Some killers need a run button

The pig, the trapper, the hag, the doctor, the clown(though this may make him extra wheezy), the cannibal, and more need more speed. A simple burst of speed at one or two moments in the match would be perfect. Kind of like how spirit fury has maybe one or two moments in every match.
Survivors are optimized for fast, efficient play due the all the map pressure killers that have been released. Snowballing is not an issue to them they are used to it. So no map pressure is a major killer to more and more killer games.
You could put this ability in a add on to each killer or easily put it on a perk which may overpower some other killers. But I highly recommend it in the base kits. In my opinion, this is a much needed quality of life improvement.
Dbd update: these killers can now run
Legion: are we a joke to you?
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Three of the killers you mentioned are best at mid to late game. They give up early game pressure for strong mid and late game pressure. The doctor is already getting his changes soon and the clown and bubba are probs getting them in the near future, especially bubba. Not all killers need insane mobility to get map pressure.
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Wrong. Every new killer needs either a 1 shot or insane mobility, or both.
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These are the only counters to extreme gen speeds, so...yeah.
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You forgot chase potential or slowdown. pig has slowdown, trapper has insane chase POTENTIAL( I caps it cause its his potential thats crazy) and hag already has map pressure with insane chases. These killers start off weak but get stronger the longer the game goes. Not every killer needs insta downs or super fast speeds. Freddy has decent mobility but he is crazy good at chases and slowing the game down. Wraith has insane mobility but he can't use it for anything in a chase.
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This idea isn't terrible but it can't be faster than the sprinting perks because the killer can just use theirs when the survivor does making them pretty much useless
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*Laughs/cries in Legion*