One Thing I'd Change About The Doctor

The Doctor is one of the oldest killers in Dead by Daylight, being one of the first DLCs (kind of). So it's a no- brainer his power would be re-worked.
What a lot of people don't know is that the upcoming changes aren't going to be the he'll get. Way, way, WAY back the devs asked us "Do you want a Wraith or Doctor rework?" and for some reason we said doctor! (keep in mind this was when Wraith was still super bad).
Though even with the changes The Doctor got then isn't enough to keep him strong now. Not to mention the only add-ons doctors would/ and still run is Iridescent King and High Stimulus Electrode.
The Doctor really doesn't need two different modes. He should really have Treatment AND Punishment mode merged together. This would make it so that he can zap people while also having his weapon out threateningly.
His add-ons need more variety too, like Nurse! Also, I'm not trying to make Freddy 2.0 here, but his illusionary pallets should work like Dream Pallets only with a few tweaks:
Instead of exploding in blood when it's dropped, it should be zapped into thin air. He should ALSO only be allowed to place illusionary pallets when 1 or more survivors are at Madness tier 3. Or something like that, I dunno. I'm not a dev.
I'm not sure how everything else would be champed, but I hope his new rework will be good.
From the "accidentally shown to everyone on the live build" details, it looks as though he is losing the form swap, which I agree is a great change. It's stupid that he has to be a 110 killer to build up his minimal stalling which wastes more time for him with all the potential hits he could have had otherwise.
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Yeah, if they're taking away the speed penalty/form swap from Treatment Mode, that alone will be a big help for him. He'd no longer have to choose between stalling objective completion and hitting survivors, and it wouldn't be quite so awkward to use Shock Therapy in a chase.
I can't tell you how many times I've shocked a survivor, only for the debuff to wear off before I can close the distance and get a hit, because I have to go through the whole process of switching to Treatment, casting Shock Therapy, then switching back to Punishment before I can actually land a hit. The movespeed slow really makes things difficult in a chase.
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His addons have plenty of versatility already
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They're apparently going to do some work on him, I saw Paulies video about him
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They really don't though. Nearly every one accomplishes the same thing in different ways, it's all just annoyance/confusion/tracking.
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Where are you getting that every Doctor uses Iridescent King and High Stimulus Electrode? You must not play a lot of Docs if that’s all you see. I know quite a bit of people (including myself) use Moldy Electrode for anti-loop purposes (even though the stun doesn’t always work, hopefully that’s addressed with his update). There’s also people running the impossible skill check or the Dr. Silent build.
As for the removal of mode switching, it looks like that’s going to happen. Hopefully he can use the Static Blast while running at full speed. Slowing him down while using it would be an unnecessary weakness.
His add-ons are fine. I’m not really a fan of Nurse’s BP and status effect add-ons. His pallets should definitely work like Freddy’s and they should become a part of his base kit. The Order series add-ons’ new effect should make the illusions perform various Killer actions like breaking pallets, opening lockers, and fake injuring the Survivor.
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I didn't get that either. I used to main doctor, I've got him to lvl 40, and I also use the "calm" add-ons all the time. I rarely even run king because I think it's kind of boring, and like to see how well I can do by utilizing static field as WELL as the shocks.
I think the illusory pallets are fine as they are, there's absolutely no need to add another chore the player has to do by manually adding pallets like Freddy. Also allowing survivors to drop them just adds even more utility to an already strong ability. Just the fact that they're there can give a survivor that sense of security making them comfortable to take a loop they don't know is unsafe. It'd be too similar to Freddy.
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We all know they're going to do something ridiculous like force doc to stand still for 3 seconds to use static blast lol
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I love using Iridescent King to overwhelm the Survivors with afflictions. It's really fun.
I didn't and should have explained this, but my idea wasn't going to have Doctor set the pallets himself. They would function exactly like the Very Rare version of the Order add-on (spawn at an unlimited range every 20 seconds). If they happen to spawn standing up, then the Survivor could drop them. It would be similar to Freddy (I really, really like the idea of fake pallets), but not exactly the same thing. Plus base Doctor really needs some buffs. He doesn't have any good afflictions at base. All he's got is a really short shock, randomly placed skill checks (decent Survivors aren't affected by these that much) and illusions that he can't see.
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He just needs more of his current addon effects into his base kit and his shock needs to be much more reliable for countering looping, that's all.
Adding fake windows into the mix as well would be pretty nice.
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Doctor has some really cool cosmetics. Would be nice to have a reason to play him (over other killers).