Meg’s skins are ugly, try to change my mind.

Deathgarden mask looks good because you can't see her face. Checkmate atheist.
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I don't really know the look of the cosmetics to be honest leveled meg to 40 and didnt play her once
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I agree.
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Don’t need to. She ugly and only her perks are worth levelling her up for.
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fortune teller and zoe are also ugly
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Cant really change your mind about something 100% opinion.
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also sporty bob megs are ######### demons don't ever trust them
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Lets not forget her Breathing.
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So you like to have discussions about taste since that is completely subjective and there is no right or wrong, really good.
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The Meg hate up in here o_o
I don't like most of her hairs, though. She also needs more hats.
But that pales in comparison to Kate needing a cowgirl hat.
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True, it's my favorite headpiece for her.
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Meg is ugly in general.
Would be nice if she was quiet too.
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Oh I hate the skins and her face BUT I won’t shut somebody down for disagreeing.
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Her red hair looks like bad box hair dye and her outfits are disgusting. Well mainly the hair is ugly.
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Who’s idea was it the give her dreads?
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I don't find the cosmetics ugly, I find them uninteresting. Oh look, another sports themed cosmetic for Meg, haven't seen that one too many times.
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The fortune teller skin though
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You really hate Meg huh?
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we need more Kate skins
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As someone who plays meg, I really like the free bob cut, white poofy vest, and free sneakers + slightly rolled up jeans. That's the look that got me to swap from David (though how GODDAMN LOUD he is also helped that decision along)
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It's weird that Meg is the only one locked into their stereotype
Feng Min is just a gamer but has more diverse outfits.
Kate is a singer but that's not the only stereotype of outfits she gets.
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She isn't though. Meg does have other outfits.
And what about Dwight whose outfits are constantly pizza-related? Or Nea, whose outfits constantly make her look homeless?
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Found this image in an old topic
After the patch 2.0, Meg gets 10 years older
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Meg cosmetics suck, except for the one that looks like Cahla 😁
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Not as bad as bald Dwight
that ######### just nasty af
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Not enough people mention this. It's the scariest thing in Dead by Daylight.
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Jesus I never looked at a side-by-side comparison. Never mind just how bad they made Meg herself look, let's also look at how close they made her to Quentin in addition to how bad Legacy looks.
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Good lord. Having played the game since soon after release, I always wondered why people thought Meg looked terrible, cause I've always quite liked her design. Now I realise that it was because I had an image of her in my head from before she got goblified.
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I literally went through the exact same thought process when I saw that post.
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did you mean all survivors faces are ugly?
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Leave my meg alone :( I like the new “ultra rare” skins they came out with. Before that, I was using her workout tank top with her workout booty shorts. Her blond hair is the only head that looks good, I’ll admit 🤣
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I personally don't think it's her cosmetics, she is literally just ugly. I used to main Meg but that girls ugly face made me quit her.
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Guys? That fool just said Meg is ugly. Guys? GUYS?
The megknights are on their way!
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Yikes that looks bad. Why did they do that.
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I heard that they can not Optimize graphic, so they drop the quality.
Idk, I just play this game since Feb 2018.
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You got something against red heads? >:/
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I must be the only player who thinks meg is pretty. I like her regular braids. I agree the clothes available aren't great, she deserves more pretty/casual outfits that aren't grimy or gross-looking.
Her hairstyles are pretty meh and I think she deserves more braid styles.
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The skins aren't ugly, they are just the same thing over and over and over again. All her skins are athlete based and it's so boring.
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I like Meg, but her skins are usually not appealing to me. I wish she had some more feminine skins like Kate, instead of just sport based ones.
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Can't change the mind of someone I agree with!
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Dwight mechanic outfit.
Nea is just mainly stuck in the rebel stereotype
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Bc the entity is wearing her ass out, doing all the work just to die
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Dear lord Msg. What did they do to you.
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Meg is the worst survivor by far don't @ me
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meg is qt she just needs better cosmetics
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You have to combine her good pieces. Than she can look ficking amazing. But I think the outfit with the bag looks super cute.
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Dwight has a variety of outfits that are not pizza delivery themed. Date night outfits, mechanic cosmetic, hallowed blight etc.
Soon we are going to have Dwelf 😊
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Almost all her cosmetics are just S P O R T