Cool Little Medkit Life Hack

If you're doing some kind of healing build, and you're using Self Care to boost your medkit's efficiency, try Streetwise instead. Self Care boosts medkit efficiency by 20%, while Streetwise boosts medkit efficiency by 25%. This 5% difference could mean anywhere from 2/5th of a charge to 3 charges, which isn't much, but still better than not having it at all.
If you're using Self Care as a backup heal, then it's still perfectly acceptable to use it. Just please don't Self Care against Sloppy Butcher. Thanks <3
Another choice is botany knowledge, gives 33% efficiency and speed up of healing. Then you can also have 33% faster healing on allies without wasting your medkit on them.
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Use a medkit with increased speed Add-ons + we'll make it. Unhook someone and now you can insta-heal survivors by looking at their direction across the map
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We'll make it sadly denies, that the healing boost can go over 100%. :(
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I supposed it would nullify other perks that give bonus % of speed. Does it nullify medkits too?
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Doesn't that just affect We'll Make It's bonus tho? So that bonus cant go over 100%?
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No just every other source of healing boost.
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No the healing bonus does go over 100% it's the we'll make it that can't hit over 100% ,they really need to update the description
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We'll Make It used to be able to collect tokens, but they removed that. The reason why it says it can't go past 100% is to show there are no more tokens, and that it's either on or off. You are fully capable of stacking We'll Make It with Botany Knowledge and Med-Kits and stuff.
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I noticed this as well, but BK is usually pretty commonplace when it comes to healing builds. Streetwise is a bit more unorthodox, which is why I bring it up.