.

    No hard feelings. Have a nice day.

    Same for me as well and did you see the fat character response just now from someone lulz. I did add something to the Amanda part that's pretty funny.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    powerbats said:

    We do rebut your points. You just sit there and and call every rebuttal a “Logical Fallacy”, and when you can’t call it that, you say “your twisting my words” as a deflection shield that you “meant something else by it” in order to cover your ass when you say something stupid. 

    Its like a child going “That’s f’in stupid” and their parents scolding them and they go “BUT I MEANT FREAKING!” When you know damn well what they meant to say. 

    Only one here with an ego is you. You can’t admit when you’re wrong, ever. Anytime someone disagrees with you it’s a “Logical Fallacy” and “twisting and distorting your words. Seriously, grow up and learn some humility.

    No it's you that can't admit you're wrong but since you want to be made to look like an arse I'll prove it to you.

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    According to survivor mains, standing 4 meters away from a hooked survivor = face camping.

    Semantics doesn't change the fact the killer is still hook camping and I've had a lot of rank matches where the killer face camped me as in he was almost within my character model. So no that's not according to survivor mains that's according to people that regularly face killers that do in fact face camp.

    Notice how I never stated anywhere I always get facecamped yet here we go with the Straw Man which is a logical fallacy.

    @Tsulan said:

    ** If you keep getting face camped by every killer you meet, there might be a problem on your side. **
    And judging from your aptitude on this forum, it might have to do something with your temper.
    No offense, but it could be simply a YOU problem.

    Shocking I never said that yet there's the Straw Man right there which is a logical fallacy but you already knew that. So he didn't rebut my points nor did you nor was I wrong in saying he twisted my words. Now you go with the classic change your meaning insult to try and rebut my points.

    So the only one trying to cover their ass when they say something stupid here is you.The posts are there in plain sight yet you just can't resist the urge to be a dick So that'd make you the one with the ego here because you just can't admit you tried to insult me and failed..

    Now as far as never admitting when I'm wrong ever what are you smoking now? Since my apologies when given correct information are all over the forums. At the time I started playing the game I didn't know about camping being a legit strategy. It was @Lowbei I believe who posted the video from the devs talking about it.

    Something that wasn't readily known by me and to this day newer players still don't know unless they're given the info. But hey lets not let facts get in the way of your assumptions and untruths here. When someone disagrees with me I don't call it a logical fallacy unless they actually use one.

    When someone disagrees with me in a no biased way I'll have a discussion with them and try and see their point of view as they try and see mine. I get along really well with @Lowbei now as well as @Jack11803 , @RemoveSWF and several others. We don't always agree but we have some good discussions and trade the occasional insults and trash talk.

    The one that needs to grow up and learn humility here is you. I've shown the posts which prove my points you just don't like that the posts prove my points. When I've made mistakes on here i've apologized and when I've crossed a line I've also apologized. Including to some of the very posters here who I sometimes have disagreements with.

    I could continue to post quotes that prove my point but this thread is getting derailed enough as is. I shall just agree to disagree for now to not derail this further.

    You have got to be kidding me... 

    YOU literally created the Straw Man. Tulsan said “According to Survivor Mains” then you called semantics and changed it to YOU have had plenty of matches being “facecamped.” Then you got upset and called it a Straw Man Fallacy when he said it was a you problem if you get “facecamped” every single match. You changed it from “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. You’re getting upset for Tulsan attacking a Strawman YOU CREATED. YOU twisted what he said about Survivor Mains TO yourself. 

    Literally just telling you, you’re making an ass of yourself because you can’t even realize you started the Strawman in the first place. I’m not trying to insult you, I’m telling you to stop before you make an even bigger ass of yourself. 

    I’ll agree to disagree on the Marth subject as well.

    Seriously man, I’m not being a dick here. I’m just saying you changed Tulsan’s “Survivor Mains” to yourself and created the Strawman and then got upset when Tulsan attacked it. You made an ass of yourself by creating the Strawman in the first place. Then tried to cover it saying Tulsan twisted it, when it was you who twisted it. I said you made an ass of yourself and called it stupid when you didn’t realize you’re the one who started the Strawman by changing the subject of “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. 
  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing said:

    You have got to be kidding me... 

    YOU literally created the Straw Man. Tulsan said “According to Survivor Mains” then you called semantics and changed it to YOU have had plenty of matches being “facecamped.” Then you got upset and called it a Straw Man Fallacy when he said it was a you problem if you get “facecamped” every single match. You changed it from “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. You’re getting upset for Tulsan attacking a Strawman YOU CREATED. YOU twisted what he said about Survivor Mains TO yourself. 

    Literally just telling you, you’re making an ass of yourself because you can’t even realize you started the Strawman in the first place. I’m not trying to insult you, I’m telling you to stop before you make an even bigger ass of yourself. 

    I’ll agree to disagree on the Marth subject as well.

    Seriously man, I’m not being a dick here. I’m just saying you changed Tulsan’s “Survivor Mains” to yourself and created the Strawman and then got upset when Tulsan attacked it. You made an ass of yourself by creating the Strawman in the first place. Then tried to cover it saying Tulsan twisted it, when it was you who twisted it. I said you made an ass of yourself and called it stupid when you didn’t realize you’re the one who started the Strawman by changing the subject of “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. 

    We'll agree to disagree on some things then since Tsulan and I already sorted things out. Some of what was said got crossed over form other posts and it became one big clusterfeck. Oh and go read this thread for some good laughs we all had.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @SovererignKing said:
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    powerbats said:

    We do rebut your points. You just sit there and and call every rebuttal a “Logical Fallacy”, and when you can’t call it that, you say “your twisting my words” as a deflection shield that you “meant something else by it” in order to cover your ass when you say something stupid. 
    Its like a child going “That’s f’in stupid” and their parents scolding them and they go “BUT I MEANT FREAKING!” When you know damn well what they meant to say. 

    Only one here with an ego is you. You can’t admit when you’re wrong, ever. Anytime someone disagrees with you it’s a “Logical Fallacy” and “twisting and distorting your words. Seriously, grow up and learn some humility.

    No it's you that can't admit you're wrong but since you want to be made to look like an arse I'll prove it to you.

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    According to survivor mains, standing 4 meters away from a hooked survivor = face camping.

    Semantics doesn't change the fact the killer is still hook camping and I've had a lot of rank matches where the killer face camped me as in he was almost within my character model. So no that's not according to survivor mains that's according to people that regularly face killers that do in fact face camp.

    Notice how I never stated anywhere I always get facecamped yet here we go with the Straw Man which is a logical fallacy.

    @Tsulan said:

    ** If you keep getting face camped by every killer you meet, there might be a problem on your side. **

    And judging from your aptitude on this forum, it might have to do something with your temper.

    No offense, but it could be simply a YOU problem.

    Shocking I never said that yet there's the Straw Man right there which is a logical fallacy but you already knew that. So he didn't rebut my points nor did you nor was I wrong in saying he twisted my words. Now you go with the classic change your meaning insult to try and rebut my points.

    So the only one trying to cover their ass when they say something stupid here is you.The posts are there in plain sight yet you just can't resist the urge to be a dick So that'd make you the one with the ego here because you just can't admit you tried to insult me and failed..

    Now as far as never admitting when I'm wrong ever what are you smoking now? Since my apologies when given correct information are all over the forums. At the time I started playing the game I didn't know about camping being a legit strategy. It was @Lowbei I believe who posted the video from the devs talking about it.

    Something that wasn't readily known by me and to this day newer players still don't know unless they're given the info. But hey lets not let facts get in the way of your assumptions and untruths here. When someone disagrees with me I don't call it a logical fallacy unless they actually use one.

    When someone disagrees with me in a no biased way I'll have a discussion with them and try and see their point of view as they try and see mine. I get along really well with @Lowbei now as well as @Jack11803 , @RemoveSWF and several others. We don't always agree but we have some good discussions and trade the occasional insults and trash talk.

    The one that needs to grow up and learn humility here is you. I've shown the posts which prove my points you just don't like that the posts prove my points. When I've made mistakes on here i've apologized and when I've crossed a line I've also apologized. Including to some of the very posters here who I sometimes have disagreements with.

    I could continue to post quotes that prove my point but this thread is getting derailed enough as is. I shall just agree to disagree for now to not derail this further.

    You have got to be kidding me... 

    YOU literally created the Straw Man. Tulsan said “According to Survivor Mains” then you called semantics and changed it to YOU have had plenty of matches being “facecamped.” Then you got upset and called it a Straw Man Fallacy when he said it was a you problem if you get “facecamped” every single match. You changed it from “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. You’re getting upset for Tulsan attacking a Strawman YOU CREATED. YOU twisted what he said about Survivor Mains TO yourself. 

    Literally just telling you, you’re making an ass of yourself because you can’t even realize you started the Strawman in the first place. I’m not trying to insult you, I’m telling you to stop before you make an even bigger ass of yourself. 

    I’ll agree to disagree on the Marth subject as well.

    Seriously man, I’m not being a dick here. I’m just saying you changed Tulsan’s “Survivor Mains” to yourself and created the Strawman and then got upset when Tulsan attacked it. You made an ass of yourself by creating the Strawman in the first place. Then tried to cover it saying Tulsan twisted it, when it was you who twisted it. I said you made an ass of yourself and called it stupid when you didn’t realize you’re the one who started the Strawman by changing the subject of “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. 

    Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it.
    But we made our peace, since i don´t want to starte another war or something. So things are settled.

    BTW. You are amazing!

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited August 2018

    Alright who took the Marshmallows to the basement and hid them using Insidious again?

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    You have got to be kidding me... 

    YOU literally created the Straw Man. Tulsan said “According to Survivor Mains” then you called semantics and changed it to YOU have had plenty of matches being “facecamped.” Then you got upset and called it a Straw Man Fallacy when he said it was a you problem if you get “facecamped” every single match. You changed it from “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. You’re getting upset for Tulsan attacking a Strawman YOU CREATED. YOU twisted what he said about Survivor Mains TO yourself. 

    Literally just telling you, you’re making an ass of yourself because you can’t even realize you started the Strawman in the first place. I’m not trying to insult you, I’m telling you to stop before you make an even bigger ass of yourself. 

    I’ll agree to disagree on the Marth subject as well.

    Seriously man, I’m not being a dick here. I’m just saying you changed Tulsan’s “Survivor Mains” to yourself and created the Strawman and then got upset when Tulsan attacked it. You made an ass of yourself by creating the Strawman in the first place. Then tried to cover it saying Tulsan twisted it, when it was you who twisted it. I said you made an ass of yourself and called it stupid when you didn’t realize you’re the one who started the Strawman by changing the subject of “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. 

    We'll agree to disagree on some things then since Tsulan and I already sorted things out. Some of what was said got crossed over form other posts and it became one big clusterfeck. Oh and go read this thread for some good laughs we all had.

    Eh, clusterfucks happen. Nearly pissed myself laughing reading just several post in that thread lol.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Tsulan said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    powerbats said:

    We do rebut your points. You just sit there and and call every rebuttal a “Logical Fallacy”, and when you can’t call it that, you say “your twisting my words” as a deflection shield that you “meant something else by it” in order to cover your ass when you say something stupid. 
    Its like a child going “That’s f’in stupid” and their parents scolding them and they go “BUT I MEANT FREAKING!” When you know damn well what they meant to say. 

    Only one here with an ego is you. You can’t admit when you’re wrong, ever. Anytime someone disagrees with you it’s a “Logical Fallacy” and “twisting and distorting your words. Seriously, grow up and learn some humility.

    No it's you that can't admit you're wrong but since you want to be made to look like an arse I'll prove it to you.

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    According to survivor mains, standing 4 meters away from a hooked survivor = face camping.

    Semantics doesn't change the fact the killer is still hook camping and I've had a lot of rank matches where the killer face camped me as in he was almost within my character model. So no that's not according to survivor mains that's according to people that regularly face killers that do in fact face camp.

    Notice how I never stated anywhere I always get facecamped yet here we go with the Straw Man which is a logical fallacy.

    @Tsulan said:

    ** If you keep getting face camped by every killer you meet, there might be a problem on your side. **

    And judging from your aptitude on this forum, it might have to do something with your temper.

    No offense, but it could be simply a YOU problem.

    Shocking I never said that yet there's the Straw Man right there which is a logical fallacy but you already knew that. So he didn't rebut my points nor did you nor was I wrong in saying he twisted my words. Now you go with the classic change your meaning insult to try and rebut my points.

    So the only one trying to cover their ass when they say something stupid here is you.The posts are there in plain sight yet you just can't resist the urge to be a dick So that'd make you the one with the ego here because you just can't admit you tried to insult me and failed..

    Now as far as never admitting when I'm wrong ever what are you smoking now? Since my apologies when given correct information are all over the forums. At the time I started playing the game I didn't know about camping being a legit strategy. It was @Lowbei I believe who posted the video from the devs talking about it.

    Something that wasn't readily known by me and to this day newer players still don't know unless they're given the info. But hey lets not let facts get in the way of your assumptions and untruths here. When someone disagrees with me I don't call it a logical fallacy unless they actually use one.

    When someone disagrees with me in a no biased way I'll have a discussion with them and try and see their point of view as they try and see mine. I get along really well with @Lowbei now as well as @Jack11803 , @RemoveSWF and several others. We don't always agree but we have some good discussions and trade the occasional insults and trash talk.

    The one that needs to grow up and learn humility here is you. I've shown the posts which prove my points you just don't like that the posts prove my points. When I've made mistakes on here i've apologized and when I've crossed a line I've also apologized. Including to some of the very posters here who I sometimes have disagreements with.

    I could continue to post quotes that prove my point but this thread is getting derailed enough as is. I shall just agree to disagree for now to not derail this further.

    You have got to be kidding me... 

    YOU literally created the Straw Man. Tulsan said “According to Survivor Mains” then you called semantics and changed it to YOU have had plenty of matches being “facecamped.” Then you got upset and called it a Straw Man Fallacy when he said it was a you problem if you get “facecamped” every single match. You changed it from “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. You’re getting upset for Tulsan attacking a Strawman YOU CREATED. YOU twisted what he said about Survivor Mains TO yourself. 

    Literally just telling you, you’re making an ass of yourself because you can’t even realize you started the Strawman in the first place. I’m not trying to insult you, I’m telling you to stop before you make an even bigger ass of yourself. 

    I’ll agree to disagree on the Marth subject as well.

    Seriously man, I’m not being a dick here. I’m just saying you changed Tulsan’s “Survivor Mains” to yourself and created the Strawman and then got upset when Tulsan attacked it. You made an ass of yourself by creating the Strawman in the first place. Then tried to cover it saying Tulsan twisted it, when it was you who twisted it. I said you made an ass of yourself and called it stupid when you didn’t realize you’re the one who started the Strawman by changing the subject of “Survivor Mains” TO YOU. 

    Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it.
    But we made our peace, since i don´t want to starte another war or something. So things are settled.

    BTW. You are amazing!

    Aight, as long as things are settled. I still don’t agree with you about NOED though. Just saying lol.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited August 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    I still don’t agree with you about NOED though. Just saying lol.

    No problem with that. We can have different opinions without hating each other.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    what a thread!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    What confuses me is, that i now have a ton of new Marth88 videos in my YT playlist. Like a ton of new videos. Didn´t he stop playing? I mean those videos have been uploaded in the last 12 hours.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Lowbei said:
    what a thread!

    To be honest, I didn't think the entire DbD community would care.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Tsulan said:

    What confuses me is, that i now have a ton of new Marth88 videos in my YT playlist. Like a ton of new videos. Didn´t he stop playing? I mean those videos have been uploaded in the last 12 hours.

    DG is on soft launch I think... So Marth88 might just be playing DbD to pass time and waiting for his friends to get on DG or something. Idk really.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Nickenzie said:
    Tsulan said:

    What confuses me is, that i now have a ton of new Marth88 videos in my YT playlist. Like a ton of new videos. Didn´t he stop playing? I mean those videos have been uploaded in the last 12 hours.

    DG is on soft launch I think... So Marth88 might just be playing DbD to pass time and waiting for his friends to get on DG or something. Idk really.

    Okay... But when i say i stop playing... i hold up a little longer than 2 hours.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Lowbei said:
    what a thread!

    $2 a bag!
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Tsulan said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    Tsulan said:

    What confuses me is, that i now have a ton of new Marth88 videos in my YT playlist. Like a ton of new videos. Didn´t he stop playing? I mean those videos have been uploaded in the last 12 hours.

    DG is on soft launch I think... So Marth88 might just be playing DbD to pass time and waiting for his friends to get on DG or something. Idk really.

    Okay... But when i say i stop playing... i hold up a little longer than 2 hours.

    I think he posts his last videos of DbD from his stream.
  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @Tsulan said:
    What confuses me is, that i now have a ton of new Marth88 videos in my YT playlist. Like a ton of new videos. Didn´t he stop playing? I mean those videos have been uploaded in the last 12 hours.

    Those videos are from his last DbD stream. The day before DG came out. He is just uploading specific rounds, that might be interesting for people to watch who missed the stream.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Marth is a cool dude.

    A good killer too, but his reaction to getting beat in that tourney was sad. Entitled. He got a small ego going too.

    He complained about DbD for months, they finally start fixing some stuff... balancing things for the killer. Finally and he bails?

    See ya.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Freudentrauma said:

    @Tsulan said:
    What confuses me is, that i now have a ton of new Marth88 videos in my YT playlist. Like a ton of new videos. Didn´t he stop playing? I mean those videos have been uploaded in the last 12 hours.

    Those videos are from his last DbD stream. The day before DG came out. He is just uploading specific rounds, that might be interesting for people to watch who missed the stream.

    Ahh ok
    Thx for clearing that up!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Marth is a cool dude.

    A good killer too, but his reaction to getting beat in that tourney was sad. Entitled. He got a small ego going too.

    He complained about DbD for months, they finally start fixing some stuff... balancing things for the killer. Finally and he bails?

    See ya.

    The upcoming survivor buffs don´t really balance the things for killers.
    Last patch was only a minor nerf for survivors, which wouldn´t affect most of the survivors anyway. But the buffs for Trapper and Hag are appreciated.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @Tsulan said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Marth is a cool dude.

    A good killer too, but his reaction to getting beat in that tourney was sad. Entitled. He got a small ego going too.

    He complained about DbD for months, they finally start fixing some stuff... balancing things for the killer. Finally and he bails?

    See ya.

    The upcoming survivor buffs don´t really balance the things for killers.
    Last patch was only a minor nerf for survivors, which wouldn´t affect most of the survivors anyway. But the buffs for Trapper and Hag are appreciated.

    The hag is deadly now. I'd say she's 2nd or 3rd best. So she's very viable now. That was a marked improvement. Trapper is mid tier from bottom tier. He's better, but not really a high ranking killer.

    Unless you're very good, then you could still do well with him.

    The exhaustion stuff was fantastic. It helps looping. The bloodlust nerfs upcoming are a bit harsh, but so was the exhaustion stuff.

    I don't know. The resetting of status' on hooking kinda turned me off.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Marth is a cool dude.

    A good killer too, but his reaction to getting beat in that tourney was sad. Entitled. He got a small ego going too.

    He complained about DbD for months, they finally start fixing some stuff... balancing things for the killer. Finally and he bails?

    See ya.

    The upcoming survivor buffs don´t really balance the things for killers.
    Last patch was only a minor nerf for survivors, which wouldn´t affect most of the survivors anyway. But the buffs for Trapper and Hag are appreciated.

    The hag is deadly now. I'd say she's 2nd or 3rd best. So she's very viable now. That was a marked improvement. Trapper is mid tier from bottom tier. He's better, but not really a high ranking killer.

    Unless you're very good, then you could still do well with him.

    The exhaustion stuff was fantastic. It helps looping. The bloodlust nerfs upcoming are a bit harsh, but so was the exhaustion stuff.

    I don't know. The resetting of status' on hooking kinda turned me off.

    Exhaustion was nice, but not many survivors could use SB twice in a chase. Mainly rank 1 loopers. Which are still able to loop for almost the same amount of time.

    The inbuild Kindred is going to hurt killers a lot. Because solo survivors will be as time efficient as SWF groups. Killers already have problems with how fast the gens are getting done. This will only get worse with the change.

    BL nerf won´t do killers any good, since BL itself is only a bandaid. I would totally support the removal of BL, if survivors and killers have the same hit (or collision) box.

    The exhaustion reset in combination with the invulnerability buff will punish camping. Hiting a survivor right off the hook won´t have any effect. Add SB and the survivor reaches the next pallet before the killer can do anything. In other words, camping will get a huge nerf.

  • marth88gaming
    marth88gaming Member Posts: 20

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Marth is a cool dude.

    A good killer too, but his reaction to getting beat in that tourney was sad. Entitled. He got a small ego going too.

    He complained about DbD for months, they finally start fixing some stuff... balancing things for the killer. Finally and he bails?

    See ya.

    1. I accepted the fact of the call was made, can't say the same for my team mates, but who wouldn't be somewhat upset for losing $5,000 on a stupid technicality that rule got changed last minute...
    2. Trapper / hag buff had very minor buffs to base kits, the buffs were to addons. The problem with trapper especially is he is still bottom tier because he still has to travel maps to get traps, and with the clock already not in the killers favor, but these two killers can be very easily beaten still by skilled survivors, they just got stronger against mediocre ones.
    3. Exhaustion nerf is not really a nerf. It was another band aid fix and they attacked the wrong problem. The dev's claim was that they nerfed it because of it being used twice in a chase.... well why has that chase gone on for so long? If some maps were not so cancerous this wouldn't even be a problem. They band aid things instead of actually fixing. Now they are wanting to remove BL which of course I agree needs to go BUT only after maps are fixed. Bloodlust was another band aid for the crap map design..
    4. Now I know I am gonna have killers say I never reach BL 2 / 3 but here is the thing when you have maps like fractured cowshed, groaning store house, ironworks of misery etc... that have these windows that survivors can run with NO mind game potential, the only thing that helps with this abuse is blood lust. you ######### with it before you fix these types of windows. your gonna create more abuse spots for survivors
    5. Plus don't get me started on there double pallet removal patch where in theory they only removed 1 pallet from some maps and added many more to others or that patch where they added where you can stun or blind during any part of pickup to save your team mate. They DO NOT have a great track record of "FIXING" things. I hope and pray they do get it together but after 2 years hatch standoff is still a thing, and there most recent fix to windows was bamboozle a perk that probably should just be base line at this point
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    1. I accepted the fact of the call was made, can't say the same for my team mates, but who wouldn't be somewhat upset for losing $5,000 on a stupid technicality that rule got changed last minute...
    2. Trapper / hag buff had very minor buffs to base kits, the buffs were to addons. The problem with trapper especially is he is still bottom tier because he still has to travel maps to get traps, and with the clock already not in the killers favor, but these two killers can be very easily beaten still by skilled survivors, they just got stronger against mediocre ones.
    3. Exhaustion nerf is not really a nerf. It was another band aid fix and they attacked the wrong problem. The dev's claim was that they nerfed it because of it being used twice in a chase.... well why has that chase gone on for so long? If some maps were not so cancerous this wouldn't even be a problem. They band aid things instead of actually fixing. Now they are wanting to remove BL which of course I agree needs to go BUT only after maps are fixed. Bloodlust was another band aid for the crap map design..
    4. Now I know I am gonna have killers say I never reach BL 2 / 3 but here is the thing when you have maps like fractured cowshed, groaning store house, ironworks of misery etc... that have these windows that survivors can run with NO mind game potential, the only thing that helps with this abuse is blood lust. you [BAD WORD] with it before you fix these types of windows. your gonna create more abuse spots for survivors
    5. Plus don't get me started on there double pallet removal patch where in theory they only removed 1 pallet from some maps and added many more to others or that patch where they added where you can stun or blind during any part of pickup to save your team mate. They DO NOT have a great track record of "FIXING" things. I hope and pray they do get it together but after 2 years hatch standoff is still a thing, and there most recent fix to windows was bamboozle a perk that probably should just be base line at this point
    I agree with everything you said there fam! I'll miss you and remember you as being a great DbD player, hopefully you'll come back later on when the developers make better decisions. I'm not saying the developers aren't trying but they definitely are looking at the situation wrong most of the times. See brother! :)
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Omg why is this thread still alive.....I'm just gonna leave this here.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Omg why is this thread still alive.....I'm just gonna leave this here.
    I don't get it lol.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Nickenzie said:
    chemical_reject said:

    Omg why is this thread still alive.....I'm just gonna leave this here.

    I don't get it lol.

    It's the old adage to stop beating a dead horse.

    Flogging a dead horse (alternatively beating a dead horse, or beating a dead dog in some parts of the Anglophone world) is an idiom that means to continue a particular endeavour is a waste of time as the outcome is already decided.

    I like this one much better.

    Someone breaks up with there girl/boyfriend and continues to ######### about them to there friends weeks later. That person is beating a dead horse, the relationship is over there is no point in thinking about it since the matter is already resolved with you having broken up.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    powerbats said:
    yeah! A wheelchair survivor with speed burst would be epic.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Lowbei said:
    powerbats said:

    @Lowbei said:

    what a thread!

    Hilarity ensues

    yeah! A wheelchair survivor with speed burst would be epic.

    Rockets that'd be like sprint burst shooting off the wheels like rolling firecrackers.

  • Kamikaze_Rose
    Kamikaze_Rose Member Posts: 247

    I don't get him making a big fuss about leaving Dead By Daylight and then coming back a few weeks later. Now it's his main game again. According to others, this isn't the first time he's "left." Kind of strange but kind of obvious, too. None of his changes have been made and the game is in the exact spot it was in when he left, so.....

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Kamikaze_Rose said:
    I don't get him making a big fuss about leaving Dead By Daylight and then coming back a few weeks later. Now it's his main game again. According to others, this isn't the first time he's "left." Kind of strange but kind of obvious, too. None of his changes have been made and the game is in the exact spot it was in when he left, so.....

    Agreed yet some use him as an example to buff they're arguments then when it doesn't suit them he's meaningless.

  • TheWraith883
    TheWraith883 Member Posts: 66

    I'm also ditching this game it's the worst game for killers but if you were a survivor you will have fun because you will bully the killer

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I'm also ditching this game it's the worst game for killers but if you were a survivor you will have fun because you will bully the killer

    This post have been Neco'd :(