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Make it so DS deactivates when a survivor is in a locker

Survivors being invincible in a locker with DS is silly. Any time a mechanic makes a survivor fearless of the killer it should be fixed plus it also results in locker noise notification spamming.

It is really one of the cheesier things in the game currently imo.

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  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't see why this would be necessary and I don't even use DS.

  • Member Posts: 274


  • Member Posts: 1,425

    It might have been designed for that, but its active for so long that even if you go hook another survivor, it can still be active. Plus it has no real counter play, its more it forces the killer to do something else. Its requirements aren't that hard to get, as the survivor littleraly has no active participation in it, they just get it as a get out of jail free card for being unhooked. Its better then it used to be, but its still way too powerful.

  • Member Posts: 674


    You posting this means that the perk is fulfilling it's purpose, defend against a tunneling killer and waste the Killers time.

    Don't tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Like the others said: No.

    Heres why:

    D.S. is supposed to counter Tunneling. Going into a locker helps with that because it's either leave them in a locker or grab em take the stun and down em.

  • Member Posts: 28
    edited December 2019

    Grabbing them and getting stunned still gets you a free hit.

    If that really upsets you then just leave them alone, being in a locker doesnt give any progression to their team. you shouldnt go for them anyway if you know theyve been recently hooked

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    30 seconds is a long time, and its difficult to keep track of not only how much time is left one DS but also who had it left. Playing killer is already a mile a minute of trying to do everything at once, and adding DS on top of that just makes it exponentially worse.

  • Member Posts: 928
    edited December 2019

    Ds has not only become an anti-tunnel perk, but also an anti-slug perk and that's a good thing. Although I would admit that the perk needs to be reworked.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I'd make it deactivate when someone else is hooked, not when you are grabbed from a locker.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Don't agree, locker protection is fine imo.

    It should deactivate if you get fully healed, touch a generator, or rescue another survivor. Because at that point you aren't getting tunneled.

  • While I want DS changes this isn't one I want.

    It shouldn't punish the killer for a survivor mistake. That's all.

  • Member Posts: 8,864
    edited December 2019

    The problem with this is your forced to patrol OTHER generators, cuz the DS guy is just gonna hop right back on the gen his locker was located next to as soon as you leave. The best move for any killer when a survivor divebombs into a locker is to pull them out. You deny a head-on play, you deny inner strength and you get DS out of the way so they cant use it later when it could cripple you more severely.

    Ive only run into 1 instance where that WASNT the best move, and that was when a survivor tried baiting me into eating a DS by jumping in and out of a locker as soon as I entered that half of the map. They only had 1 teammate left and 2 gens to go. Pretty easy to figure out that lone survivor wasnt gonna pop both, so I stood out of the way of head-on and waited with a revved chainsaw. Still got the salty endgame screenshot, lol.

  • Member Posts: 946

    I could see an argument for deactivating DS if another survivor gets downed and hooked before the time is up, I would even let you keep the remaining time on DS for additional tries, as long the killer isn't tunneling.

    If he is tunneling you, and you hop in a locker (hopefully with a stacked Inner Strength and Head-on), more power to you!

    But if you get off the hook, get fully healed, someone else get chased and hooked. You then get chased and downed again and still have DS...that's not okay.

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