The Shape or Ghostface?

I'm deciding what killer I should buy next and I'm deciding between The Shape or Ghostface, or any killer besides The Spirit, Freddy, The Pig I would appreciate yalls feedback.
The shape
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Michael Myers by a longshot.
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Myers (and despite my avatar, I am not a Myers main).
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myers, more fun to play in my opinion
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The Shape all the way. Not to mention when it comes to add-ons. Myers can literally one shot everyone the entire game. Not to mention completely remove player(s) from the game without a single hook.
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I feel like Myers just takes to long to use and his tier 3 doesn't last for every with Ghostface you can quickly expose them any time
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More fun, less stress.
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Imo he's the stronger killer and he also has better teachables
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Myers has more options in gameplay, from Scratched mirror to Tombstone myers. His perks are also all really good, but just require some skill to use.
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Why not both? Personally, I enjoy Ghostface more but they are both good killers.
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Shape. Ghostface is entirely to buggy/inconsistent right now.
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Not really ghostface can easily be countered by good survivors and his reveal mechanic is very wonky
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Ghostface has very good perks (only furtive is meh) while Myers is simply stronger as a killer. Can't count times i downed everyone with one smart T3.
@TheEntitiesNeophyte Corrupt intervention solves early game problem for Myers and Trapper.
Edit: On the other hand Ghostface can pull out some crazy mindgames with his smaller size and no terror radius, but the problem with that is sometimes you mindgame yourself ;).
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Ghostface. Being able to stealth on demand is fun, and his power has more to it than Myers'.
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Ghostface is a better Myers. I love Myers, but you cannot beat having one hit downs so much more often, and having zero terror radius and red light stain throughout the entire match.
My advice is to get all the killers, but if I had to get one it would be Ghost over Myers.
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GHOSTFACE U DUMMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ghostface is arguably stronger but his perks suck. Myers has 3 solid perks and is a solid killer.
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I would say Ghostfaces usually kill me more and faster, but in the end Myers has awesome add-ons and his power can't get cancelled in middle of the open like in Autohaven maps.
Just depends what kind of game you want, too, I suppose. Snowballs or consistent pressure? Potentially buggy but great power or pretty consistent but slow power? Cool add-ons or just efficient killer? Depends.
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They both have their pros and cons, but I'd say Ghostface is better at 1v1 and Myers can 1v X when he has Tier 3.
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both have different playstyles for fun I would def say ghostface but in terms of viability its myers
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Myers any day.
More fun, better perks
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Ghostboy is better, but mayers is more easy.
Gostboy more fun 100%
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If u want a really strong killer go ghostface
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GF is more fun imo. Love the stealth but huge Myers lunges are also fun
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Myers is easily countered by good survivors aswell + his early game is way weaker imo.
Reveal mechanic is wonky as all hell though, true that.
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It's nice to keep speculating, as long as everyone is aware that this thread is over three months old so OP has probably already bought whoever they decided on.
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As I survivor I love playing against Myers. I may not survive but still one of the only killers that I love playing against no matter what the killer does.
I haven't played against a Myers in so long and still haven't seen the new cosmetic in action... One day... 😭
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3 months later, the answer is still Myers, lol.
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Of course. How could it not be? 😉
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Myers way funnier lots of different builds. Try jumpscsre Myers only for that reason he Is a worth Buy.