"Funny" how many Survivor's are running Urban Evasion now.

Because the Maps are Darker as befor lol.
I play on high ranks as Survivor and as Killer I am rank 10.Why running Urban if you can learn how to loop the Killer? And no not only Claudette's also other Character's
I am on PS4,I don't know if this is on PC too xD
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And still beeing found 😂
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I just like the perk occasionally. However, whenever I run it now I have a fear that someone is going to sandbag me just for having it because that happened once before, got told the "killer deserved their kill" all cuz of UE. Even though in that match specifically it was just a filler perk for the character I was on and barely used it during the round.
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Okay this is bs,hope you reported him. :/
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Why run urban when you can run spine chill, the best stealth perk in the game? I always gotta laugh when I smack some urban evading Claudette with ghostface and their whole immersed build is useless.
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Good old Urblend Evasion.
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Two out of whatever how many Maps are dark. The others are played in Daylight. So yeah, cannot be a coincidence.
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I always run Urban evasion and spine chill, I love them together. Spine chill stays lit for a second I creep behind a rock or tree. If the killer comes my way knowing that someone is in the area I'm able to circle around the obstacle without being found. But I'm sure people will always find a reason to complain about others perk choice.
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I don't complain but it is funny.I mean my matches where 90% UE and funnier is most of them where 3 or 4 Man/Women with it xD but this raise is only because the Maps are Darker than befor lol even MC Millan Maps.
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I'll have to pay closer attention when playing killer tonight. I have noticed it a few times in the past few days when I used to rarely ever see it.
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Yeah but the devs always put a new map bias a while after the release of one, so it'll be what everyone's mostly playing on rn.
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I've always ran Urban Evasion, this new update has nothing to do with my choice in running it.
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I've always ran Urban since I started playing two years ago. I love being stealthy and I hate looping the killer so urban is perfect for me.
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To go along with Spine Chill and complete that "Never Get Hooked" challenge or whatever it's called
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I sometimes use urban evasion. (back then when I main Nea so it was always in perk slot) I use it with a flash light, Sprint burst, iron will, and DS. I use it as a get away build but I say it kinda op on the new oni map of your wearing dark clothes.
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I usually run it with iron will. It's a pretty good combo for losing the killer after a long chase.
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Don’t run that.
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It's helpful in getting into position for a flashlight save without alerting the killer before he picks up. The devs are now requiring one flashlight save, which is one of the most difficult things to do in the game, so people start running Urban more.
Get used to it, because tome level 4 requires 2 in one game.
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Yep they do it on PC too, especially in red ranks. It's frustrating because if you have more then one immersed teammate you're going to lose.
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Hmm. my loadout is Kindred, Iron Will, Unbreakable and Sprint burst. Guess I'm not in the new meta build. I'm on ps4.
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Why do people make these posts complaining about survivor perks - next thing you know that also will be like nerfed your speed will be 25% while Crouch walking at tier instead of 100% .
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Urban evasion is just another way of telling me you can't loop at all and will be an easy down.
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no such thing as stealth in this game
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That's why I run it. I'm terrible at running the killer so I try to avoid them entirely in the first place.
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Quick and Quiet +Dance with Me+Iron Will+ Head On or Lithe
Fun build
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Okay, but terrible Survivors have always been running UE. Nothing new.
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Some people like to go for a stealthy rather than an aggressive playstyle. I just wish the game didn't favour one over the other.
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Than why did you put quotation marks around the word "funny"?
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Only used UE for the spine chill challenge, absolutely hate using it.
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Urban evasion is garbage, if your running that you need to get good, and fyi rank10 is not a low rank.
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I play pretty aggressive and like to be chased so i dont use stealth builds anyway, but id say with them nerfing all usefull survivor perks nobody knows what they want to use anymore lol
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On a side note people need to stop calling being stealthy being immersed. Look up the definition if you're going to use a word. It has nothing to do with stealth. You can be immersed in looping the killer too.
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A lot of perks will counter like. One killer. Urban Evasion renders the hag useless. I only keep it on my Kate. And almost every time I play as Kate. I get a Hag. It’s pretty funny.
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So? You want crouch walking nerfed now too?
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Or...not Just mind your business and let me play the way I wanna play
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Sarcasm ^^
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I love Urban Evasion. I don’t know how I survived without it. It has helped me keep out of a killers LOS for plenty of matches. I love out sneaking Ghostface.
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I would love for it to be removed
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if I have teir 3 UE I have always ran it because like someone else said it's funny to crouch away and avoid being seen but I've done this since the beginning years ago so it has nothing to do with darker maps? I hate Ghostface too... lol
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Considering all the nonsense that is in the new map, and how dark it is, its not really a surprise. Literally you can crouch almost anywhere in Sanctum of Wrath and you'll become almost completely invisible.
I don't run it though. I run Fixated.
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This is not at all a problem on Xbox, maybe it’s just because I’m in red ranks but I haven’t seen an Urban Evasion for a long time
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Engine is broke. What a surprise
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It’s helped me avoid Killers countless times and is just a nice perk to have. It’s especially good on survivors like Claudette who make it harder to be seen. I’ll take Urban + Iron Will anyday over Self Care & Dead Hard.
Playing stealthy is what gets me to rank 1 every Season.
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Wouldn’t you be dead if you’re playing in daylight?
h e l p
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It seems to me that any new map favors the killer at first. I don't know where pallets, windows, totems, or gens spawn yet. I don't run urban nor do I play Claudette but I die a lot on the new map because I have no idea where to run to so I can loop the killer. Can't blame survivors for trying to survive.
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No one worth their salt uses that perk in higher ranks with an effectiveness anywhere near other perks. im a fan of stealth, but there's better ways to get it done.