So many toxic killers

Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

At rank 1 as a survivor I expect to deal with long queue times, OP addons, going against Spirit every few games, what I don't expect to deal with are campers and tunnelers . I expect campers and tunnelers at rank 15, as they don't know any better.

While my motto that it's not killers job to make the game fun for survivors (and vice versa), if a killer wants to play basement camping Leatherface, he's in the right to as it's his choice. But last night nearly every game the killer chose to play toxic. I could understand matchmaking putting me in one or two lobbies of toxic killers, but last night matchmaking kept putting me in lobbies where the killer wanted to play like an arse.

Examples of the games I had, was a rank 2 pig camping with an ebony mori, a P3 Trapper that decided to face-camp despite us having a disconnect making it a 3v1, and a lag switching trapper (On PS4 we don't have dedicated servers yet).

Just to sum it up, my favourite game of last night was against a P3 Spirit.

The only benefit of playing at rank 1 is that normally you'll be going against good/decent and challenging killers, it's rewarding when you're able to juke and loop long for a long period of time.

EDIT: Before I get comment saying it's another post by survivor who is complaining about being camped, for the majority of the toxic killer games, I was actually playing well and was not personally on the receiving end of being the one being camped.
