Legion If you could change one thing what would it be?

My friend used to main Legion and after hearing him complain last night I was curious. If you could change one thing to improve Legion what would it be?
That m1 attacks have not an impact on the frenzy abilitie.
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I'm surprised that even after the last change he's still playable. If I could change anything... Probably stop Feral Frenzy from decreasing while damaging generators/opening lockers or allow to grab survivors during Feral Frenzy.
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This. It wouldn't be much, but really helpful.
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Allow Deep Wounds to give survivors
A. Hindered
B. Legion now mangles you by default if for some reason he hits you twice
And make it so that swinging and missing no longer makes you go into CD.
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Have it so that hitting a basic attack no longer reduces your power gauge by half.
Or at least have it only deplete by like 20%.
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Decrease cooldown to be on par with Billy's chainsaw. I mean Billy can actually instadown people and recovers faster than Legion does. FF should be able to close the distance and potentially block escape routes.
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Hitting survivors with FF makes them broken for 60 seconds and mangled as base kit.
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Adding a whole new status effect exclusively for him.
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The cooldown 100%. The 4 second penalty with terrible addons for lowering it is ridiculous. Not to mention missing an attack is penalizing as hell. Lower CD to 3 seconds and then reduce FF cooldown by .5 seconds for each new survivor hit. This rewards Legion for efficiently using his power, allowing him to injure all and get a potentially quick down to keep up pressure. This also frees up the Cooldown addons for Legion and could allow them to be replaced with something like FF movement speed.
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I'd let them down with their power somehow. Or cut the stun in half.
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Rework them. Make it so they can teleport to lockers and leave Legion clones behind to act as traps and indicators of survivor passage.
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Bring back his synergies with perks like Sloppy and STBFL and LEAVE him in that state.
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I would make Deep Wounds more dangerous.
I would make the bar will always deplete halfway no matter what, making it more of a threat compared to the joke heath state we have right now.
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Either make his cooldown start with fatigue or Remove the basic attack penalty.
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Make it so he is lethal in Feral frenzy.
After hitting 2-3 survivors the next survivor you hit while in feral frenzy will be instantly downed.
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Reduce their cooldown coming out of FF to 3 seconds. That's their main issue right now.
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I don’t play him but if it were up to me... allow him to fly in FF so he can apply pressure better finding survivors (:
If the devs ever did add a flying killer... it’d fit what FF does far better honestly... it’s not a strong effect and there’s time to get away when coming out of it.
Post edited by dont_ask_me_again on0 -
I really like this idea
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There are alot of things that needs to be changed, the biggest problem of Legion is the ability do down survivors, he has none so I would say give Legion a secondary ability to actually down a survivor.
My idea would be you jump with both hands on your knife above you abit forward with a cooldown. Something simiular to demogorgon but still different. It would look like a dead hard, if you miss you get a fatigue stun for 5sec. The hit counts as a "shred" so no perk activation but it injures 1 health state as a normal hit. The jump should go not that long, something like the half range of a jungle gym wall. You cannot control the jump, it goes straight forward but you dont need to charge it up like demogorgon.
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My legion main brother would like speed add ons back.
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His entire power.
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Reduce the stun after Frenzy. It's the most unfun part of Legion's kit. 4 seconds is just too long, come on.