Why did the Dev's make the noise reduction from Balanced Landing not trigger while Exhausted?

When I heard the Dev's were going to make the reduced stagger duration not trigger while Exhausted, that was a huge sigh of relief. And when I heard that they would be releasing Balance Landing passive with a noise reduction also sounded good, except that's not what has happened. I understand that Balanced Landing mostly exists for the Haste gain, and you need the reduced stagger duration for the Haste to work well, so making the no noise from falling sounded like a good switch passive instead of the reduced stagger, so why is it not a passive part of Balanced Landing? Just seems weird to have it not work while Exhausted since it's definitely not needed for the Haste affect to work.
Best Answer
It is a buff to the perk to compensate for the lack of a constant passive ability.
It also opens up new avenues for stealthier play to break into a sprint without the killer even knowing you're there yet.
The goal was to bring it into line with other exhaustion perks by removing the constant passive effect, (along with un-breaking a tonne of maps) so what possible reason would there be to give it a NEW constant passive that no other exhaustion perk has?
They already do their job as one-off chase extenders, they don't need an additional effect at all times as well.
Well personality I wish Exhausted just prevented Haste from triggering, and I personally don't care if different Haste perks have passives. Like I wish Lithe made Haste duration gauges pause while falling.
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That's more of a fix to the issue of 2nd storey vaults not working with Lithe at all, it's still something that would only trigger with the sprint effect once.
The issue is that ANY exhaustion perk is already a significant perk that extends chases. None of them need passive effects as well to basically double the value of the perk. It'd be like if Nurse's Calling and Sloppy Butcher were merged into one perk. Dealing with 4 exhaustion perks on a team is enough without them also affecting the game outside of their initial sprints.
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I'm not saying every Haste perk needs a passive, but Lithe could use it, Balanced Landing clearly needed the reduced stagger, but it doesn't need the reduced noise caused by falls. That's fine that it doesn't, but ideally if Exhausted just cause Haste not to trigger, than I could see the reduced noise just being a passive.