Should Keys and Moris be Removed, Reworked or Kept as is?
I'm kinda sick of reading:
"Remove Keys!" And "Remove Moris!" Spam threads.
So here have a poll to tell everyone how you feel about Keys and Moris.
Should Keys and Moris be Removed, Reworked or Kept as is? 67 votes
Keep both as is.
To start off Keep both as is. I rarely see Keys and rarely see Moris. Plus Moris are nice to look at and Keys are counterable. Kill that survivor first.
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Remove Moris
Rework moris I miss clicked
Still want to see the mori animations that the devs put time and effort into
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Keep both as is.
If anything rework the green key. I was thinking that it can open hatch, but have it take ?? seconds to open. I also like moris :)
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Rework Moris
Since I have to choose one of those answers, rework Moris. Moris are far more common than Keys, especially the pink Mori is found way more often in Bloodwebs than the green one.
But honestly, rework both. Moris should not give the ability to make the Match an easy Win and Keys should focus more on Aura Read with the Pink Key being the only Item that would allow 1 (and exactly one) Survivor to escape via Hatch (plus Rework of many Add Ons, especially the ones that lets you keep the Key).
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Keep both as is.
I like both as they are tbh, I don't think either one needs changing at the moment
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Where is the option to rework both?
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Rework Moris
I agree, I'd personally prefer a rework of both mechanics
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Both are tied to achievements, since they can't change achievements the eventual changes wouldn't be much strong.
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Rework Moris
I didn't think about that aspect
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Keep both as is.
I assume from all the balance posts that this is an unpopular opinion, but I am personally a fan of rare, overpowered mechanics as long as they are actually rare. I think they add flavour and variety to the game.
The only thing that needs to be reworked about either keys or moris, in my opinion, is that neither item is as rare as it should be. The only change I'd like to see made is for them to actually become "ultra rare".
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Rework Keys
Keys can be fine... they just need more skilled use. Then again, Survivor needs an overhaul as a whole... playing as Oni in red ranks just shows how strong they are.
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And where's the Remove/Rework both? cuz that's what I want.
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So I think keys should take time to open hatches, with lots of noises, and skill checks, similar to repairing a gen (not that long tho), and only the survivor carrying the key should be able to escape with it.
Moris can be about bloodpoints instead of ending the game too fast. they should be only available after the second hook, for each mori, you get 100% more bloodpoints in all categories, that's 4 times more bloodpoints with Ebony for all survivors morid and that's what makes Ebony Moris Ultra Rare. that way Ebony Moris won't be a guaranteed a depip for all surivivors and it's even better for killers.
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Rework Moris
The way I see the problem is even if you make them harder to acquire or weaken the effect they're still going to be strong. Also they're easily stockpiled so you never have to worry about running out.
In my opinion Ultra Rare items should be limited to how many you can have and expire from your inventory within a week. That would solve mori's being spammed during events. I wouldn't even mind if they were slightly more common on the bloodweb because at max you're only going to have a limited number + you have to use them soon as you get them.
Main thing I'd do specifically for mori is require 2 hooks for Ebony + if you cancel it the mori goes on a 20 second CD to avoid spamming it and keeping someone in place.
Also clarification - I want both reworked you just didn't have the option for that so I picked Mori's which I see as more of an issue.
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Rework both
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Keep both as is.
They are both fine, except maybe moris could have their VFX updated and Trapper and Wraith's be changed.
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Rework both for game health
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Rework Moris
Rework both
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A killer once killed a guy that had the key. I went to the place were he died, picked up the key and left. That’s not really a solution/counter.
but I agree with you though, both are rare thus not really a problem.
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Keep both as is.
Mori's can be really relaxing for killers in the red ranks
Keys are something else, but fine
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Keep both as is.
Considering the amount of threads and comments about how problematic they are, it's quite interesting what a large proportion of people seem to be totally fine with both.
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Keep both as is.
Rework both at once or don't touch either. This isn't even about balance, I just don't want half the forum to be "devs are so X sided they reworked Y but not Z!".
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There has to be a middle ground. I do like the suggestion someone made about first having to be hooked twice for moris. it was actually pretty problematic running keys for the Deplete 8 Keys challenge. Even after using up the green key i was tunneled because the killer thought it was a purple. So taking keys gets you tunneled most of the time anyway in my case. which is fair paranoia i guess lol
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I finally found the key the other day. Still not sure what they are for or what they open.
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Rework Moris
they open the hatch
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That's it? Don't they open themselves?
Kinda useless when you can't find it either.
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Keep both as is.
I honestly could care less about either.
You bring a key? Fine. Don't expect sympathy.
You bring a Mori? Fine. Expect to be looped.
It's the same if I bring one. I expect to have to counter looping when I bring a Mori, and I don't expect hatch (I never do) when I bring a key.
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Rework both.
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Rework Moris
I think Moris are a bigger problem. But yeah, please rework both.
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Rework Moris
Rework both, they're both bs if you ask me.
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Rework Moris
Those are great ideas!
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Keep both as is.
Keep both like they are. Or maybe do a slight rework/nerf with keys, since they're items and so easy to take with you into a match. However as killer I really rarely even see survivors escaping through the hatch... Both of them bring versatility to the game
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Keep both as is.
Saying Mori's are the bigger problem is a bit of an understatement. Imagine going into the game as a killer, not camping, not tunneling and playing the game in a normal way. Survivors are better at hiding and then two gens are left and they all hop in. Meanwhile imagine using a mori and just killing people as soon as they're unhooked. I feel as if both should be reworked but due to achievements they can't. I feel like keys should only be able to open the hatch if all the gens were completed and mori's should only work if they're on death hook.
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Thank you, hopefully BHVR listens.