oni's perks coincidentally based off of spirit's perks?

does anybody realize that the oni's perks revolve around the spirit's?

zanshin tactics is similar to spirit fury, they are both rare, unlock at level 30, and deal with pallets.

blood echo is sort of similar to haunted ground. they have status effects that last for a certain duration if a certain requirement is met, in this case it's hooking a survivor and the status effects affecting injured survivors. hex haunted ground requires its hex totem to be broken. they both unlock at 35.

nemesis and rancor are definitely alike. they use obsession mechanics. the only difference between the two is nemesis switches the obsession around, rancor doesn't (unless you're running a perk), etc etc. they also both unlock at level 40.

also, yui's perks are similar to kate's, in which the order they are unlocked & the perks themselves.

lucky break doesn't show blood trails for x amount of time, just like how DWM doesn't show scratch marks for x amount of time and is on a cooldown, which isn't the case w/ lucky break as it'll be deactivated after the duration ends. they both unlock at lvl 30 and are considered "ultra rare" perks (even though the game shows them off as very rare)

any means necessary/WoO are alike as they deal with pallets, just like ZT & SF. AMN and WoO are also on a cooldown and both unlock at 35.

breakout/BO are similar, except breakout gives the wiggling effect to the other survivor, in which boil over gives you the wiggling effect. they both unlock at lvl 40.

so, coincidence? i really don't want the next killer to just be another "ancestor" to a killer we already have with another map to a realm with 1 current map.
