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Who's the Killer you have the most difficulty facing?



  • Member Posts: 987

    Trapper. Sometimes it’s not even his traps, it’s just him LOL.

  • Member Posts: 662

    freddy and trapper. i can't stand freddy at all because they can spam snares and fake pallets. i ALWAYS lose against freddy it just feels hopeless, so much pressure about everything.

    trapper is just so annoying whenever i get chased by him i'm scared to vault any window and don't really know where i can go, it gives me anxiety

  • Member Posts: 496

    Spirit... it's always a 50/50

  • Member Posts: 1,110

    Trapper. I don't know why.

    I can loop and juke Spirits and Nurses..but the Trapper is my kryptonite. I guess it's not that I find him difficult, I just hate having to stare at the ground all game.

  • Member Posts: 430

    Ghostface - his ability to go complete stealth so easily and frequently negates the way I play.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Probably Hag. Her jumpscares often leaves me vulnerable because I sometimes panic and move my mouse around.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Freddy, cause although Nurse, Spirit and Billy are hard to face, the player need skills to use their whole potential. But Freddy? Just use your infinite range lunge attack and ur fine.

  • Member Posts: 198

    Okay we get it your toxic, don't need your life story about it lmao

  • Member Posts: 98

    I'd say huntress I don't really know what to do when in a chase with her

  • Member Posts: 172

    Gotta be any stealth killers they scare the quack out of me, and don't get me started on pig i can't stand having a trap on my head

  • Member Posts: 640

    Trappers make me paranoid

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    I'm on XBOX myself. Granted I have an easier time looping especially Bubba than others as I've mained him for 2 years now and can literally tell what addons he runs by the duration of the sound-bug of his chainsaw (which came into the game with Plague's release) but anyone can loop a chainsaw happy Bubba easily with a few decent windows or pallets unless he runs speed addons and knows how to maneuver around walls and objects tightly which most Bubbas fail at anyways (including the guy I faced yesterday. He kept getting stunned everytime I forced him to chainsaw-route around objects).

    As for chainsaw collision in general perhaps you keep playing against people with unstable connections? Bubba's chainsaw collision is pretty much exactly where I see the chainsaw model on my screen when I play him. You wouldn't believe how often my last (functional) chainsaw swing was basically ending behind the neck of a survivor and it wouldn't connect because of like an inch or two.

    Do you have a clip to specify a moment where his chainsaw seems broken?

  • Member Posts: 50

    Bubba because he is my baby boy and I feel bad mistreating him. Please help Bubba.

  • Am I really the only one who absolutely despises Myers? It seems like every single one either runs infinite mori Myers, or increased stalk speed addons. It feels like every game where whenever I get into a chase he has EW3 ready. It gets very discouraging bc I can never use my dead hard. Also it seems like all of my teammates don’t know how important it is to break line of sight against him.

    although I’m very thankful that EW1 Myers is now detectable by Spine Chill (my favorite perk not gonna lie)

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Not really because it's just pretty often. And mainly before the last patch where they "fixed" it. The swings just look like they should have bumped into something, especially the barricades on maps like Bedham when it seemingly passes through or over them.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    I forgot to originally mention Clown. It's because he's played so little that whenever I do go against him it's one of those, "wait, how do I go against you again" situations.

  • Member Posts: 597

    May I ask you what your preferred "Stealth/Immersive" build is? I am curious because I play a very similar style as you do, due to my inability to loop or escape killers once caught, I tend to carry myself usually by doing a pretty good job avoiding them all together lol.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Ah, when I played Dead by Daylight then, I used:

    • Decisive Strike (Prevents Tunneling)
    • Iron Will (Allows you to stay quiet and can allow you to juke the killer)
    • Spine Chill (Prevents stealth killers from finding you and if the killer is chasing a teammate, you know if they dropped the chase to come after you)
    • Kindred (Helps my teammates save me when I fail at a chase)
  • Member Posts: 693

    Freddy wrecks me for one simple reason, I am red green colorblind. Really tough to spot his snares unless I'm on ormond.

  • The Ghost Face, The Cannibal and The Pig.

    I hate playing against The Cannibal. People who play as him are so desperate; I hate it.

  • Member Posts: 195


    Hag = insta DC for me or if my friend haS deliverance I’ll purposely get on the hook so they can get it but after that I’m yeet myself out the game. She causes my blood pressure to go up to a boiling point as soon as I see her. I can’t run anywhere. I’m not some urban evasion user. She triggers me more than pig. I have no tolerance for hag.

  • Member Posts: 798
    edited December 2019

    Huntress, you cant really dodge hatchets cause hitbox and she can hit you behind trees, fences and basically anything

  • Member Posts: 2,069
    edited December 2019

    Trapper and Hag... God Damn-it I hate those two! I either have to keep my eyes on the prompts at every single freaking grass patch for Trapper, or crouch to avoid setting off Hag's traps at most crucial loops, and hooked friends. They are so annoying! Still some will say that's what makes them thrilling, the whole "unknown" factor, and while i think they may be on to something there, that doesn't make the experience any more pleasant. That and the sudden jump scare of stepping in a trap or triggering a hag phantom... sigh... I'm not old enough to require diapers again damn-it... why does behavior insist that I should start investing in them?

  • Member Posts: 984

    Hag, because in some situations versing her requires a playstyle I don't enjoy.

    Clown, because the gas wrecks my eyes and I have to spend a few minutes to relax my retinas after versing him in a match

  • Member Posts: 101

    The myerstron

  • Member Posts: 793

    Depends on a lot of variables I don't think any killer is hard to face but given the right circumstances and the right map any Killer can be hard to face, but for the most part map Rng is favored towards survivors. Imagine getting rotten fields vs a Myers, that match is gonna be super easy but now if you get Myers on a map like the game or coal tower it's gonna change drastically. As I said it depends on a lot of factors such as perks add-ons and items that are brought in to the game.

  • Member Posts: 918
    edited December 2019

    It was spirit at one time but honestly since her changes its been easier to fake her out when phasing. Ghostface has become a pain. Most of the ones I encounter camp the first hook and stalk anyone who comes to save. When I'm playing solo my team never catches on, or he crouches in the tall grass, stalks and one hit downs you. Because of GF I have started running spinechill.

  • Member Posts: 520
    edited December 2019

    Spirit cuz its like an easy mode for killers, And Freddy because ######### Freddy.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 101

    How so? I mean I would have thought with the messed up sounds spirit would be difficult to use.

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