Reasons for using noed?
ur kinda sadistic ngl 😂
I can see the appeal after facing 5 full flashlight swf
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cleansing totems is not the objective of the game. I guess if survivors escape out hatch using a key you're to blame for not looking for hatch?
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No comment. (future me please insert some comment concerning dbd players and hypocrites)
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Because the Exposed effect is usually permanent due to totem spawns being themselves, and the perk having an obnoxious and unnecessary speed boost, these "downs" are better said to be "confirmed kills"
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That's the chaser chasee mechanic. The chaser catches the chasees mistakes and the chaser therefore can't usually afford to make mistakes of their own. But why would this game be realistic?
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It's kind of sad if players all must accept that killers need to rely on not 1 but 2 crutch perks that are guaranteed to see play every game. As if crutch perks didn't rule this game enough (adrenaline, iron will)
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I'm a newcomer to DbD. I'm terrible. I still don't use NoED. It seems cheap to me.
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I run on m1 killers for an endgame build if I had a few bad games in a row and the gens were done too quick
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if a team is superior shouldn't they win? isn't that what superior means? or would you rather have it that by hooking survivors (doing what you're supposed to do) brings the survivors very quickly closer and closer to winning the game. I'm rambling at this point but the design of "killer comeback" perks is really poor because they often can be used by killers who aren't in a losing game and the game is being played well on both sides. The ranking system is there for killer and survivors to have equal skill level. (It's there, but it is definitely not working)
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What I'm saying is that this isn't the case. Contrary to popular belief, survivors cleanse dull totems, so there's a 30-40% chance NOED won't even activate in red rank play. And as I said, it's usually cleansed pretty quickly if it does activate in my experience. It's not that "good killers don't run NOED", it's that good killers know to run better perks.
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60-70% chance is pretty good. Also killers can protect totems. And with noed, you can protect totems while simultaneously getting kills. But you make a good point. If survivors could even finish gens in red ranks noed would see more play
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Its not a crutch perk, it's too weak to be called that lol, but a good genuine reason for it, punish gen rush and SFW (whom mostly gen rush) as gens can be done in 2:18 easy, that's not a long chase to keep a killer away from your team, no matter how good the killer is, noed for most killers Vs gen rushers can become almost essential cause only 4 killers are good enough without it against them and I've seen and done myself most gens in 2:18 except Vs and with these 4 (forever Freddy, distressing doctor, stridor spirit, nurse but only just) the rest are just not strong enough to cope the best the other killers can hope is ruin get them an extra 30 seconds, there use to be so many builds that could make killers be viable, but now survivors are too strong, I love being a killer but I hate not having many options and the 4 viable killers are in the firing line cause survivors can't bully them like the others (I know some of y'all going to claim hillbilly and cannibal but if you get downed by them then you deserve it they are actually quite pathetic, hillbilly has turning issues, cannibal you just keep in tight areas and know where vaults are, and for anyone about to defend other killers, huntress hitbox with throwing axe is too unreliable cause Devs too lazy to finally fix it, and even then, they aren't that hard to avoid and if hit into injured you have a massive lead at that point that it becomes more a hindrance as huntress, trapper, don't make me laugh he is weaker than legion, wraith, the solo player slayer but I haven't seen solo players for ages now so I give up with him but solo people yeah he works but only if they don't see you whilst "invisible", Myers, with 2 add ons he is ok but you'll be left with 1 gen to defend as a result of basically early noed and the add on isn't common enough to be reliable, ghost face, legion can actually stealth better than him, but with use of TR and power instead of no TR, pig, too slow, hag, too slow and other than for the name of toxic and occasional bad luck, have you seen her power work at purple or red? Demogorgon, might as well not even have a power, legion, yeah he can buy time, by losing more time, most useless power, even Demogorgon power is more useful, Oni, died before he was born by survivor mains these are summed up reasons, based on games as a killer and survivor
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Found someone who doesn't cleanse
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Who? I cleanse every dull totem I see
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I cleanse totems too xD ez points
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Typically the only reason I'll slot in NOED is if Im freshly lvling up a killer and dont have anything better yet. With NOED being a general perk that has a tendency of popping up within the first 5 bloodwebs, and its tier 1 version being pretty much just as good as its tier 3 version... it makes sense. Apart from that, my only ACTUAL usage of NOED was for OG Freddy. I didnt like sticking to using double block addons to speed up the dream transition, and having to wait so long before being allowed to hit the guy currently opening the gate sucked. Because of NOED, I had a tendency of DOWNING someone right after the doors opened as opposed to just giving them a speed boost to freedom.
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I don't use it as I have faith in my abilities. Well that and it's a Hex perk and we know those get cleansed immediately beyond level 20.
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I honestly just don't. I don't enjoy hinging an important part of the game on a perk that might not even activate, and I have no way of knowing whether it will or not until that moment.
I would generally just prefer a less effective perk that's active all game over one that has a very small window of value.
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Well said! With this argument I preffer Pop goes the genrush over Ruin.
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Just use it if your balls ask for it, no one is going to punish you, it's a perk from the game that is there to you to use it
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Noed prevents you from learning the killer because you go for chases not in your favor and pretty much make really stupid decisions I don't think I've ever seen a skilled noed gamer I never use noed and never will I play killer alot more than I do survivor tbh and I would never run noed and i wish the killers I go against as a survivor would give me the same respect but instead every killer runs noed and gets about 2 free kills from it that they wouldn't have got otherwise. Noed is for people who are bad at the game and so are keys.
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Simply for the sake of making the endgame a little more interesting if the totems aren't cleansed.
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I use it because red ranked survivors simply do all the gens in 4-5 minutes, so I bring NOED because it's literally the only counter until the devs fix gen times.
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I wouldnt write it like that but I kinda have the same view. I never saw a good killer with noed, every killer that has a good knowledge of the game dont wants to get there kills for free. You are right that noed prevents you from learning the killer and I agree to that. But you shouldnt call directly out that noed is for bad ppl. Some ppl that are to lazy or didnt played the game long enough to understand how to play right as Killer.