PS4 Post Hotfix Pallet issues?

Since that patch they released on Wednesday, anyone else seeing alot of pallet issues? Like you drop a pallet and the killer teleports to your side of the pallet... or it doesn't let you drop it at all and you are just insta downed?


  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @qpwoeiruty said:
    Since that patch they released on Wednesday, anyone else seeing alot of pallet issues? Like you drop a pallet and the killer teleports to your side of the pallet... or it doesn't let you drop it at all and you are just insta downed?

    You mean the Teleport over for the hit and than back behind the pallet....Yep seen that a few times.

  • MasochistFreddyMain
    MasochistFreddyMain Member Posts: 42
    I was seeing that issue before the hotfix. 
  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    Yes, the teleport happened before the hotfix. And still do. 
  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    I mean from time to time, I was having all kinds of trouble with it yesterday. I made a post about dead hard as well that seems like its all goofed up too