How can we make people realize this a 'team' game?

I know survivors can't help but know this is a team game, but at the same time, many think that they should be able to 1v1 the killer. Which leads to calls for powerful killer perks to be nerfed or survivor perks to be reworked and made more powerful.

This is especially true for solos as the lack of coordination and meaningful communication between teammates is nonexistent.

So how do we stop or at least mitigate selfish play between people who are supposed to be working together?

I have a couple ideas that arent fully fleshed out but i think they would be a start. I know some of these are going to get hateful responses but oh well.

1) In game chat. Yes it is optional. Yes you can mute everyone. Every online game has in game coms. Dont like it mute it. Yes killers would have to be buffed slightly to compensate. Is it lots of work? Yes. Can it be good? Yes.

2) Bloodpoints. This is a team game but we receive bloodpoints for individual actions. And when we are first to go then we get none. People complain about being morid, or tunneled or camped. They DC when they get downed to deny killer points out of spite. But what would happen if we kept the emblem system based on individual contributions, but then received up to double based on what the team did? So you go in. Do 2 gens, rescue a person, heal a person. Get chased for a few seconds. A couple pallet stuns and get hooked. You are probably looking at around 18k-ish blood points for what you did. While you are doing that, the rest of your team completes the generators, opens the exit and 2 of them escape. Now the game tallies all the bloodpoints the entire team collected. Avereges them out and all survivors get that many bonus points at end of game. People who dc still get 0.

Yes there will be the people who hide and do nothing, just like now but ultimately when you get into the higher ranks that should be rarer and rarer.

This would also have the bonus of bringing survivor and killer bloodpoints closer, as people wouldn't have to fight each other for the objectives in order to get bloodpoints.

What do you all think? Am i completely wrong?


  • hematophagy
    hematophagy Member Posts: 105

    I have made plenty of discussions about this yet people say "git gud" or "if you can't handle the killer yourself you're just bad you can't depend on teammates" when I usually get paired with rank 20s And 13s due to red rank teammates bringing in incompetent rank 20s..

  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75

    I really like your ideas! I've been an advocate of in game chat for a while now but the 2nd idea is new to me.

    It isn't a team game though. There's a slight difference between a 4v1 and a 1v1 x4.

    What I mean by this is that, points are given individually, other survivors can choose whether to help me or not, and as Apple2o quoted, the devs don't even think of it as a team game.

    So while your ideas would definitely fix a lot of issues (DC'ing, selfish teammates, SWF vs solo imbalances etc), it also goes against the idea that the devs originally had for the game, and so unless they deviate from that we probably won't see these changes 😭.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    It's not though. You get no reward for the survivor of your fellow survivors. It's everyone for themselves.

    Honestly - I like to make sure my team survives during to the end game, but if they get hooked and there's a door opened, I'm out.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Wherever you go it alone or with someone else your survival is still dependent on others.

    I normally run a lone wolf build when I'm playing survivor which means I typically do things by myself doesn't mean I could get myself off hook if I'm in struggle stage.

    And if I'm being chased I still need to rely on people to do generators or open exit Gates.

    As somebody who plays a lot of Lone Wolf while I primarily focus on myself I still kind of need other people to be alive and not potatoes

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    I mean that's just the description of the game from Steam. I always do lone wolf as well, but bring a key any time I can. Paired with deliverance, that completely separates my performance from my team in most cases.

    It's helpful to have them alive of course, but you won't catch me dying for any of them. The goal of the game is to survive, however you can. I let people die for hatch all the time. But honestly you should be killing yourself anyways if it's down to the last 2 survivors and there's like 4 gens left.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I play solo. And while highest rank I've made is rank 4, I think it would be impossible for me to singlehandedly complete 5 generators and open a door against even a mediocre killer.

    The game isn't set up for a single survivor to complete all the objectives solo. You can do gens and be stealthy, but once you are found if you make a mistake you aren't getting away. Conversely you can run the killer around for 20 minutes but without a team to do gens you aren't escaping.

    By design this game is set up as a team game there's no way around that. That's why coordinated teams have such an advantage over most killers.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    As I stated previously, perk and item combinations can make you bordeline totally independent of your team as a survivor. Deliverance? You don't need anyone to save you from your first real mistake. Key? You won't bat an eye if your entire team is getting slaughtered.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Deliverance means you have to be a team player and rescue someone first. No team, no deliverance. As for keys, i have my own issue with them but yes they get you out regardless of your team. In this game the key is an insurance policy against your teams failure.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    1 safe hook rescue is a relatively trivial task to accomplish in my opinion, as long as you stay relatively immersed at the start of the game (which you should, there is no reason to ever give out a chase to a killer for free). If you combine it with things like spine chill, you should pretty much never be the first one on hook.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    This isn't a team game. You win individually. You may have others that are highly incentivized to help you, but their goal is to ensure they survive, not to ensure you survive.

    Contrast Identity V where the goal as a Survivor is 3 or 4 escapes. There you ARE a team and your goal is in fact to ensure the rest of your team escapes sometimes sacrificing yourself for them.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    I see it like this, if anyone thinks it's not a team game, then let yourself die on first hook. Please. Why should anyone save you if it's not a team game? If it is everyone for themselves, then no one should save you. When you allow people to save you, you are admitting you need a team to live. If people really say it's not a team game, then I'll sit in a corner and you can do ALL FIVE GENS by yourself.

    Point? You need a team to live. You need a team to at least attempt to make it to the end and survive. You need a team to help you because you cannot face the killer and do all the gens by yourself. It is a 4v1, not a 1v1. You cannot survive in a 1v1, the hatch shouldn't even spawn/open for the last person until there's 1 or 2 gens left so if you depend on the hatch at like 3 or more gens left, you don't even deserve it especially with the "It's not a team game" mindset because at that point, you expect everyone to die (if you've done poorly in the match) so you can live.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Dude. Being incentivized to cooperate is not the same as being on a team.

    In any game a group of players count as a team if and only if they have identical win conditions.

    Survivors in DBD each require a different player to Survive in order to win. Specifically themselves. However you still want to unhook people because doing so usually improves your own Survival odds. And when it doesn't I simply won't go for the unhook.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    The hatch is their to prevent the last survivor from hiding for 20 minutes until the killer dcs.

    By saying this isnt a team game, when you have 4 people working together for a common goal, you make the point that swf should he banned. As if its not a team game, why allow teams?

    I play solo. But i know that if i don't help my team, i dont live.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    The whole point of the hatch spawning was to stop the game from being held hostage when it got to a 1v1 situation. In fact, the whole reason for the hatch spawning is because it's not possible for a single survivor to complete the generators and open the door by themselves. Thus reinforcing the while team thing.

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    The key to this is that it's a cooperative game. Meaning- you must choose to cooperate. There are existing incentives and indirect penalties for doing so.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    You get punished for your team being bad because it's a team game...

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The 4 players do NOT have a common goal. My goal is for me to survive and your goal is for you to survive. Your goal is not for me to survive and my goal is not for you to survive

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I've always played it as the objective is to get as many people out of the gate as possible. Sometimes it's not possible but i always try. I find anything else to be selfish. Won't call anyone out on it but that's how i feel

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Having a personal goal is fine but it doesn't change your roles win condition. In fact since it's not your wincon it's truly altruistic to act like that anyway.